From owner-freebsd-hardware Sat Oct 10 02:18:12 1998 Return-Path: Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) id CAA11378 for freebsd-hardware-outgoing; Sat, 10 Oct 1998 02:18:12 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-hardware@FreeBSD.ORG) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id CAA11368 for ; Sat, 10 Oct 1998 02:18:02 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (8.9.1/8.9.0) with ESMTP id SAA11140 for ; Sat, 10 Oct 1998 18:47:51 +0930 (CST) Received: (from grog@localhost) by (8.9.1/8.9.0) id SAA20920; Sat, 10 Oct 1998 18:47:49 +0930 (CST) Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 18:47:49 +0930 From: Greg Lehey To: FreeBSD-hardware@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Which IBM IDE disk? Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Mailer: Mutt 0.91.1i WWW-Home-Page: Organization: LEMIS, PO Box 460, Echunga SA 5153, Australia Phone: +61-8-8388-8286 Fax: +61-8-8388-8725 Mobile: +61-41-739-7062 Sender: owner-freebsd-hardware@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: 6 months ago I bought an IBM DHEA 36480 (6 GB Ultra DMA IDE drive, also nicknamed "Deskstar 5"), with which I have been well pleased. Now it looks as if another drive is dying, and I'm looking around for a second IBM IDE drive. Well, the Deskstar 5s are gone, and the Deskstar 8s which replaced them are on their way out, and now there's the Deskstar 16. I end up with the choice between a DHEA-38541 (DS 8) or a DTTA-350840 (DS 16), both 8.4 decimal GB. The DHEA costs SGP $338 in Singapore, the DTTA costs $369. I've looked at the IBM web site, and I can't find any significant difference between the three series. They all have a 9.5 ms average positioning time, the same average latency, the same rotational speed, a 512 kB buffer from which the firmware steals a chunk, the same interface, and documents which are laid out completely differently just to confuse me. Does anybody know a reason I should shell out $31 more for the DTTA? Greg -- See complete headers for address, home page and phone numbers finger for PGP public key To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-hardware" in the body of the message