Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 22:59:21 +0100 (CET) From: Thierry Thomas <> To: Subject: ports/46620: New port: www/tidy-devel (latest version of Tidy). Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 46620 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New port: www/tidy-devel (latest version of Tidy). >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-ports >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Sun Dec 29 14:00:17 PST 2002 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Thierry Thomas >Release: FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE i386 >Organization: Kabbale Eros >Environment: System: FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Sun Dec 29 12:46:07 CET 2002 i386 >Description: This is the latest version of Tidy. Remark: this PR supersedes PR ports/40782 and PR ports/39678. >How-To-Repeat: N/A. >Fix: Execute the following shar file: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # www/tidy-devel # www/tidy-devel/Makefile # www/tidy-devel/pkg-comment # www/tidy-devel/pkg-descr # www/tidy-devel/pkg-plist # www/tidy-devel/files # www/tidy-devel/files/patch-Makefile # www/tidy-devel/files/patch-include_platform.h # www/tidy-devel/distinfo # echo c - www/tidy-devel mkdir -p www/tidy-devel > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - www/tidy-devel/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/Makefile << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: tidy X# Date created: 22 Jun 2002 X# Whom: Thierry Thomas <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= tidy XPORTVERSION= 021227 XCATEGORIES= www XMASTER_SITES= \ X XMASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= . old XPKGNAMESUFFIX= -devel XDISTNAME= tidy_src XEXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz XDISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}_${PORTVERSION}${EXTRACT_SUFX} X XMAINTAINER= X XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME} X XUSE_GMAKE= yes X XBUILD_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/libtool:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libtool X X#MAN1= tidy.1 X X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) XDOCVER= 021222 XDISTFILES+= tidy_docs_${DOCVER}${EXTRACT_SUFX} XDOCFILES= Overview.html faq.html grid.gif pending.html \ X quickref.html release-notes.html tidy.css tidy.gif XAPIEXT= css html js png X.endif X XBIN2STRIP= tidy tab2space X Xpre-install: X @if [ -f ${LOCALBASE}/bin/tidy ]; then \ X ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ X ${ECHO_MSG} "Conflict: please deinstall the port bin/tidy." ; \ X ${ECHO_MSG} "" ; \ X ${FALSE} ; \ X fi X Xpost-install: X.for pgm in ${BIN2STRIP} X @${STRIP_CMD} ${PREFIX}/bin/${pgm} X.endfor X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Installing documentation for ${PKGNAME}" X @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X.for docfile in ${DOCFILES} X @${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/htmldoc/${docfile} ${DOCSDIR} X.endfor X @${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/api X.for ext in ${APIEXT} X @${CP} -p ${WRKSRC}/htmldoc/api/*.${ext} ${DOCSDIR}/api X.endfor X @${CHOWN} -R ${MANOWN}:${MANGRP} ${DOCSDIR}/api X @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Documentation installed in ${DOCSDIR}." X.endif X X.include <> END-of-www/tidy-devel/Makefile echo x - www/tidy-devel/pkg-comment sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/pkg-comment << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-comment' XHTML parser and pretty printer END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-comment echo x - www/tidy-devel/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/pkg-descr << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-descr' XWhen editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if Xthere was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up Xsloppy editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is thanks Xto Hewlett Packard's Dave Raggett. HTML TIDY is a free utility for Xdoing just that. It also works great on the attrociously hard to read Xmarkup generated by specialized HTML editors and conversion tools, and Xcan help you identify where you need to pay further attention on Xmaking your pages more accessible to people with disabilities. X XTidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your Xattention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is Xlisted with the line number and column so that you can see where the Xproblem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version Xwhen there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These Xare logged as "errors" rather than "warnings". X XWWW: END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-descr echo x - www/tidy-devel/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/pkg-plist << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-plist' X@comment $FreeBSD$ Xbin/tab2space Xbin/tidy Xinclude/tidy/buffio.h Xinclude/tidy/fileio.h Xinclude/tidy/platform.h Xinclude/tidy/tidy.h Xinclude/tidy/tidyenum.h Xlib/libtidy.a X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/Overview.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/faq.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/grid.gif X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/pending.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/quickref.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/release-notes.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/tidy.css X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/tidy.gif X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/annotated.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/buffio_8h-source.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/buffio_8h.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/doxygen.css X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/doxygen.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/fileio_8h-source.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/fileio_8h.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/files.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2blank.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2doc.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2folderclosed.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2folderopen.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2lastnode.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2link.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2mlastnode.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2mnode.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2node.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2plastnode.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2pnode.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/ftv2vertline.png X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/functions.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/globals.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__AttrGet.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Attribute.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Basic.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Clean.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Configuration.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__IO.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Memory.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__NodeAsk.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Opaque.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Parse.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Save.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/group__Tree.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/index.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/main.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/modules.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/structTidyAttr.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/structTidyDoc.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/structTidyNode.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/structTidyOption.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/struct__TidyBuffer.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/struct__TidyInputSource.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/struct__TidyOutputSink.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tidy_8h-source.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tidy_8h.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tidyenum_8h-source.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tidyenum_8h.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tree.html X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/tree.js X%%PORTDOCS%%share/doc/tidy/api/treeview.js X@dirrm include/tidy X%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm share/doc/tidy/api X%%PORTDOCS%%@dirrm share/doc/tidy END-of-www/tidy-devel/pkg-plist echo c - www/tidy-devel/files mkdir -p www/tidy-devel/files > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - www/tidy-devel/files/patch-Makefile sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/files/patch-Makefile << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/files/patch-Makefile' X--- Makefile.orig Sat Dec 14 08:57:02 2002 X+++ Makefile Sun Dec 29 22:35:20 2002 X@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ X SHELL=/bin/sh X X # Installation variables. Spaces OK, only dir create and file copy operations. X-runinst_prefix=/usr X-devinst_prefix=/usr X+runinst_prefix=${PREFIX} X+devinst_prefix=${PREFIX} X X bininst = ${runinst_prefix}/bin X libinst = ${devinst_prefix}/lib X-incinst = ${devinst_prefix}/include X+incinst = ${devinst_prefix}/include/tidy X maninst = ${devinst_prefix}/man X X # Internal variables. - No spaces allowed: libtool chokes on spaces in directory names. X@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@ X BINDIR = ${TOPDIR}/bin X X # CFLAGS etc.. X-CC= gcc X-CFLAGS= -Wall -Wno-switch -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused -I $(INCDIR) X+#CC= gcc X+#CFLAGS= -Wall -Wno-switch -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused -I $(INCDIR) X+CFLAGS+= -I $(INCDIR) X X # OTHERCFLAGS= -DSUPPORT_ACCESSIBILITY_CHECKS=1 -DSUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS=1 -DSUPPORT_ASIAN_ENCODINGS=1 X ifdef SUPPORT_UTF16_ENCODINGS END-of-www/tidy-devel/files/patch-Makefile echo x - www/tidy-devel/files/patch-include_platform.h sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/files/patch-include_platform.h << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/files/patch-include_platform.h' X--- ./include/platform.h.orig Mon Jul 8 08:50:02 2002 X+++ ./include/platform.h Sat Jul 27 10:55:37 2002 X@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ X variable is not set. Contributed by Todd Lewis. X */ X X-/* #define SUPPORT_GETPWNAM */ X+#define SUPPORT_GETPWNAM X X /* Enable/disable support for Big5 and Shift_JIS character encodings */ X #ifndef SUPPORT_ASIAN_ENCODINGS END-of-www/tidy-devel/files/patch-include_platform.h echo x - www/tidy-devel/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >www/tidy-devel/distinfo << 'END-of-www/tidy-devel/distinfo' XMD5 (tidy_src_021227.tgz) = f79a271d832450bd0ec67c5a8b2d02f4 XMD5 (tidy_docs_021222.tgz) = 515f04f80b3a6e18d4d094bcca0ed155 END-of-www/tidy-devel/distinfo exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message
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