From owner-cvs-all  Sat Jan 13 22:18:19 2001
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Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 16:50:25 +1030
From: Matthew Thyer <>
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To: Greg Lehey <>
Cc: cvs-all@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: please do not close the drive tray automatically. (was Re: cvs 
 commit: src/sys/dev/ata atapi-cd.c)
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Greg Lehey wrote:
> > User error.
> >
> > At the time you knew that Windows(tm) behaved in that manner.
> >
> > If you cared about the data on that CD (i.e. it could not have been
> > replaced) you would not have acted so rashly.
> Now this is ridiculous.  It sounds like the typical things you hear of
> from Microsoft support personnel.  It wouldn't have helped me, for
> example, because I've only just discovered this behaviour.  Maybe this
> was the way Matt discovered it.  Of course, you *could* say:
>   If you had cared about the data on your machine, you would not have
>   used "Windows".

Good point, I know I dont trust Windows with my data.... only games
and with the knowledge that I can re-format at any time as you need
to do with Windows now and again.

It takes one or two reboots of Windows with the CD-ROM tray out to
catch on that the driver closes the tray so if it was the first time
Mr Dillon had done this he would not have known but my point is its
not such a big deal as users come to expect the behaviour pretty

The trade off is whether its worth risking some data before everyone

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