Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 15:40:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Nils M Holm <> To: Subject: ports/22048 Message-ID: <>
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The following reply was made to PR ports/22048; it has been noted by GNATS. From: Nils M Holm <> To: Cc: Subject: ports/22048 Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 00:33:05 +0000 (GMT) >Submitter-Id: current-users >Originator: Nils M Holm >Confidential: no >Synopsis: ports/22048 >Severity: non-critical >Category: ports >Release: FreeBSD 2.2.8-RELEASE i386 >Class: change-request >Environment: FreeBSD-current >Description: The original version is too old, so I'm sending a new archive rather than a diff. >Fix: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # tide-14 # tide-14/Makefile # tide-14/distinfo # tide-14/pkg-comment # tide-14/pkg-descr # tide-14/pkg-plist # echo c - tide-14 mkdir -p tide-14 > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - tide-14/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >tide-14/Makefile << 'END-of-tide-14/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: tide X# Date created: 16 October 2000 X# Whom: Nils M Holm <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= tide XPORTVERSION= 1.4 XDISTNAME= tide-14 XCATEGORIES= devel XMASTER_SITES= \ X X XBUILD_DEPENDS= /usr/local/t3x/r6/bin/tx:/usr/ports/lang/t3x-6A2 XRUN_DEPENDS= /usr/local/t3x/r6/bin/tx:/usr/ports/lang/t3x-6A2 XMAKE_ENV+= T3XDIR=/usr/local/t3x/r6 X X XMAINTAINER= X X.include <> END-of-tide-14/Makefile echo x - tide-14/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >tide-14/distinfo << 'END-of-tide-14/distinfo' XMD5 (tide-14.tar.gz) = e345cd3cc9791c4530b949899b784998 END-of-tide-14/distinfo echo x - tide-14/pkg-comment sed 's/^X//' >tide-14/pkg-comment << 'END-of-tide-14/pkg-comment' XT3X Integrated Development Environment and T3X Tool classes END-of-tide-14/pkg-comment echo x - tide-14/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >tide-14/pkg-descr << 'END-of-tide-14/pkg-descr' XTIDE is the T3X Integrated Development Environment. Basically, it Xis a text editor with an integrated interface to the T3X compiler. XT3X 6.8 or a later version is recommended to run TIDE. The main Xpurposes of TIDE are: X X. editing source programs X. compiling programs without leaving the editor X. locating formal errors X. running programs X XT3Xtools is a set of classes which provides some frequently Xused functionality like X X. managing configuration files X. visually and non-visually editing ASCII text X. navigating directory trees and selecting files X. displaying and editing forms X. presenting menu boxes and prompt boxes X XWWW: X X-- XNils M Holm <> END-of-tide-14/pkg-descr echo x - tide-14/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >tide-14/pkg-plist << 'END-of-tide-14/pkg-plist' X@pkgdep t3x-6.10.2 Xbin/tide Xt3x/r6/classes/config.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/config.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/editor.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/editor.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/filebox.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/filebox.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/form.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/form.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/menu.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/menu.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/prompt.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/prompt.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/tblio.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/tblio.dir Xt3x/r6/classes/vedit.cls Xt3x/r6/classes/vedit.dir Xt3x/r6/doc/ Xt3x/r6/doc/ Xt3x/r6/tide.rc Xt3x/r6/tide/default.cs Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/apfel.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/fac.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/hello.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/hello2.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/hello3.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/permute.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/primes.t Xt3x/r6/tide/examples/ttt.t Xt3x/r6/tide/helpfile Xt3x/r6/tide/monochrm.cs Xt3x/r6/tide/tide X@exec echo 'config:t3x,iostream,string,ttyctl' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'editor:t3x,string' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'tblio:t3x,string,iostream' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'filebox:t3x,string,system,ttyctl' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'form:t3x,ttyctl,menu,prompt' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'menu:t3x,string,ttyctl' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'prompt:t3x,string,ttyctl' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec echo 'vedit:t3x,string,ttyctl,editor' >>%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@exec sh -c 'if ! grep -q %D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config; then echo "file = [THE T3XTOOLS CLASSES]">>%D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config; fi' X@exec sh -c 'if ! grep -q %D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config; then echo "file = [TIDE DOCUMENTATION]" >>%D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config; fi' X@unexec cp %D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config %D/t3x/r6/sdv.tmp && grep -v 'tools\.sd' %D/t3x/r6/sdv.tmp | grep -v 'tide\.sd' >%D/t3x/r6/doc/sdv-config && rm -f %D/t3x/r6/sdv.tmp X@unexec sed -e '/^config:/,/^vedit:/d' <%D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX >%D/t3x/ndx.tmp && mv %D/t3x/ndx.tmp %D/t3x/r6/classes/CLASSNDX X@dirrm t3x/r6/tide/examples X@dirrm t3x/r6/tide END-of-tide-14/pkg-plist exit To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message
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