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Date:      Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:45:37 +1300
From:      Sebastian W <>
Subject:   =?windows-1252?q?Re=3A_The_=93Military=2C_Industrial_Complex=94_?= =?windows-1252?q?is_no_more_--_The_Hidden_Massive_Racial_Discrimin?= =?windows-1252?q?ation_in_America_against_Whites?=
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2009/1/30 Lawrence Auster <>:
> The "Military, Industrial Complex" is no more. Today it is the Political,=
 Financial and Media =97 Zionist Complex!
> 1/28/2009
> An short essay by Dr. David Duke
> The "Military-Industrial complex" really has no relevance to the real hol=
ders of global power today.
> America is the most powerful military and economic nation on earth. The p=
owers that control the levers of political power in America possess the gre=
atest power the world has ever seen.
> Who really has power over the government today? Is it the fabled "Militar=
y, Industrial Complex"?
> An effective gauge of direct political power in America is "to discover w=
ho provided the pivotal amounts of the billion-dollar recent campaigns for =
U.S. President. You can look directly at campaign contributions for every c=
andidate from the Federal Election Commission in order to find out who hold=
s the real power in politics.
> So, who holds the real power over the American political establishment?
> Let's first look at who does not hold much power over the establishment.
> 1) It is not the military. There is not any organized military monetary i=
nfluence or even significant political influence of the military over the p=
oliticians. In fact, no one in military positions of authority are allowed =
to openly get involved in politics. No active sergeant, lieutenant, or Gene=
ral can send out a directive to the men under him to support or oppose a pa=
rticular candidate (the one exception I know to that was when the Louisiana=
 commanding general of the National Guard, under Jewish influence, sent a l=
etter to all national guardsmen telling them that it was their "patriotic d=
uty" to vote against David Duke and for the Liberal corrupt former Governor=
, Edwin Edwards. Even that caused a scandal in military circles, as it shou=
ld have.
> 2) It is NOT major manufacturing or even the huge oil companies. There wa=
s not one oil company and only a couple of legitimate manufacturing or indu=
strial concerns on Obama and McCain's top twenty contributor list. The list=
 was completely dominated by Zionist international banking firms. If one co=
mbines every defense contractor's contributions the money they give in poli=
tics is minuscule compared to Zionist international banks. They don't even =
come close to the power in lobbying that AIPAC and a couple of dozen more J=
ewish extremist organizations have. Jewish lobbyists literally get almost u=
nanimous support in Congress for outrageous giveaways to Israel, a nation t=
hat has committed terrorism against us and killed or maimed scores of Ameri=
cans. I am not talking about contracts here, I am speaking about giving awa=
y billions of dollars to a foreign nation.
> So, so much for the media-popularized term, the military-industrial compl=
> In direct political money and lobbying then, Zionists are the undisputed =
masters of the American political establishment. In addition to their contr=
ol through the use of money as an inducement or a threat, they have tens of=
 thousands of Jewish extremists scattered throughout the entire bureaucracy=
 who are very conscious of supporting their brethren and supporting the org=
anized Jewish agenda. They also are ready to act against any Gentile who da=
res to go against Israel or the Jewish agenda.
> How will a Jewish federal judge rule in a huge litigation issue between J=
ewish and non-Jewish parties? Why was the biggest robber in the history of =
the world, Bernie Madoff who stole over 50 billion dollars and who ruined t=
ens of thousands of families, only charged with one criminal count, and all=
owed to stay in his luxury apartment to await trial?
> Is there an organized Jewish agenda? Absolutely. In fact, the leading and=
 most powerful Jewish groups have a supra-organization called the Council o=
f Presidents (composed of the most powerful 5 dozen Jewish organizations in=
 America). They issue detailed positions not just on Mideast policy but on =
many other issues that have nothing to do with Israel, aspects of domestic =
policy including issues such as opening America's borders. They even assume=
 positions on issues that you wouldn't even think would have unanimity amon=
g Jews, such as abortion rights. Their job is to make sure that Jewish powe=
r is absolutely united on what they decide are their common agendas.
> Next, we must talk about one of the most influential parts of the America=
n political process, the mass media. The media, such as the NY Times and th=
e Washington Post (the newspaper read by every member of America's governme=
nt and bureaucracy in Washington).
> The Washington Post can determine even what issues Congress will discuss =
and it greatly affects the publicity for or against those issues. Broadcast=
 and cable television also have an enormous impact, and we can include movi=
es, books, magazines and the newspaper chains that reach down into almost e=
very American community. As my chapters in Jewish Supremacism on "Jewish Me=
dia Supremacy" document, the ownership, depth and breadth of Jewish influen=
ce in the media is simply breathtaking.
> In media, whether you speak of owners, administrators, managers, editors,=
 producers, writers, correspondents, pundits and reporters, there is an arm=
y of Jews who are animated by the Holocaust and the issues of the organized=
 Jewish community. If you haven't yet read them, you simply must see the ev=
idence on the Jewish supremacy in media I have compiled in my books Jewish =
Supremacism and My Awakening.
> The other great seat of establishment power is simply money, huge sums of=
 money and the willingness to use those funds on behalf of an agenda. The b=
iggest concentrations of wealth in the world today are in the Zionist inter=
national banks, and in financial groups that the Jews completely control su=
ch as the Federal Reserve Corporation, the same forces that have led us to =
the doorstep of a great depression. It is no accident that Alan Greenspan a=
nd Ben Shalom Bernanke are the last two of the Federal Reserve czars.
> Even in days of World War I, an immensely rich, Jewish international bank=
er, Jacob Schiff, voiced pride in the fact that he was instrumental in weak=
ening Czarist Russia (the government that Jews universally hated), and that=
 he supported Russia's enemies so as to make Russia ripe for communist over=
throw (Jewish groups brag of his help to Japan in the Russo-Japanese War so=
 as to hurt the Russian government). Schiff also gave millions of dollars t=
o directly finance the Jews who led and organized the Russian revolution an=
d the Bolshevik terror in Russia. There is no disputing of these facts. Ple=
nty of Jewish history books detail all of it.
> So, frankly, financial power in the control of people who will use it for=
 an agenda is also a key ingredient of real power. Again, the financial pow=
er in the hands of modern day Jacob Schiff's, is an incredibly powerful wea=
> So forget about the "Military-Industrial Complex." That is passe.
> In today's world it makes more sense to speak about the "Political, Finan=
cial and Media Zionist complex." That is the real core of power that bends =
everything whether it be local laws, or giant corporations, to its will. Ev=
en if one of the world's richest firms, such as Microsoft (which is now by =
the way run by a Jewish extremist), would buck the political, financial, an=
d media Zionist complex, it would be broken by government fiat, the Jewish-=
influenced courts (such as anti-trust actions), and by vicious attacks by t=
he Jewish-influenced media. Microsoft would either be dismembered or destro=
> Such are the realities of the modern world.
> There is no longer a "military industrial complex," but there is a Politi=
cal and media and financial Zionist complex that rules us and aims to contr=
ol the whole world.
> No single part of this behemoth can be defeated, because it can use its o=
ther assets to defend the section under attack. It can only be brought down=
 by concentrating all our political and ideological fire right on the core =
the problem, International Zionism and its driving impetus: Jewish Supremac=
> =97Dr. David Duke
> Source :
> ----
> The Hidden Massive Racial Discrimination in America against Whites
> 1/29/2009
> The main argument for affirmative action is that institutions should refl=
ect racial percentages of population, if not there must be de facto racial =
discrimination. Here is the breakdown of students by race at America's prem=
ier university, Obama's alma mater, Harvard. Even though non-Jewish White A=
mericans are almost 70 percent of the population and on average score much =
higher on entrance exams, they are only about 22 percent of the Harvard stu=
dent body. So what race is really the victim of racial discrimination? For =
those who are truly dedicated to stopping racial discrimination, what are y=
ou going to do about this massive discrimination, or does it not matter to =
you because White people happen to be the victims?
> The hidden, massive racial discrimination that goes on in America against=
 White people!
> A U.S. Government study offers proof that European Americans face massive=
 institutional racial discrimination that affects millions of the most tale=
nted and educated of our people
> Introduction by Dr. David Duke =96 As most of you know, the term "white s=
upremacist" has become literally a prefix of my name when I am in the news.=
 It is the media's way to condition readers not to pay attention to what I =
say because I am a "white supremacist." The truth is I am not a White supre=
macist, and I seek no supremacy or control over any people, but I do demand=
 that the rights of people of European descent to be respected as much as a=
ny other people's rights.
> The fact is that in the United States of America, Canada, the UK in many =
areas of Europe Whites face a powerful state-sanctioned, and often mandated=
, racial discrimination against White people who are better-qualified than =
their non-White counterparts. It may be surprising to some reading this, bu=
t millions of discriminated against Whites are often poorer and who face mo=
re difficult social situations than many of their non-White counterparts wh=
o are being given preference over them.
> It also affects the most talented of our people.  Many Whites are under t=
he mistaken impression that the White victims of racial discrimination are =
mostly from the low income and low IQ sectors of the population. Nothing co=
uld be further from the truth. In actuality, the percentages of Whites who =
are victims of racial discrimination are much higher in the sectors of the =
White population with the highest intelligence and greatest abilities. The =
facts are shocking, but true.
> Most people know that most universities have programs of admittance that =
give less-qualified minorities preference over better-qualified Whites. Alm=
ost all of the Fortune 500 largest corporations have affirmative action and=
 diversity programs that discriminate against White people, both male and f=
emale, in hiring. They also have programs of discrimination that favor non-=
Whites in promotions and advancement. This is true in the academic area as =
well. You can look at almost any academic department of any American univer=
sity and you will see in place a strong racial bias for "minorities" in pre=
face over Whites in hiring and advancement. Whether you are talking about a=
 university History, English or Math department in almost any university th=
ese policies are in place and powerful. These racial discriminatory policie=
s are real, and they can be easily proven to exist. But, now we thanks to a=
 government study, there is even a more powerful way to show their real imp=
act on tens of mi
>  llions of White Americans.
> The brilliant economist and author whose pen name is Yggdrasil has compil=
ed the data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) 1979, whi=
ch was a massive study conducted by the Department of Labor to track the li=
ves of 155,000 Americans by race, IQ, income, education and other factors t=
o see how remedial efforts for minorities were doing.
> It was done after the installation of so called "affirmative action" prog=
rams which gave preference to non-White groups over whites. The NLSY study =
is meant to follow this huge sampling for their entire lives to see how div=
ersity is working out for America. The data is from this ongoing study is t=
angible proof of the horrendous level of racial discrimination going on aga=
inst White people. I will link you to Yggdrasil's fine paper in a moment, b=
ut let me first give you a couple of snippets from his work that proves the=
 existence of massive racial discrimination going on against our people.
> Here is a chart showing the ethnic breakdown of the most prestigious univ=
ersity in the United States of America: Harvard. America's premier universi=
ty is extremely expensive (unless you receive special grants and scholarshi=
ps) and a degree from it just about guarantees its graduates the best paid =
and prestigious jobs America has to offer.
> Affirmative action advocates have long said the companies or institutions=
 that don't reflect the actual racial population percentages are de facto r=
acist and discriminatory. So what is the situation at Harvard, non-Jewish W=
hites who are about 70 pecent of the American population are only about 22 =
percent of the Harvard student body.
> One should first consider the fact that Whites are represented in the top=
 two percentile level on college admission tests on an average that is a 5 =
times higher rate than non-White groups. If one then factors in the fact th=
at Whites are also 70 percent of the population, there should be at least 2=
5 times more Whites who would be better qualified than the non-White studen=
ts currently at Harvard. But even though these Whites are the best and brig=
htest America has to offer they are limited to only 20 percent of Harvard s=
tudents! Such is nothing more than blatant, racial discrimination. Another =
interesting fact one can gleam from this chart and many in the NLSY studies=
 that Jewish over-representation is not based simply on the fact that Jews =
have a high intelligence, they often do twice as well as their intelligence=
 bracket would indicate. Such would suggest the intra-tribal support system=
 for group cohesion and advancements aids their success rate.
> The NLSY data also shows how incomes today in the USA correlate with race=
 and intelligence. Let's take a look NLSY tracking studies of intelligent W=
hite women, these are White women in the 90 to 97 percent IQ bracket as com=
pared to Black women in that same high 90 to 97 percent IQ bracket. The ave=
rage Black females of that IQ level earned an average of approximately $54,=
000 per year through 1996, whereas White females on the same IQ level earne=
d only half of that amount, about $28,000 per year through 1996.
> When White women in the same intelligent bracket of Black women earn half=
 of the average amount that the Black women do, that's real racial discrimi=
> I am not referring here to a few White women who are at least equally qua=
lified but getting half the salary that Black women do, I am talking about =
the average White women in America! The NLSY is a big enough sample that re=
flects the whole nation. In fact it is meant to. The average White woman of=
 high intelligence earns one-half of what Black women do of the same intell=
> I obviously don't like this racial discrimination against our people. Nei=
ther does the economist Yggdrasil. We advocate that the best person regardl=
ess of race gets whatever college admission or job or promotion their abili=
ties dictate. We have no fear of how well our people will do on a fair play=
ing field. Because we stand for true civil rights, human rights in the matt=
er, we are called racists, and the real capper: "white supremacists."
> There are many people in America and around the world who are ignorant of=
 the facts of anti-White racial discrimination. The media acts like it does=
n't exist. Even after the election of an affirmative action African-America=
n President, America is still painted as an anti-Black racist country. The =
truth is that European Americans are facing racial discrimination in the ve=
ry institutions and nation that our forefathers created. Our movement is tr=
uly a liberation movement like any other in the world that strives for a pe=
ople to free and live in society of our own values rather than oppressive s=
ociety imposed upon us.
> We are not racists or supremacists trying to deny the rights of others.
> We are human rights activists defending our people's rights and heritage.
> =96Dr. David Duke
>  Source & Charts :
> -----
> Obama's Mideast Jewish Wet Dream Team
> George Mitchell is the new American envoy now in the Mideast. Who is Mitc=
hell and who are the key players in Obama's Mideast policy team?
> First, let's examine the major players on the Obama foreign policy team. =
Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times on January 11, 2009 wrote some th=
ings that if he were a Gentile would have earned him some attacks as an "an=
ti-Semite." He pointed out the incredible top-heavy pro-Zionist content of =
the team which is supposed to broker a fair and just peace in the Mideast. =
In discussing the team he identified them with these words:
> They include Dennis Ross (the veteran Clinton administration Mideast peac=
e envoy who may now extend his brief to Iran)  [a long-time Jewish Zionist]=
; James Steinberg [Jewish Zionist] (as deputy secretary of state) ; Dan Kur=
tzer [Jewish Zionist] (the former U.S. ambassador to Israel); Dan Shapiro [=
Jewish Zionist] (a longtime aide to Obama); and Martin Indyk [Jewish Zionis=
t] another former ambassador to Israel who is close to the incoming secreta=
ry of state, Hillary Clinton.)
> Now, I have nothing against smart, driven, liberal, Jewish (or half-Jewis=
h) males; I've looked in the mirror. I know or have talked to all these guy=
s, except Shapiro. They're knowledgeable, broad-minded and determined. Stil=
l, on the diversity front they fall short. On the change-you-can-believe-in=
 front, they also leave something to be desired.
> Cohen did not even mention that the two closest advisers to Obama, the gu=
ys that filter almost everything that Obama see and hears and makes the day=
 to day decisions of running the oval office. They are David Axelrod and Ra=
hm Emmanuel, two long time dedicated Jewish extremists. Emmanuel, son of an=
 Irgun terrorist and named after another Irgun terrorist, even fought in th=
e Israeli Army.
> Now we come to the new envoy to the Mideast, George Mitchell of Maine, th=
e man who is supposed to be a broadminded and just arbitrator between Israe=
l and the Palestinians. The Jewish-influenced has made a big point of Mitch=
ell's Lebanese ancestry. What the Zionist media doesn't tell you is that he=
 has been completely under the control of AIPAC and radical Zionists for ye=
> As Senate Majority Leader he rammed through everything Israel wanted. He =
even supported the Senate resolution that gave Israel unconditional support=
 during the Zionist massacre of thousands of Gaza civilians. In fact, origi=
nally an appointee to the Senate, Mitchell owes his entire Senate career on=
 the massive support given him in 1982 and since by AIPAC and 27 other Jewi=
sh extremist controlled political action committees that AIPAC arranged. AI=
PAC's Tom Dine summarized AIPAC's success in Mitchell's election by saying =
that "American Jews are thus able to form our own foreign policy agenda."
> Of course, Dine spoke the complete and unvarnished truth. American and Is=
raeli extremist Jews do indeed control the foreign policy of the United Sta=
tes. Such control has long gone on in concert with past U.S. Presidents and=
 it goes on today with Obama. Only difference is that today there is a grea=
ter danger because many in America and around the world falsely believe tha=
t Obama represents change. With the incredible respect and adulation given =
to Obama, he is in a much better position to support the Zionist war agenda=
 and ultimately do far more harm than a discredited George Bush.
> Hold on to your hats, America. I predict Obama will usher in war and conf=
lagration that will make George Bush's presidency seem mild in comparison. =
He has already announced a doubling of American troops in Afghanistan. Can =
a catastrophic war with Iran be far behind? Jewish extremists want this war=
 and Obama is completely under their control!
> =96 Dr. David Duke
> Source :
> -------------------------------------
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