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Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 12:14:40 -0800 (PST)
From: John Baldwin <>
To: Cyrille Lefevre <>
Subject: Re: PATCH: sysinstall to remove userconfig code
Cc: jkh@FreeBSD.ORG, current@FreeBSD.ORG,
	Makoto Matsushita <>
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On 13-Nov-01 Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
> Makoto Matsushita wrote:
>> Userconfig was gone in 5-current, so we can safely remove kget() from
>> sysinstall.  Attached below is a patch to do (kget.c should be remove
>> also).
> I don't know -current. what is the feature which replace kget ?
> does boot -c (or whatever) still exists ? is it possible to
> edit <KERNEL>.hints at boot time ?

You can use kenv and just save the ones starting with 'hint' to kernel.conf. 
kenv dumps the entire kernel environment.  We still need a utility written in
Forth that the loader can run for the user to modify the hints in the


John Baldwin <>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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