From owner-freebsd-hackers  Mon Oct 15  1:17:20 2001
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Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 01:17:02 -0700
From: Soren Kristensen <>
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Subject: Re: WanIC 405 _IS_ End of Life -- what are the (netgraph) based 
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Hi Everybody,

I've been following the sync serial board discussion a little, and it
seems like that there's no source for inexpensive sync serial boards
with FreeBSD, or boards with documentation to make a driver, or from
companies with a good policy towards open source and/or FreeBSD....

The only one close seems to be the cronyx, they seems to have full
source code, but their boards is not easily available in the US, or
available with T1 interfaces.

So maybe I should just make one, and sell for cheap, I need them anyway
for my small boxes (see The most common chip
for the PCI bus, the 4 channel Infinion DSCC4 PEB20534 (used by cronyx
and others...) cost around $60 in small volume, so the basic 2 ch board
would probably go for around $250 qty 1. Boards with more channels or
integrated T1/E1 phys will be a little higher.

FreeBSd drivers should be relatively easy, t.ex based on the cronyx
drivers, they're even netgraph enabled....

I would then be happy to supply hardware and documentation to somebody
that could do and maintain the drivers.


Soren Kristensen

Soekris Engineering

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