Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 23:30:30 GMT From: "Paul Seniura" <> To: Subject: Re: ports/72367: New port: net/c3270 - to replace net/tn3270 - Full-screen curses-based remote login to IBM mainframes Message-ID: <>
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The following reply was made to PR ports/72367; it has been noted by GNATS. From: "Paul Seniura" <> To: <> Cc: Subject: Re: ports/72367: New port: net/c3270 - to replace net/tn3270 - Full-screen curses-based remote login to IBM mainframes Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 18:22:55 -0500 (CDT) Okay this is a good set. It will use the IBM devel/icu2-2.8 port for DBCS support, but it does have a known problem with certain tags. I've been in contact with the project leader to help figure out the problem. We will patch the tables to comment-out their subchar1 tags for now. Let's go with this for now, please. ===cut-here=== # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # c3270/Makefile # c3270/distinfo # c3270/pkg-descr # echo x - c3270/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >c3270/Makefile << 'END-of-c3270/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: c3270 X# Date created: 04 October 2004 X# Whom: X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= c3270 XPORTVERSION= 3.3.2p2 XCATEGORIES= net XMASTER_SITES= XDISTNAME= ${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:S/.//g} XEXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= Full-screen curses-based remote login to IBM mainframes X XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${PORTNAME}-${PORTVERSION:C/([0-9]\.[0-9])(\..*)/\1/} X XUSE_GMAKE= yes XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XCONFIGURE_TARGET=--build=${MACHINE_ARCH}-portbld-freebsd${OSREL} X XUSE_OPENSSL= yes X XUSE_REINPLACE= yes X XMAN1= c3270.1 \ X x3270if.1 \ X x3270-script.1 \ X pr3287.1 XMAN5= ibm_hosts.5 XMANCOMPRESSED= no X XPLIST_FILES= bin/c3270 \ X bin/x3270if \ X bin/pr3287 \ X etc/x3270/ibm_hosts XPLIST_DIRS= etc/x3270 X XPORTDOCS= LICENSE \ X README \ X html/Bugs.html \ X html/Build.html \ X html/FAQ.html \ X html/Intro.html \ X html/Lineage.html \ X html/New.html \ X html/README.html \ X html/Wishlist.html \ X html/c3270-man.html \ X html/x3270-script.html \ X html/x3270.xbm \ X html/x3270if.html X X# c3270's ./configure script supports these. X# Within it all options except DBCS are enabled by default. X XOPTIONS=OPENSSL 'Build with OpenSSL support' on \ X READLINE 'Use system Readline library' on \ X PR3287 'Build pr3287 component' on \ X ANSI 'Include NVT (ANSI) support' on \ X APL 'Include APL support' on \ X DBCS 'Include EBCDIC DBCS support' off \ X FT 'Include IND\$$FILE support' on \ X LOCAL_PROCESS 'Include Local Process support' on \ X PRINTER 'Include printer session support' on \ X SCRIPT 'Include scripting support' on \ X TN3270E 'Include TN3270-Extended support' on \ X TRACE 'Include trace support' on X X.include <> X X.if defined(WITHOUT_OPENSSL) && !defined(WITH_OPENSSL) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-ssl X.undef USE_OPENSSL X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_READLINE) && !defined(WITH_READLINE) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-readline X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_PR3287) && !defined(WITH_PR3287) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-pr3287 X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_ANSI) && !defined(WITH_ANSI) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-ansi X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_APL) && !defined(WITH_APL) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-apl X.endif X X# EBCDIC double-byte character set support is disabled by default X.if defined(WITH_DBCS) && !defined(WITHOUT_DBCS) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-dbcs XBUILD_DEPENDS+= ${LOCALBASE}/include/unicode/ucnv.h:${PORTSDIR}/devel/icu2:install XUCM_TABLES= ibm-1027_P100-1995 \ X ibm-300_P110-1997 \ X ibm-837_P100-2000 X.for table_name in ${UCM_TABLES} XPLIST_FILES+= etc/x3270/icudt28l_${table_name}.cnv X.endfor X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_FT) && !defined(WITH_FT) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-ft X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_LOCAL_PROCESS) && !defined(WITH_LOCAL_PROCESS) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-local-process X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_PRINTER) && !defined(WITH_PRINTER) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-printer X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_SCRIPT) && !defined(WITH_SCRIPT) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-script X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_TN3270E) && !defined(WITH_TN3270E) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-tn3270e X.endif X X.if defined(WITHOUT_TRACE) && !defined(WITH_TRACE) XCONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-trace X.endif X Xpre-patch: X# icu2-2.8 gets choked with subchar1 tags X.if defined(WITH_DBCS) && !defined(WITHOUT_DBCS) X ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/^<subchar1>/#<subchar1>/g' \ X ${WRKSRC}/*.ucm X.endif X Xpost-install: X -( cd ${WRKSRC} && ${GMAKE} ${MAKE_FLAGS} Makefile ) X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X -${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X -${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/html X.for i in ${PORTDOCS} X -${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${i} ${DOCSDIR}/${i} X.endfor X @${ECHO_MSG} "===> Extra Documentation installed in ${DOCSDIR}/html ." X.endif X Xpost-deinstall: X -${RMDIR} ${DOCSDIR}/html X -${RMDIR} ${DOCSDIR} X X.include <> END-of-c3270/Makefile echo x - c3270/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >c3270/distinfo << 'END-of-c3270/distinfo' XMD5 (c3270-332p2.tgz) = 4f348cff45a23e9021e713cfd94fd798 XSIZE (c3270-332p2.tgz) = 559993 END-of-c3270/distinfo echo x - c3270/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >c3270/pkg-descr << 'END-of-c3270/pkg-descr' X From html/Intro.html: X X c3270 is a curses-based IBM 3270 terminal emulator. It can be used to X communicate with any IBM host that supports 3270-style connections X over TELNET. It can also communicate with hosts that use line-by-line X ASCII mode to do initial login negotiation before switching to X full-screen 3270 mode. X X From "pr3287/README": X X pr3287 is an IBM 3287 printer emulator. It connects to an IBM host via X TELNET, using TN3270 or TN3270E. It supports SCS (SNA Character Stream). X X X This release provides some support for SSL, Tcl, and DBCS. X X Graphics not (yet) supported. X X Some extended highlighting not (yet) supported. X XWWW: X or END-of-c3270/pkg-descr exit ===cut-here=== -- thx, Paul Seniura.
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