From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Apr  5 16:44:34 2000
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Subject: package + gnu answers + mail Q.
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in case anyone has trouble with FBSD-R 4.0
and Gimp and Netscape packages.

A) the +REQUIRE script in Netscape 4.72 needs the
-aout switch in the ldconfig command to install.

B) when adding Gimp, the PDL-2.0 package fails
to install unless you change the +CONTENTS file
so @pkgdep=Mesa-3.1 (in 4.0 pkgs).

personally, i liked some features of the new GNU utilities,
and i wondered why they were not included in the base dists
of FBSD, but for the most part, over time, i have found them
to be more bloated and more buggy than the 8 year old utilities :)


ps. it seems my favorite maillist and a few others these days
    block mail originating from a server with a private IP
    behind a proxying gateway.  is there i way i can continue
    to use my own sendmail to mail from my FBSD machine behind
    a proxying gateway?  is my only choice to use the proxies
    mailserver to send mail?  this sucks for various reasons.

i wonder if the war against spammers isn't as "silly" as the
drug war.  i mean, for every action, with enough motive,
there's an effective counter action, and meanwhile,
innocent victims get caught in the crossfire :)

i mean - no one "pushes" users to make their email public,
and everyone nowadays has a web-based "junk-mail" account :)
and the day enough people don't like spam, that's the day
there won't be anyone paying to do it.

personally, i have more problems mailing in flexibly
than i do with spammers.  (don't spam me for that!!!)

more and more my email bounces with
"originating domain must exist"
messages. :(

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