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Date:      Tue, 2 Aug 2005 14:06:08 -0400
From:      John Baldwin <>
To:, Beecher Rintoul <>
Subject:   Re: Boot Error
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On Monday 01 August 2005 08:36 pm, Beecher Rintoul wrote:
> I'm getting the following error while trying to boot:
> int=0000000d	err=00000000	efl=0010006	eip=00027995
> eax=00000100	ebx=00000000	ecx=c000000	edx=00000000
> esi=00000200	edi=0006d5f0	ebp=0093630	esp=0009d600
> cs=0008	ds=0010	es=0010	fs=0010	gs=0010	ss=0010
> cs:eip=0f 30 0f 20 e0 83 c8 30-0f 22 e0 b8 00 f0 03 00 of 22 d8 0f 20
> c0 0d 00-00 00 80 0f 22 c0 b8 00
> ss:esp=69 95 00 00 00 40 dd 00-00 50 dd 00 00 10 04 00 00 00 00 00 00
> 00 04 00-00 00 00 00 00 40 dd 00
> BTX halted
> I have tried both 5.4-release and 6.0-beta with the same results. The
> machine works fine with i386 5.4. The box is an MSI K8t Neo Mobo,
> running a 2800+ Sempron.
> Anyone have a suggestion?

Looks like your BIOS is trying to enter long mode or something:

00000000  0F30              wrmsr
00000002  0F20E0            mov eax,cr4
00000005  83C830            or ax,byte +0x30
00000008  0F22E0            mov cr4,eax
0000000B  B800F0            mov ax,0xf000
0000000E  0300              add ax,[bx+si]
00000010  00                db 0x00

Actually, this isn't your BIOS, this might be in the kernel startup.  The code 
after the wrmsr is trying to turn on PSE and PAE.  %ecx is 0xc0000000, and I 
don't think that is a valid MSR.  The eip is still in the loader.  Hmm, looks 
like it is the code in the amd64 trampoline:

        /* Be sure that interrupts are disabled */

        /* Turn on EFER.LME */
        movl    $MSR_EFER, %ecx
        orl     $EFER_LME, %eax

        /* Turn on PAE */
        movl    %cr4, %eax
        orl     $(CR4_PAE | CR4_PSE), %eax
        movl    %eax, %cr4

        /* Set %cr3 for PT4 */
        movl    $VTOP(PT4), %eax
        movl    %eax, %cr3

Hmm, looks like MSR_EFER is supposed to be 0xc0000080.  Are you sure the value 
is 0xc0000000?  If so, perhaps your loader is corrupted and/or you have some 
bad memory perhaps?

John Baldwin <>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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