From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Jan 26 14:44:40 2000
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Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 15:59:29 +0200
From: Giorgos Keramidas <>
Cc: freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Help
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On Tue, Jan 25, 2000 at 07:44:55PM -0600, wrote:
> Sorry, but i need to know what's de command that i can use to disable
> one interface card, actualy a have 2 interfaces cards but i need to
> disable one of them...

You can either bring temporarily down the interface of the card, or
bring it down and clear any user-defined parameters.  The commands for
this are:

	# ifconfig -au

This will show you the currently active interfaces.  You have to pick
the right one, and then issue:

	# ifconfig ifaceN down

where ifaceN is the name of the interface.  You have to replace
`ifaceN' with the actual name of your interface for this to work, i.e.
replace `ifaceN' with `ed0', `fxp0', `xl0', etc.

Note that if you 'ifconfig down' an interface, you can later 'ifconfig
up' it and it will still work, having the same parameters.  This is
nice for temporarily bringing down the interface, without having to
rerun /etc/ to bring it up.

If you just want to wipe this interface clean, and reconfigure it
manually (which I'm almost certain you are not up to now), you can
replace 'down' with 'delete'.  Careful if you use this, because the
parameters of the interface (IP address, netmask, etc.) are wiped clean
with 'ifconfig delete'.  Nevertheless, the command (if that has any
practical use to you) is:

	# ifconfig ifaceN down

For all this and more exciting stuff about networking with FreeBSD, see
the manual pages networking(4), ifconfig(8), netstat(8), etc.


PS: Try not to use so many dots in your messages.  They only take up
space, and clutter the rest of the mail message body, making it look
like a table of contents or something.

Giorgos Keramidas, < keramida @ ceid . upatras . gr >
"Don't let your schooling interfere with your education." [Mark Twain]

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