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Date:      Fri, 15 Nov 2024 20:10:40 GMT
From:      Ed Maste <>
Subject:   git: 48f3fcabea80 - main - mfc-candidates: Convert to Lua
Message-ID:  <>

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The branch main has been updated by emaste:


commit 48f3fcabea807b243aa73cacbd0cb1d32793b003
Author:     Ed Maste <>
AuthorDate: 2024-04-16 17:41:27 +0000
Commit:     Ed Maste <>
CommitDate: 2024-11-15 20:09:53 +0000

    mfc-candidates: Convert to Lua
    d51c59002367 added a Lua script to process the lists of candidate and
    completed MFC commits to address sorting issues in the original shell
    Instead of having a mix of shell and Lua, just implement the entire
    tool in Lua.  This is more maintainable and gives a reasonable
    improvement in performace.
    Reviewed by:    imp
    Sponsored by:   The FreeBSD Foundation
    Differential Revision:
 tools/tools/git/candidatematch.lua |  74 -------------
 tools/tools/git/mfc-candidates.lua | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/tools/git/  | 138 +----------------------
 3 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 210 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/tools/git/candidatematch.lua b/tools/tools/git/candidatematch.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 481c1f38fea1..000000000000
--- a/tools/tools/git/candidatematch.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
--- MFC candidate script utility - $0 from-file to-file
--- from-file specifies hashes that exist only in the "MFC from" branch and
--- to-file specifies the original hashes of commits already merged to the
--- "MFC to" branch.
--- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
--- Copyright 2024 The FreeBSD Foundation
--- Read a file and return its content as a table
-local function read_file(filename)
-	local file = assert(, "r"))
-	local content = {}
-	for line in file:lines() do
-		table.insert(content, line)
-	end
-	file:close()
-	return content
--- Remove hashes from 'set1' list that are present in 'set2' list
-local function set_difference(set1, set2)
-	local set2_values = {}
-	for _, value in ipairs(set2) do
-		set2_values[value] = true
-	end
-	local result = {}
-	for _, value in ipairs(set1) do
-		if not set2_values[value] then
-			table.insert(result, value)
-		end
-	end
-	return result
--- Execute a command and print to stdout
-local function exec_command(command)
-	local handle = io.popen(command)
-	local output = handle:read("a")
-	handle:close()
-	io.write(output)
--- Main function
-local function main()
-	local from_file = arg[1]
-	local to_file = arg[2]
-	local exclude_file = arg[3]
-	if not from_file or not to_file then
-		print("Usage: flua $0 from-file to-file")
-		return
-	end
-	local from_hashes = read_file(from_file)
-	local to_hashes = read_file(to_file)
-	local result_hashes = set_difference(from_hashes, to_hashes)
-	if exclude_file then
-		exclude_hashes = read_file(exclude_file)
-		result_hashes = set_difference(result_hashes, exclude_hashes)
-	end
-	-- Print the result
-	for _, hash in ipairs(result_hashes) do
-		exec_command("git show --pretty='%h %s' --no-patch " .. hash)
-	end
diff --git a/tools/tools/git/mfc-candidates.lua b/tools/tools/git/mfc-candidates.lua
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a8ac89bde327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/tools/git/mfc-candidates.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+-- Copyright 2024 The FreeBSD Foundation
+-- MFC candidate search utility.  Identify hashes that exist only in the
+-- "MFC from" branch and do not have a corresponding "cherry picked from"
+-- commit in the "MFC to" branch.
+-- Execute a command and return its output.  A final newline is stripped,
+-- similar to sh.
+local function exec_command(command)
+	local handle = assert(io.popen(command))
+	local output = handle:read("a")
+	handle:close()
+	if output:sub(-1) == "\n" then
+		return output:sub(1, -2)
+	end
+	return output
+-- Return a table of cherry-pick (MFC) candidates.
+local function read_from(from_branch, to_branch, author, dirspec)
+	local command = "git rev-list --first-parent --reverse "
+	command = command .. to_branch .. ".." .. from_branch
+	if #author > 0 then
+		command = command .. " --committer \\<" .. author .. "@"
+	end
+	if dirspec then
+		command = command .. " " .. dirspec
+	end
+	if verbose > 1 then
+		print("Obtaining MFC-from commits using command:")
+		print(command)
+	end
+	local handle = assert(io.popen(command))
+	local content = {}
+	for line in handle:lines() do
+		table.insert(content, line)
+	end
+	handle:close()
+	return content
+-- Return a table of original hashes of changes that have already been
+-- cherry-picked (MFC'd).
+local function read_to(from_branch, to_branch, dirspec)
+	local command = "git log " .. from_branch .. ".." .. to_branch
+	command = command .. " --grep 'cherry picked from'"
+	if dirspec then
+		command = command .. " " .. dirspec
+	end
+	if verbose > 1 then
+		print("Obtaining MFC-to commits using command:")
+		print(command)
+	end
+	local handle = assert(io.popen(command))
+	local content = {}
+	for line in handle:lines() do
+		local hash = line:match("%(cherry picked from commit ([0-9a-f]+)%)")
+		if hash then
+			table.insert(content, hash)
+		end
+	end
+	handle:close()
+	return content
+-- Read a commit exclude file and return its content as a table.  Comments
+-- starting with # and text after a hash is ignored.
+local function read_exclude(filename)
+	local file = assert(, "r"))
+	local content = {}
+	for line in file:lines() do
+		local hash = line:match("^%x+")
+		if hash then
+			-- Hashes are 40 chars; if less, expand short hash.
+			if #hash < 40 then
+				hash = exec_command(
+				    "git show --pretty=%H --no-patch " .. hash)
+			end
+			table.insert(content, hash)
+		end
+	end
+	file:close()
+	return content
+--- Remove hashes from 'set1' list that are present in 'set2' list
+local function set_difference(set1, set2)
+	local set2_values = {}
+	for _, value in ipairs(set2) do
+		set2_values[value] = true
+	end
+	local result = {}
+	for _, value in ipairs(set1) do
+		if not set2_values[value] then
+			table.insert(result, value)
+		end
+	end
+	return result
+-- Global state
+verbose = 0
+local function params(from_branch, to_branch, author)
+	print("from:             " .. from_branch)
+	print("to:               " .. to_branch)
+	if #author > 0 then
+		print("author/committer: " .. author)
+	else
+		print("author/committer: <all>")
+	end
+local function usage(from_branch, to_branch, author)
+	local script_name = arg[0]:match("([^/]+)$")
+	print(script_name .. " [-ah] [-f from_branch] [-t to_branch] [-u user] [-X exclude_file] [path ...]")
+	print()
+	params(from_branch, to_branch, author)
+-- Main function
+local function main()
+	local from_branch = "freebsd/main"
+	local to_branch = ""
+	local author = os.getenv("USER") or ""
+	local dirspec = nil
+	local url = exec_command("git remote get-url freebsd")
+	local freebsd_repo = string.match(url, "[^/]+$")
+	freebsd_repo = string.gsub(freebsd_repo, ".git$", "")
+	if freebsd_repo == "ports" or freebsd_repo == "freebsd-ports" then
+		local year ="%Y")
+		local month ="%m")
+		local qtr = math.ceil(month / 3)
+		to_branch = "freebsd/" .. year .. "Q" .. qtr
+	elseif freebsd_repo == "src" or freebsd_repo == "freebsd-src" then
+		to_branch = "freebsd/stable/14"
+		-- If pwd is a stable or release branch tree, default to it.
+		local cur_branch = exec_command("git symbolic-ref --short HEAD")
+		if string.match(cur_branch, "^stable/") then
+			to_branch = cur_branch
+		elseif string.match(cur_branch, "^releng/") then
+			to_branch = cur_branch
+			local major = string.match(cur_branch, "%d+")
+			from_branch = "freebsd/stable/" .. major
+		end
+	else
+		print("pwd is not under a ports or src repository.")
+		return
+	end
+	local do_help = false
+	local exclude_file = nil
+	local i = 1
+	while i <= #arg and arg[i] do
+		local opt = arg[i]
+		if opt == "-a" then
+			author = ""
+		elseif opt == "-f" then
+			from_branch = arg[i + 1]
+			i = i + 1
+		elseif opt == "-h" then
+			do_help = true
+			i = i + 1
+		elseif opt == "-t" then
+			to_branch = arg[i + 1]
+			i = i + 1
+		elseif opt == "-u" then
+			author = arg[i + 1]
+			i = i + 1
+		elseif opt == "-v" then
+			verbose = verbose + 1
+		elseif opt == "-X" then
+			exclude_file = arg[i + 1]
+			print ("-X not working")
+			i = i + 1
+		else
+			break
+		end
+		i = i + 1
+	end
+	if do_help then
+		usage(from_branch, to_branch, author)
+		return
+	end
+	if arg[i] then
+		dirspec = arg[i]
+		--print("dirspec = " .. dirspec)
+		-- XXX handle multiple dirspecs?
+	end
+	if verbose > 0 then
+		params(from_branch, to_branch, author)
+	end
+	local from_hashes = read_from(from_branch, to_branch, author, dirspec)
+	local to_hashes = read_to(from_branch, to_branch, dirspec)
+	local result_hashes = set_difference(from_hashes, to_hashes)
+	if exclude_file then
+		exclude_hashes = read_exclude(exclude_file)
+		result_hashes = set_difference(result_hashes, exclude_hashes)
+	end
+	-- Print the result
+	for _, hash in ipairs(result_hashes) do
+		print(exec_command("git show --pretty='%h %s' --no-patch " .. hash))
+	end
diff --git a/tools/tools/git/ b/tools/tools/git/
index 7af4d29df67e..53fad909c91f 100644
--- a/tools/tools/git/
+++ b/tools/tools/git/
@@ -29,139 +29,5 @@
-# Get the FreeBSD repository
-repo=$(basename "$(git remote get-url freebsd 2>/dev/null)" .git 2>/dev/null)
-if [ "${repo}" = "ports" -o "${repo}" = "freebsd-ports" ]; then
-	year=$(date '+%Y')
-	month=$(date '+%m')
-	qtr=$(((month-1) / 3 + 1))
-	to_branch="freebsd/${year}Q${qtr}"
-elif [ "${repo}" = "src" -o "${repo}" = "freebsd-src" ]; then
-	to_branch=freebsd/stable/14
-	# If pwd is a stable or release branch tree, default to it.
-	cur_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
-	case $cur_branch in
-	stable/*)
-		to_branch=$cur_branch
-		;;
-	releng/*)
-		to_branch=$cur_branch
-		major=${cur_branch#releng/}
-		major=${major%.*}
-		from_branch=freebsd/stable/$major
-	esac
-	echo "pwd is not under a ports or src repository."
-	exit 0
-	echo "from:             $from_branch"
-	echo "to:               $to_branch"
-	if [ -n "$author" ]; then
-		echo "author/committer: $author"
-	else
-		echo "author/committer: <all>"
-	fi
-	echo "usage: $(basename $0) [-ah] [-f from_branch] [-t to_branch] [-u user] [-X exclude_file] [path ...]"
-	echo
-	params
-	exit 0
-while getopts "af:ht:u:vX:" opt; do
-	case $opt in
-	a)
-		# All authors/committers
-		author=
-		;;
-	f)
-		from_branch=$OPTARG
-		;;
-	h)
-		usage
-		;;
-	t)
-		to_branch=$OPTARG
-		;;
-	u)
-		author=$OPTARG
-		;;
-	v)
-		verbose=1
-		;;
-	X)
-		if [ ! -r "$OPTARG" ]; then
-			echo "Exclude file $OPTARG not readable" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		exclude_file=$OPTARG
-		;;
-	esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-if [ $verbose ]; then
-	params
-	echo
-if [ -n "$author" ]; then
-	# Match user ID in the email portion of author or committer
-	authorarg="--committer <${author}@"
-# Commits in from_branch after branch point
-	git rev-list --first-parent --reverse $authorarg $to_branch..$from_branch "$@"
-# "cherry picked from" hashes from commits in to_branch after branch point
-	git log $from_branch..$to_branch --grep 'cherry picked from' "$@" |\
-	    sed -E -n 's/^[[:space:]]*\(cherry picked from commit ([0-9a-f]+)\)[[:space:]]*$/\1/p'
-# Turn a list of short hashes (and optional descriptions) into a list of full
-# hashes.
-	while read hash rest; do
-		case "${hash}" in
-		"#"*)	continue ;;
-		esac
-		if ! git show --pretty=%H --no-patch $hash; then
-			echo "error parsing hash list" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-	done | sort
-workdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/find-mfc.XXXXXXXXXX)
-if [ -n "$exclude_file" ]; then
-	exclude_list=$workdir/commits-exclude
-	canonicalize_hashes < $exclude_file > $exclude_list
-commits_from "$@" > $from_list
-commits_to "$@" > $to_list
-/usr/libexec/flua $(dirname $0)/candidatematch.lua \
-    $from_list $to_list $exclude_list
-rm -rf "$workdir"
+# Backwards compatibility wrapper
+/usr/libexec/flua $(dirname $0)/mfc-candidates.lua "$@"

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