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Date:      17 Apr 2001 11:05:42 -0400
From:      Lowell Gilbert <>
Subject:   Re: FEP RFC
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In-Reply-To:'s message of "17 Apr 2001 06:50:17 %2B0800"
References:  <9bfsv9$2vrv$>

next in thread | previous in thread | raw e-mail | index | archive | help ("Crist Clark") writes:

> I guess I missed this when it came out two weeks ago, and I did not
> see it pop up here. This one is very, very, very dry.
> (In case it doesn't sink in right away, look at the date on it.)

I'm not sure that I agree with the "very, very, very dry" assessment,
at least in the large view.  I'd actually call it very *pointed*
satire.  To a non-trivial extent, tunneling protocols *over* HTTP has
been happening for years, in many cases for *no* reason other than
getting past firewalls.  To say this is a bad idea doesn't even begin
to insult the concept properly, and I'm glad that Scott Bradner has
used humor so effectively in explaining the problem.  [To give proper
credit to his co-author, I suspect that Mark Gaynor deserves a lot of
the credit for the rather clever dryness in the actual writing.]

Be well.
        Lowell Gilbert
"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it
ceases to be serious when people laugh."
		-- George Bernard Shaw

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