Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 10:44:19 +0200 From: =?utf-8?Q?Hans_Petter_Selasky?= <> To: =?utf-8?Q?Shane_Ambler?= <FreeBSD@ShaneWare.Biz> Cc: =?utf-8?Q?freebsd-multimedia=40freebsd=2Eorg?= <> Subject: RE: usb midi support for Alesis keyboard Message-ID: <zarafa.51973f63.523f.47a46f32686d827f@eric2.bitfrost> In-Reply-To: <51973844.9040806@ShaneWare.Biz> References: <51973844.9040806@ShaneWare.Biz>
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Hi,=0D=0A=0D=0A=C2=A0=0D=0AYou should use /usr/ports/jack_umidi to create= jack nodes which your other software can access. The USB MIDI nodes are = 100% raw data and not interconnected with the sound system in FreeBSD!=0D= =0A=0D=0A=C2=A0=0D=0A--HPS=0D=0A=C2=A0=0D=0A-----Original message-----=0D= =0AFrom:Shane Ambler <FreeBSD@ShaneWare.Biz>=0D=0ASent:Sat 18-05-2013 10:= 13=0D=0ASubject:Re: usb midi support for Alesis keyboard=0D=0ATo:Hans Pet= ter Selasky <>;=20=0D=0ACC:freebsd-multime=;=20=0D=0AOn 18/05/2013 16:49, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:=0D= =0A> Hi,=0D=0A>=0D=0A> Try this patch:=0D=0A>=0D=0A> http://svnweb.freebs=>=0D=0A=0D=0AWith the device disconnecti= ng - hw.usb.no_cs_fail=3D1 stopped that.=0D=0A=0D=0A/dev/midistat still s= ays no midi devices.=0D=0Aplug/un-plug creates/deletes /dev/umidi0.0 -> 1= 5 (they are stable=20=0D=0Awithout the disconnecting)=0D=0A=0D=0AI'll try= the patch and see how that goes. I rebuilt world to update to=0D=0A9.1-R= ELEASE-p3 last night. Using a dtrace enabled kernel built with clang.=0D=0A= =0D=0AThe Q49 is plugged directly into a usb2.0/1.1 socket at the back of= the=20=0D=0Amotherboard.=0D=0A=0D=0AI get the following from usbdump fro= m a middle c=0D=0Afollowed by usbconfig dump_curr_config_desc=0D=0A=0D=0A= # usbdump -i usbus2 -f 6 -s 65536 -vvv=0D=0A16:28:47.266708 usbus2.6=20=0D= =0ADONE-BULK-EP=3D00000081,SPD=3DFULL,NFR=3D1,SLEN=3D64,IVAL=3D0,ERR=3D0=0D= =0A =C2=A0frame[0] READ 64 bytes=0D=0A =C2=A00000 =C2=A009 90 3C 5A 00 00= 00 00 =C2=A000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A0|..<Z............|=0D=0A =C2=A0= 0010 =C2=A000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A0|.= =2E..............|=0D=0A =C2=A00020 =C2=A000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A00= 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A0|................|=0D=0A =C2=A00030 =C2=A000= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =C2=A0|..............= =2E.|=0D=0A =C2=A0flags 0x12 <SHORT_XFER_OK|PROXY_BUFFER|0>=0D=0A =C2=A0s= tatus 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bLength =3D 0x05=0D= =0A =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 bDescriptorType =3D 0x25=0D=0A =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2= =A0 bDescriptorSubType =3D 0x01=0D=0A =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0RAW dump= :=0D=0A =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A0 =C2=A00x00 | 0x05, 0x25, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03=0D= =0A=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A From owner-freebsd-multimedia@FreeBSD.ORG Sat May 18 09:43:27 2013 Return-Path: <owner-freebsd-multimedia@FreeBSD.ORG> Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8798C1ED for <>; Sat, 18 May 2013 09:43:27 +0000 (UTC) (envelope-from Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1BE7E9B2 for <>; Sat, 18 May 2013 09:43:26 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959); Sat, 18 May 2013 11:42:44 +0200 Received: from [] ([]) by over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959); Sat, 18 May 2013 11:42:30 +0200 Message-ID: <1368870149.671.83.camel@archlinux> Subject: Re: jackd From: Ralf Mardorf <> To: Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 11:42:29 +0200 In-Reply-To: <> References: <1368803054.1374.8.camel@localhost> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" X-Mailer: Evolution 3.8.2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-OriginalArrivalTime: 18 May 2013 09:42:31.0004 (UTC) FILETIME=[042FB9C0:01CE53AC] X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.14 Precedence: list List-Id: Multimedia discussions <> List-Unsubscribe: <>, <> List-Archive: <> List-Post: <> List-Help: <> List-Subscribe: <>, <> X-List-Received-Date: Sat, 18 May 2013 09:43:27 -0000 On Sat, 2013-05-18 at 17:02 +1000, Ian Smith wrote: > Re what Diane said, that seems also to be the case on linux Hi :) I reply from my "pro-audio" (bizarre term) Linux DAW ;). Are you talking about real-time for the users? On Linux even a vanilla kernel can be used with real-time abilities + you can configure it to _full_ preemption and enable threadirqs when booting, without patching the kernel. Im using a real-time patch for my kernels, but the difference to a full preempted kernel are minimal. Usually real-time permissions are given to the user by PAM, . FWIW if on FreeBSD real-time is an issue, there still is the possibility to take care about some other stuff, that could harm audio performance. On my machine I unbind some USB ports, that share the IRQ with one of my sound cards. echo -n "0000:00:13.2" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ohci_hcd/unbind echo -n "0000:00:13.4" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ohci_hcd/unbind There isn't a difference for the performance on my machine, but perhaps this can help on other machines. You can stop services, bluetooth, cups, resp. remove drivers for firewire, parallel port, printer. It's said that editing PCI bus latency isn't a good idea and IIRC it has got no impact to PCIe, but I might be mistaken. Using Linux for pro-audio (this term simply is for "good working audio", not only for professional usage ;) IMO still is luck of the draw, but possible and this by running jackd as user. Regards, Ralf
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