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Date:      Sat, 18 May 1996 09:39:21 -0400
From:      Thomas David Rivers <ponds!>
Subject:   Re: SMIT(System Maintenance Interface Tool)
Message-ID:  <199605181339.JAA08152@lakes>

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> > 
> > Will FreeBSD ever have a more userfriendly SMIT utility
> > for managing the system espeacially users?
> Eventually.  If you want to help code, I have all of the design
> discussions that went by on the lists (or you can look them up
> at
> 					Terry Lambert

 Well - just to throw in that ever-dissenting opinion - but,
I have to manage several machines; one of which is AIX.  All
of them are easy to handle, except for the AIX machine, because
of SMIT... 

 I know several people have mentioned this before - but I have
daily experience with SMIT, and just don't like it too much.

 I'm confident we can come up with something better.

 So, to address the original question, of "When will have SMIT"
(paraphrased) - I hope the answer is "we won't - we'll (someday)
have something better"...

	- Dave Rivers -

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