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Date:      Tue, 29 May 2001 13:45:39 +0200
From:      Rahul Siddharthan <>
To:        Bzdik BSD <>
Cc:        Brad Knowles <>, chat@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Acknowledgement by Jobs
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Tue, May 29, 2001 at 03:46:36AM -0700
References:  <p05100303b7390c7b02af@[]> <>

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Bzdik BSD said on May 29, 2001 at 03:46:36:

> > 	Moreover, since modern beer was invented/discovered by a Belgian 
> > monk, I can safely say that it is not spelled "bear".  At least, I 
> > have to assume that you meant a fermented alcoholic beverage, as 
> > opposed to a large member of the Ursine family of mostly vegetarian 
> > quadrupeds.
> > 
> the ones that love salmon could call this a vegetarian pastime
> :)
> I was trying to give our gentleman-profiler a few more hints, don't
> spoil the process<g> as for beer invention, talk to monks from {Monken
> on Isar}Munchen :)you'll end up fighting
> the best beer is made by friends of Joseph Schweik matter
> what you say... they also are the best hockey players...Belgian
> chocolate is undisputedly superior to anything else {watch this line}in
> its product cathegory.
-etc, etc, snipped-

I don't think this is a space alien -- more likely a computer program
(especially with a name like that).  

There's a similar, but much more coherent, program (to generate
postmodern text) at
(follow the link given there)

But neither that, nor this, yet come close to passing the Turing test.


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