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Date:      Tue, 31 Dec 1996 10:50:03 -0800 (PST)
From:      "Eric L. Hernes" <>
To:        freebsd-bugs
Subject:   Re: misc/2321: installation panic before going to past-install menu 
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR misc/2321; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Eric L. Hernes" <>
To: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <>
Subject: Re: misc/2321: installation panic before going to past-install menu 
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 12:39:16 -0600

 "Jordan K. Hubbard" writes:
 >> 	ASUS P/I-P55TVP4/200MHz + 3Com 3C509B ethernet card + NCR SCSI
 >> 	with -c option "irq ep0 15"
 >> >Description:
 >> 	-----------------Information Dialog-----------------
 >> 	 Saving any boot -c changes to new kernel ... panic: Going nowhere with
 >out my init!
 >Ouch!  Looks like it's dying somewhere in the code which copies
 >userconfig changes from the boot kernel to the installed kernel.
 >This may prove "interesting" to debug (I'll try your exact set of -c
 >changes for now) so I may end up just adding an option for turning
 >this behavior off (on by default) if I can't fix it.  Needless to say,
 >this doesn't happen on any of my test machines (I have to tweak ed0 on
 >most of my test boxes, in fac) and may be difficult to reproduce.
 Oh no, they're comming out of the woodwork :(  I've got NCR and a 509
 in my test box, but it's set to irq 10, the high ones usually get
 nabbed by the pci bus.  I seen where the machine wouldn't boot, or
 the 509 wouldn't work for sour owl shit, but it shouldn't kill
 sysinstall.  The irq is stored as a bitmask of the n'th bit for
 irq n, so irq 15 is (1<<15) (maybe +/- 1) This could be a sign error
 or just too few bits in the datatype... I don't think I've ever stuck
 an ISA card at 15, I'll look on thursday...
 >Also strange that no one else has reported this!  Hmmmm.
 I don't think anything changed between Oct and now that would cause
 these problems...
 >						Jordan
 happy new year!

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