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Date:      Tue, 21 Oct 2003 13:06:26 -0400
From:      WiggTekMicro Corp <>
To:        Dylan Wylie <>, Mobile-BSDlist <>
Subject:   Re: XFree86 won't run on 5.1 installed on Lifebook S-2020.
Message-ID:  <1066755985.6841.28.camel@wiggtekmicrogate>
In-Reply-To: <3F9581EB.5342.4AF44B@localhost>
References:  <3F957485.20654.169C44@localhost> <3F9581EB.5342.4AF44B@localhost>

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The checkered screen with the large "X" appears, so I know that the
-configure file is functional.  However, when I try to run that file,
after modification for my specific equipement, the same screen appears,
for a moment, and then the session exits with  the bad monitor name :0
errors.  I have just finished with 4.8, so I will probably try that. 
However, I had the same problems with 4.4 on a publishers copy.  It had
3.3 xfree86.  I have gotten the graphic interface to work twice, in as
many days of doing the same things I did when I had it working.  

Thanks for the comments.  What OS release are you running?

Martes G.W.
Wiggtekmicro Corp

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From: "Dylan Wylie" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 18:58:51 +0200
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Subject: Re: XFree86 won't run on 5.1 installed on Lifebook S-2020.
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On 21 Oct 2003 at 12:25, WiggTekMicro Corp wrote:

> I am glad that you made mention of that step, because I have done that
> countless times.  The test always works, and XFree86 always starts that
> checkered screen, however, it always stops and indicates that there was
> a bad monitor name ":0" twice, and then gives me the bash prompt.  I had
> Gnome working after the last message about changing the window manager,
> and then I actually tried to log out and start up a kde session.  My
> laptop restarted fine, and then I got the same error messages from
> "startx" that I did before xfree86 was configured.  
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> I can get the x-server to boot, when I manually edit the .new file, but
> never by directly editing the true XF86Config file.  I always have to
> make my changes within the file under the  /root home.
> Any assistance with this is much appreciated.
> I don't understand why the e x-server is so unreliable in FreeBSD.  I
> don't even have to configure it when installing and booting linux.
> In FreeBSD, the configuration gui seems to be toying with me, by making
> me go through all that configuration and then spitting out the same
> errors that I am getting now.  
> And when I had GNOME up, I found that I had no applications other than
> those for administering gnome, or just the bare assentials.  When I went
> to the bootup disk and tried to install things from ports collection, my
> laptop beeps and then nothing gets installed.  
> Does anyone have a hint about that?  When I tried to install the ports
> packages, I do remember that the / partion seemed to be full, however,
> that is not possible, since I have a 20GB partion and ports are usually
> installed under /usr.  I did not install the partitions by hand.  I used
> option A so that I did not have to take the extra time.  Is this what
> might have caused the problem?
> Please let me know something.  I am really disappointed with the way
> this OS works.  I have been spouting the positives that FBSD and linux
> seem to have, but when it comes down to it, I find that a system that
> won't even run a simple graphic session reliably is not quite a great as
> I had hoped.  I know that FreeBSD is not a user friendly as most other
> OS distobutions, but this is plain rediculous.  
> Oh, I forgot the best part, I have the same issues when using a standard
> Gateway VX900 monitor, on my server at home.  I still have redhat loaded
> on it, which I am sending these messages with, since I cannot even get
> bsd to run a graphic session reliably on either system.  
> What is the deal guys?????
So when you do
# XFree86 -xf86config
do you get a working X or not?
don't forget if you want more stability or don't want to figure out stuff, you should go for 
the -STABLE releases.
> And when I had GNOME up, I found that I had no applications other than
> those for administering gnome, or just the bare assentials. 
I understand, but I'm personly very happy my OS instal doesn't decide for me what 
programs I should install.

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   On 21 Oct 2003 at 12:25, WiggTekMicro Corp wrote:

   > I am glad that you made mention of that step, because I have done

   > countless times.  The test always works, and XFree86 always starts

   > checkered screen, however, it always stops and indicates that there

   > a bad monitor name ":0" twice, and then gives me the bash prompt.  I

   > Gnome working after the last message about changing the window

   > and then I actually tried to log out and start up a kde session.  My

   > laptop restarted fine, and then I got the same error messages from

   > "startx" that I did before xfree86 was configured.

   > Any help would be much appreciated.


   > I can get the x-server to boot, when I manually edit the .new file,

   > never by directly editing the true XF86Config file.  I always have

   > make my changes within the file under the  /root


   > Any assistance with this is much appreciated.

   > I don't understand why the e x-server is so unreliable in FreeBSD.

   > don't even have to configure it when installing and booting linux.


   > In FreeBSD, the configuration gui seems to be toying with me, by

   > me go through all that configuration and then spitting out the same

   > errors that I am getting now.


   > And when I had GNOME up, I found that I had no applications other

   > those for administering gnome, or just the bare assentials.  When I

   > to the bootup disk and tried to install things from ports
   collection, my

   > laptop beeps and then nothing gets installed.


   > Does anyone have a hint about that?  When I tried to install the

   > packages, I do remember that the / partion seemed to be full,

   > that is not possible, since I have a 20GB partion and ports are

   > installed under /usr.  I did not install the partitions by hand.  I

   > option A so that I did not have to take the extra time.  Is this

   > might have caused the problem?


   > Please let me know something.  I am really disappointed with the way

   > this OS works.  I have been spouting the positives that FBSD and

   > seem to have, but when it comes down to it, I find that a system

   > won't even run a simple graphic session reliably is not quite a
   great as

   > I had hoped.  I know that FreeBSD is not a user friendly as most

   > OS distobutions, but this is plain rediculous.


   > Oh, I forgot the best part, I have the same issues when using a

   > Gateway VX900 monitor, on my server at home.  I still have redhat

   > on it, which I am sending these messages with, since I cannot even

   > bsd to run a graphic session reliably on either system.


   > What is the deal guys?????


   So when you do

   # XFree86 -xf86config

   do you get a working X or not?

   don't forget if you want more stability or don't want to figure out
   stuff, you should go for the -STABLE releases.

   > And when I had GNOME up, I found that I had no applications other

   > those for administering gnome, or just the bare assentials.

   I understand, but I'm personly very happy my OS instal doesn't decide
   for me what programs I should install.





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