From owner-freebsd-current Tue Jan 14 00:11:07 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) id AAA29134 for current-outgoing; Tue, 14 Jan 1997 00:11:07 -0800 (PST) Received: from Campino.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (campino.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE []) by (8.8.4/8.8.4) with ESMTP id AAA29129 for ; Tue, 14 Jan 1997 00:10:59 -0800 (PST) Received: from ( []) by Campino.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE (RBI-Z-5/8.6.12) with ESMTP id JAA01803; Tue, 14 Jan 1997 09:13:19 +0100 (MET) Received: (from kuku@localhost) by (8.8.3/8.6.9) id JAA11616; Tue, 14 Jan 1997 09:11:58 +0100 (MET) From: Christoph Kukulies Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: a last word on last In-Reply-To: from J Wunsch at "Jan 13, 97 11:29:20 pm" To: Date: Tue, 14 Jan 1997 09:11:58 +0100 (MET) Cc: Reply-To: Christoph Kukulies X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL28 (25)] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: owner-current@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > As Christoph Kukulies wrote: > > > > You can also use src/tools/3.0-upgrade/cvs-wtmp. > > > > I did that a couple of times and either cvs-wtmp barfed at > > some entries or it didn't work for some other reasons. > > Have you tried the `force' switch of the most recent version? Thanks for pointing that out. I presently don't have anymore 'old' wtmp files to convert :-) > > > I know that the wtmp/utmp issues have been discussed widely but > > a clearing word on this issue would really be helpful. What is the idea > > to cope with this problem? > > The idea for the final solution has been floating around here, and was > commonly accepted: all the utmp/wtmp handling stuff should be isolated > in libutil (it is already mostly), and no application should ever need > to include again (login(3) is still failing this API > requirement). > > There's already one positive side-effect of this discussion: i finally > (after more than 10 years of existance?) wrote the man pages for > libutil. ;-) > > Once this has been done, and the major packages and third-party > software actually uses it, we can do with utmp whatever we want, we > can convert it into dBase format :), make it a record structure, or > what else might be the most rationale format. > > Needless to say, somebody needs to do all this. I have the feeling > that David Nugent (hi Dave :) feels compelled to work in this area... Fine. Thanks for explaining. I built XFree86 yesterday BTW, to have all X apps in new shape because these odd entries were creeping in into my last output. This happened when I was sitting at the console using X yesterday for the whole day so it's probably xterm/color_xterm. BTW, is color_xterm gone from port/x11 now and is xterm the full replacement for this (as Satoshi (?) mentioned earlier)? > > -- > cheers, J"org > > -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE > Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-) > --Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies