From owner-freebsd-questions Fri Nov 28 22:01:22 1997 Return-Path: Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id WAA07047 for questions-outgoing; Fri, 28 Nov 1997 22:01:22 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from owner-freebsd-questions) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id WAA07040 for ; Fri, 28 Nov 1997 22:01:20 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Received: from localhost (dwhite@localhost) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id WAA22352; Fri, 28 Nov 1997 22:01:17 -0800 (PST) (envelope-from Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 22:01:17 -0800 (PST) From: Doug White Reply-To: Doug White To: Parker Brown cc: support@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: Re: Need Help Installing Ports, etc on 2.2.5 In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: owner-freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Parker Brown wrote: > Until 2.2.2 & 2.2.5 I don't remember having problems using lynx to > access the handbook and faqs file included in distribution. I'm using a > little over a gig for FreeBSD, so space is not problem, and after > installation I have a substantial /usr/ports file (/distrib is empty), > and there is a lynx directory in www. > Anyway, i now realize that I haven't a clue as to how to install a ports > or packages file after installation. I've tried playing with > /stand/sysinstall as well as copying various directoies into > /usr/ports/distribution (sp?) and using make. No success with anything. To install a port: cd /usr/ports/category/program make su; make install The system will automatically fetch the distfiles from the net if you don't have them in /usr/ports/distfiles from the CDROM. To uninstall, do pkg_delete port-x.x. Use /var/db/pkg/ as a reference for the name. I believe this information is in the Handbook. Doug White | University of Oregon Internet: | Residence Networking Assistant | Computer Science Major