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Date:      Wed, 23 May 2001 16:19:09 -0500
From:      Libby Charles-CCL044 <>
To:        "'Sue Blake'" <>
Cc:        "'freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG'" <freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   RE: mad about questions?    newbies list=what?
Message-ID:  <>

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It does??? Would you mind letting me know (in private mail if you like)
what book that was, and exactly what words it uses? If people
really are being told to ask _support_questions_ here, that's a shame.
It would mean that they would be stepping outside the list charter.
Keeping within list charters is a condition of using the freebsd
lists. You should go to the authoritative source, the list charters
(descriptions) on the web site.

The Complete FreeBSD 3rd Edition

Chapter 1: Introduction
Page 15
Paragraph Support

"A good place to start is with the mailing lists FreeBSD-newbies and freebsd-questions respectively.  To sign up sen a mail message to with the text ..."

I subscribed to this list because of this page as well.  I just have lurked for a while so I have seen several flamed for asking questions, and I know to go to questions when I ask.

Charles S. Libby
Technical Instructor
iDEN Technical Training
(847) 576-0617
Rom 10:9,10

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