From owner-freebsd-arch  Thu Dec 21 15: 0:29 2000
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Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 15:00:11 -0800
From: Alfred Perlstein <>
Cc:, arch@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: retiring kernfs
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* <> [001221 14:50] wrote:
> DES,
>     I've been consider you proposal from the prospective of 
> Legacy maintainer/developers. One of the issue dealt with at
> SVBUG is "Legacy". 
>     Personally, I don't use kernfs. I don't know of anyone
> that uses it. And I think people would be well advised to
> move on. 
>     However, Legacy is one of those things that cannot be
> ignored. My recommendation is to have a section on the
> website that specifically points out that items, such 
> as this, are not "Retired". Such an informational page
> would help people with questions about "what happened?"
> and it would help people that believe that they really,
> really, really need it.
>     If it would be helpful, I could help design such a page.
> If not, you have my opinion.

Actually, building on that idea, it would be really cool to have
an app that would allow us to generate changelog type messages that
would automagically get submitted to a newspage.  Although each
submittion would need approval.

This would allow us to announce deprication of interfaces as well
as new features.

-Alfred Perlstein - [|]
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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