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Date:      Thu, 28 Nov 2002 03:38:47 -0800
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
Subject:   deadlock on gohan11
Message-ID:  <>

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gohan11 deadlocked is the ps trace from DDB.  Can
someone make sense of this?


  pid   proc     addr    uid  ppid  pgrp  flag   stat  wmesg    wchan  cmd
94345 c4a40938 d8d22000    0 94336 51933 0004000 norm[LOCK  Giant c044bcc0] sed
94344 c5334b10 d8f44000    0 94336 51933 0000000 norm[LOCK  Giant c044bcc0] sh
94343 c677fb10 d9109000    0 94336 51933 0002000 norm[LOCK PCPU MAP ENTRY c083a868] sh
94342 c522c588 d8d67000    0 94341    41 0004000 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] ssh
94341 c53251d8 d8e20000    0   479    41 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c417fb00][SLP] scp
94340 c5321ce8 d8e1e000    0 94314 89931 8000000 norm[RUNQ] sh
94336 c47e0588 d8ef3000    0 94317 51933 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47e0588][SLP] sh
94317 c5334000 d8ef7000    0 94297 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c50b5f20][SLP] sh
94314 c4a40b10 d8d23000    0 94256 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c50b5d10][SLP] sh
94297 c45dbce8 d8cbd000    0 94283 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45dbce8][SLP] make
94283 c5334760 d8f42000    0 94278 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c51bca50][SLP] sh
94278 c47e0b10 d8f84000    0 94193 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47e0b10][SLP] make
94256 c4985760 d904e000    0 94239 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4985760][SLP] make
94240 c45de760 d8cc2000    0 94237 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c50b52c0][SLP] awk
94239 c41801d8 d8c56000    0 94237 89931 0000000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c51bcb00][SLP] sh
94237 c47e01d8 d8ee9000    0 94228 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47e01d8][SLP] sh
94230 c677f000 d9103000    0 94227 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c417f160][SLP] sort
94229 c522cce8 d8d6b000    0 94227 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c417fd10][SLP] grep
94228 c4e1d588 d8e97000    0 94227 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4e1d588][SLP] make
94227 c4e20000 d8e9c000    0 94226 89931 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4e20000][SLP] sh
94226 c53343b0 d8f40000    0 90724 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c52520b0][SLP] sh
94193 c45dece8 d8cc5000    0 94151 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4db6e70][SLP] sh
94151 c53253b0 d8e21000    0 94125 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c53253b0][SLP] make
94125 c677f1d8 d9104000    0 94117 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c407fdc0][SLP] sh
94117 c5345000 d8fa8000    0 93790 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5345000][SLP] make
94091 c53211d8 d8d2c000    0 94089 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c417f420][SLP] as
94090 c5349ce8 d8fed000    0 94089 52110 0004000 norm[RUNQ] cc1plus
94089 c47e0ce8 d8f85000    0 73757 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47e0ce8][SLP] c++
93791 c522cb10 d8d6a000    0 93788 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c55a56e0][SLP] awk
93790 c5321760 d8e1b000    0 93788 51933 0000000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4db64d0][SLP] sh
93788 c45db3b0 d8c82000    0 93754 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45db3b0][SLP] sh
93756 c4e1d1d8 d8e95000    0 93750 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c50b5840][SLP] sort
93755 c4e20938 d8ea1000    0 93750 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c407fa50][SLP] grep
93754 c522e938 d8d71000    0 93750 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522e938][SLP] make
93750 c4e20760 d8ea0000    0 93747 51933 0000000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4e20760][SLP] sh
93747 c47f4ce8 d8f8d000    0 60374 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ  piperd c4db68f0][SLP] sh
90725 c6778938 d9100000    0 90723 89931 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] pnohang
90724 c5337760 d8f52000    0 90723 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5337760][SLP] make
90723 c5321b10 d8e1d000    0 90703 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5321b10][SLP] pnohang
90703 c47f4b10 d8f8c000    0 89932 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47f4b10][SLP] sh
90214 c677f938 d9108000    0 90213 52913 0004000 norm[RUNQ] perl
90213 c522ece8 d8d73000    0 89833 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522ece8][SLP] sh
89932 c522c000 d8d2e000    0 89931 89931 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522c000][SLP] sh
89931 c48fa760 d8f66000    0 89929 89931 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8f66000][SLP] csh
89929 c49851d8 d903d000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sshd
89833 c4a401d8 d8d1e000    0 73674 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4a401d8][SLP] ghc-5.04.1
75554 c45c4760 d8eca000    0 75496 56853 0004000 norm[CPU 0] awk
75496 c5337588 d8f51000    0 72314 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5337588][SLP] sh
73757 c677f588 d9106000    0 73756 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c677f588][SLP] gmake
73756 c522c3b0 d8d66000    0 64080 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522c3b0][SLP] sh
73674 c45db588 d8c83000    0 82475 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45db588][SLP] gmake
72314 c5325760 d8e23000    0 72313 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5325760][SLP] sh
72313 c5321588 d8e1a000    0 71862 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5321588][SLP] sh
71863 c47e0000 d8ee8000    0 71861 56853 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] pnohang
71862 c4148ce8 d7a8a000    0 71861 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4148ce8][SLP] make
71861 c4e203b0 d8e9e000    0 71841 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4e203b0][SLP] pnohang
71841 c5325b10 d8e25000    0 56863 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5325b10][SLP] sh
64080 c522c760 d8d68000    0 64076 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522c760][SLP] gmake
64076 c5336ce8 d8f4d000    0 64064 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5336ce8][SLP] sh
64064 c53371d8 d8f4f000    0 64063 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c53371d8][SLP] gmake
64063 c5336588 d8f49000    0  1162 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5336588][SLP] sh
56863 c45c4938 d8ecb000    0 56853 56853 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45c4938][SLP] sh
56853 c5337b10 d8f54000    0 56818 56853 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8f54000][SLP] csh
56818 c5334588 d8f41000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sshd
 1162 c53363b0 d8f48000    0  1161 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c53363b0][SLP] gmake
 1161 c5334ce8 d8f45000    0 61683 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5334ce8][SLP] sh
61684 c45deb10 d8cc4000    0 61681 52110 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] pnohang
61683 c4a39588 d8d18000    0 61681 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4a39588][SLP] make
61681 c45c4b10 d8ed9000    0 61458 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45c4b10][SLP] pnohang
61458 c48fa000 d8dc1000    0 52112 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c48fa000][SLP] sh
60375 c522c938 d8d69000    0 60371 51933 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] pnohang
60374 c5336760 d8f4a000    0 60371 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5336760][SLP] make
60371 c47e0760 d8f82000    0 60302 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c47e0760][SLP] pnohang
60302 c5337938 d8f53000    0 51934 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5337938][SLP] sh
52112 c4a40588 d8d20000    0 52110 52110 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4a40588][SLP] sh
52110 c45c41d8 d8eba000    0 52106 52110 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8eba000][SLP] csh
52106 c48fab10 d8fff000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sshd
51934 c67781d8 d8f95000    0 51933 51933 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c67781d8][SLP] sh
51933 c5334938 d8f43000    0 51931 51933 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8f43000][SLP] csh
51931 c45de588 d8cc1000    0   374   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sshd
82475 c4e20ce8 d8ea3000    0 82467 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4e20ce8][SLP] sh
82467 c522e588 d8d6f000    0 66576 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522e588][SLP] gmake
66576 c49a1000 d9075000    0 66572 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c49a1000][SLP] sh
66572 c4a393b0 d8cd8000    0 66571 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c4a393b0][SLP] gmake
66571 c5325000 d8e1f000    0 56001 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c5325000][SLP] sh
56002 c4e20588 d8e9f000    0 56000 52913 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] pnohang
56001 c522e1d8 d8d6d000    0 56000 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c522e1d8][SLP] make
56000 c48fa1d8 d8dc2000    0 55979 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c48fa1d8][SLP] pnohang
55979 c45c4ce8 d8eda000    0 52924 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c45c4ce8][SLP] sh
52924 c49a1938 d907a000    0 52913 52913 0004000 norm[SLPQ    wait c49a1938][SLP] sh
52913 c5325588 d8e22000    0     1 52913 2004000 norm[SLPQ   pause d8e22000][SLP] csh
95757 c41803b0 d8c57000    0     1 95757 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] lpd
65007 c4a40000 d8d1d000    0     1 65007 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] fcron
68435 c47f43b0 d8f88000    0     1 27008 0004100 norm[SLPQ  semwait c3fda800][SLP] gds_lock_mgr
  521 c4006ce8 d7a44000    0     1   521 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4020c10][SLP] getty
  520 c4180ce8 d8c5c000    0     1   520 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4491c10][SLP] getty
  519 c45db760 d8c84000    0     1   519 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4491810][SLP] getty
  518 c45db1d8 d8c81000    0     1   518 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4491410][SLP] getty
  517 c45de1d8 d8cbf000    0     1   517 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4490c10][SLP] getty
  516 c4148938 d7a88000    0     1   516 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4141c10][SLP] getty
  515 c45dbb10 d8cbc000    0     1   515 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4020610][SLP] getty
  514 c45db938 d8cbb000    0     1   514 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c4490e10][SLP] getty
  513 c45db000 d8c62000    0     1   513 0004002 norm[SLPQ   ttyin c14f2810][SLP] getty
  506 c4148760 d7a87000    0     1   506 0000000 norm[SLPQ  nanslp c0485934][SLP] cron
  479 c4180938 d8c5a000    0     1    41 0004002 norm[SLPQ    wait c4180938][SLP] sh
  383 c4180b10 d8c5b000   25     1   383 2000100 norm[SLPQ   pause d8c5b000][SLP] sendmail
  380 c4180588 d8c58000    0     1   380 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sendmail
  374 c4180760 d8c59000    0     1   374 0000100 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] sshd
  343 c4148588 d7a86000    0     1   343 0000000 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] ntpd
  216 c4006b10 d7a43000    0     1   216 0000000 norm[CVQ  select c044f264][SLP] syslogd
  117 c4180000 d8c55000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c4491200][SLP] md2
  103 c4148b10 d7a89000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c4020800][SLP] md1
   57 c41483b0 d7a85000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  mdwait c4141600][SLP] md0
   40 c4145000 d7a45000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c045d92c][SLP] nfsiod 3
   39 c41451d8 d7a46000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c045d928][SLP] nfsiod 2
   38 c41453b0 d7a47000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c045d924][SLP] nfsiod 1
   37 c4145588 d7a48000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  nfsidl c045d920][SLP] nfsiod 0
   36 c4145760 d7a49000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  vlruwt c4145760][SLP] vnlru
   35 c4145938 d7a4a000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  syncer c044cf6c][SLP] syncer
   34 c4145b10 d7a4b000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c04aa904][SLP] bufdaemon
   33 c4145ce8 d7a4c000    0     0     0 000020c norm[RUNQ] pagezero
    9 c4148000 d7a83000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c04ae23c][SLP] vmdaemon
    8 c41481d8 d7a84000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  psleep c0464e78][SLP] pagedaemon
   32 c3f5b588 d79fd000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq8: rtc
   31 c3f5b760 d7a34000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq0: clk
   30 c3f5b938 d7a35000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq13:
   29 c3f5bb10 d7a36000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq7: ppc0
   28 c3f5bce8 d7a37000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq3: sio1
   27 c4006000 d7a3d000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq4: sio0
   26 c40061d8 d7a3e000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi0: tty:sio
   25 c40063b0 d7a3f000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  usbtsk c0443dfc][SLP] usbtask
   24 c4006588 d7a40000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  usbevt c3fbb210][SLP] usb0
   23 c4006760 d7a41000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] irq15: ata1
   22 c4006938 d7a42000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] irq14: ata0
   21 c15001d8 d6832000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[LOCK  Giant c044bcc0] irq10: fxp0 uhci0
    7 c15003b0 d6833000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0437d3c][SLP] acpi_task2
    6 c1500588 d6834000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0437d3c][SLP] acpi_task1
    5 c1500760 d6835000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  actask c0437d3c][SLP] acpi_task0
   20 c1500938 d6836000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] irq9: acpi0
   19 c1500b10 d6837000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi5: task queue
   18 c1500ce8 d6838000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi5: acpitaskq
   17 c3f5b000 d79fa000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi3: cambio
   16 c3f5b1d8 d79fb000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi2: camnet
   15 c3f5b3b0 d79fc000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ   sleep c0471120][SLP] random
    4 c14f9000 d67bd000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  g_down c0446090][SLP] g_down
    3 c14f91d8 d682a000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ    g_up c044608c][SLP] g_up
    2 c14f93b0 d682b000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[SLPQ  g_events c0446084][SLP] g_event
   14 c14f9588 d682c000    0     0     0 0000204 new [IWAIT] swi4: vm
   13 c14f9760 d682d000    0     0     0 000020c norm[LOCK  Giant c044bcc0] swi6: tty:sio clock
   12 c14f9938 d682e000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[IWAIT] swi1: net
   11 c14f9b10 d682f000    0     0     0 000020c norm[Can run] idle
    1 c14f9ce8 d6830000    0     0     1 0004200 norm[SLPQ    wait c14f9ce8][SLP] init
   10 c1500000 d6831000    0     0     0 0000204 norm[CVQ  ktrace c0481c24][SLP] ktrace
    0 c0447300 c0587000    0     0     0 0000200 norm[SLPQ   sched c0447300][SLP] swapper

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