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Date:      Sat, 15 Oct 2022 09:03:24 +0200
From:      Milan Obuch <>
Subject:   Bug in bugzilla? (sic)
Message-ID:  <>

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recently I am working on some PR. Submitting new PR went well.
Submitting patch for this PR went well. Adding my address to CC list,
OK. Now I am commenting maintainer's comment using 'reply' link next to
'Comment #' header. After submitting my comment, page is reloaded,
noticing on top 'Changes submitted for bug #' and 'Email sent to:'...
everyone in CC list but me.

Why? I am getting mails with maintainer's comment, committer actions,
etc. but not my own comments. Why? I see no check box to request mail
back my comments, only 'CC List', where my address is present, and
'Ignore Bug Mail' checkbox, not checked.

Did I not see something? Any hints? It is not something really
catastrophic, but my mail archive is not complete this way, and I see
no way to fix this.


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