From owner-freebsd-isp Tue Jun 24 13:28:42 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id NAA04800 for isp-outgoing; Tue, 24 Jun 1997 13:28:42 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id NAA04795 for ; Tue, 24 Jun 1997 13:28:40 -0700 (PDT) Received: (qmail 21691 invoked by uid 1010); 24 Jun 1997 20:23:33 -0000 Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 16:23:33 -0400 (EDT) From: "Gary D. Margiotta" To: Rick Osteen cc: freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: tar error In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-isp@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > # tar -x radius_2.0.1_BSDOS_2.0.tar > tar: can't open /dev/rst0 : Device not configured > # > > Any help is appreciated. if i'm not mistaken (though usually i am ;) ) the command line you have there is making tar look for the tarfile in a location on a SCSI tape drive, where it looks by default. Use tar -xvf and that should do the trick. The -f option specifies tar to look for a file rather than from a tape drive. -Gary Margiotta TBE Internet Services