From owner-freebsd-ports-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG Tue Sep 1 21:40:06 2009 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:4f8:fff6::34]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 72022106568B for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:40:06 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:4f8:fff6::28]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4B2C28FC1C for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:40:06 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (gnats@localhost []) by (8.14.3/8.14.3) with ESMTP id n81Le60G097269 for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:40:06 GMT (envelope-from Received: (from gnats@localhost) by (8.14.3/8.14.3/Submit) id n81Le6dM097268; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:40:06 GMT (envelope-from gnats) Resent-Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:40:06 GMT Resent-Message-Id: <> Resent-From: (GNATS Filer) Resent-To: Resent-Reply-To:, Nikola Lecic Received: from ( [IPv6:2001:4f8:fff6::34]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 678B4106566B for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:39:07 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C86828FC23 for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 21:39:06 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (8.14.2/8.14.2) with ESMTP id n81Ld57Z002182 (version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NO) for ; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 23:39:05 +0200 (CEST) (envelope-from Received: (from nl@localhost) by (8.14.2/8.14.2/Submit) id n81Ld5n7002144; Tue, 1 Sep 2009 23:39:05 +0200 (CEST) (envelope-from nl) Message-Id: <> Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 23:39:05 +0200 (CEST) From: Nikola Lecic To: X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.113 Cc: Subject: ports/138464: [New Port] textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin: SCIM KMFL IMEngine keyboard for African Latin writing systems X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.5 Precedence: list Reply-To: Nikola Lecic List-Id: Ports bug reports List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:40:06 -0000 >Number: 138464 >Category: ports >Synopsis: [New Port] textproc/scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin: SCIM KMFL IMEngine keyboard for African Latin writing systems >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Tue Sep 01 21:40:05 UTC 2009 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Nikola Lecic >Release: FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE i386 >Organization: >Environment: System: FreeBSD black 7.2-STABLE FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE #0: Wed May 13 19:04:54 CEST 2009 nikola@black:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC i386 >Description: Note to the committer: This port is a part of scim-kmfl- series (textproc/scim-kmfl-* ports), which includes two currently pending PRs, ports/138447 and ports/138448 as well. pkg-descr: This is a set of two keyboards that provides a single implementation for many Roman writing systems across Africa, based on results compiled from data from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. The keyboards are written in Keyman keyboard language and developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). The software is distributed under the X11-style license ( This port installs the keyboards so that they can be used through SCIM KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine). Two layouts are provided: * mnemonic layout for any keyboard (using deadkeys); * positional layout for US keyboard (using deadkeys and/or shift-states, i.e. RALT and LALT keys). WWW: >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: --- scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin-20090831.shar begins here --- # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin # scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/distinfo # scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/pkg-descr # scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/Makefile # echo c - scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin mkdir -p scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/distinfo << '27cb0353eeaa5328d8e96f1490ff151b' XMD5 (kmfl/ = 820822a611f9480a878d4f6322b749e7 XSHA256 (kmfl/ = b6dace0151891a249d9ee61307a7f95105be9445e91a8bb0b0f36f229ff5d6eb XSIZE (kmfl/ = 386610 XMD5 (kmfl/ = 02917a406aa67b3065a097dc3e3a67c5 XSHA256 (kmfl/ = fea2fe19ada6a16b134ae85d7fd3fa8f9b71a26235b11a5bfbb941ffbd4e0507 XSIZE (kmfl/ = 399319 27cb0353eeaa5328d8e96f1490ff151b echo x - scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/pkg-descr << '7c00057f102ef8d33f97cd96aa50a96a' XThis is a set of two keyboards that provides a single implementation for many XRoman writing systems across Africa, based on results compiled from data from XBenin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. X XThe keyboards are written in Keyman keyboard language and developed by SIL XNon-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). The software is distributed under the XX11-style license ( X XThis port installs the keyboards so that they can be used through SCIM KMFL XIMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine). Two layouts are provided: X X * mnemonic layout for any keyboard (using deadkeys); X * positional layout for US keyboard (using deadkeys and/or shift-states, i.e. X RALT and LALT keys). X XWWW: 7c00057f102ef8d33f97cd96aa50a96a echo x - scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin/Makefile << '51c40d6b876ead21d53f3d41a172920a' X# New ports collection makefile for: scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin X# Date created: 1 September 2009 X# Whom: Nikola Lecic X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin XPORTVERSION= 20090831 XCATEGORIES= textproc XMASTER_SITES=\?site_id=nrsi\&format=file\&media_id=AfricaKeyboardDead2009\&filename=/:1 \ X\?site_id=nrsi\&format=file\&media_id=AfricaKeyboardUS2009\&filename=/:2 \ X${DIST_SUBDIR}/:1,2 XDISTFILES= XDIST_SUBDIR= kmfl X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= SCIM KMFL IMEngine keyboard for African Latin writing systems X XRUN_DEPENDS= kmflcomp:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/kmflcomp \ X ${LOCALBASE}/lib/scim-1.0/1.4.0/IMEngine/${PORTSDIR}/textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine X XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR} XUSE_DOS2UNIX= PanAfricaMnemonic/AfricaDeadKey.kmn \ X PanAfricaUSlayout/AfricaUS.kmn XNO_BUILD= yes XUSE_ZIP= yes X XDOCSDIR_REL= share/doc/kmfl/${PORTNAME} XDOCSDIR= ${PREFIX}/${DOCSDIR_REL} XSCIM_KMFL_DIR= share/scim/kmfl XSCIM_KMFL_ICONS_DIR= share/scim/kmfl/icons X Xpost-patch: X @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|^BITMAP AFR|BITMAP AFR.bmp|' \ X ${WRKSRC}/PanAfricaMnemonic/AfricaDeadKey.kmn \ X ${WRKSRC}/PanAfricaUSlayout/AfricaUS.kmn X XPORTDOCS= * XDOCSLIST= PanAfricaMnemonic/SIL\ Unicode\ Keyboard\ Chart\ for\ Africa\ using\ deadkeys.pdf \ X PanAfricaUSlayout/SIL\ Unicode\ Keyboard\ Chart\ for\ Africa\ using\ shiftkeys.pdf X XPLIST_FILES= ${SCIM_KMFL_DIR}/AfricaDeadKey.kmn \ X ${SCIM_KMFL_DIR}/AfricaUS.kmn \ X ${SCIM_KMFL_ICONS_DIR}/AFR.bmp X Xdo-install: X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/PanAfricaMnemonic/*.kmn \ X ${LOCALBASE}/${SCIM_KMFL_DIR} X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/PanAfricaUSlayout/*.kmn \ X ${LOCALBASE}/${SCIM_KMFL_DIR} X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/PanAfricaMnemonic/*.bmp \ X ${LOCALBASE}/${SCIM_KMFL_ICONS_DIR} X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X ${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X for doc in ${DOCSLIST} ; do \ X ${INSTALL_DATA} "${WRKSRC}/$$doc" ${DOCSDIR} ; \ X done X.endif X Xpost-install: X @${ECHO_MSG} "--------------------------------------------------------" X @${ECHO_MSG} " You should now have the new keyboard in the section" X @${ECHO_MSG} " \"Others\" in your SCIM menu. If you don't see it," X @${ECHO_MSG} " restart X." X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X @${ECHO_MSG} X @${ECHO_MSG} " The documentation is installed into:" X @${ECHO_MSG} " ${DOCSDIR}" X.endif X @${ECHO_MSG} "--------------------------------------------------------" X X.include 51c40d6b876ead21d53f3d41a172920a exit --- scim-kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin-20090831.shar ends here --- >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: