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Date:      Tue, 28 Jul 1998 08:48:05 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Robert Watson <>
To:        Brett Glass <>
Cc:        "Jan B. Koum " <>, chat@FreeBSD.ORG, security@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD Security How-To (Was: QPopper exploit)
Message-ID:  <>
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On Mon, 27 Jul 1998, Brett Glass wrote:

> I'd like to commend Jan on this effort. 

Yes, I think this is a great thing :)

> I do think that the section on eliminating inetd needs some fleshing out,
> though. Some servers, such as all of the POP3 daemons I've tried, don't
> seem to admit themselves to being run except from inetd. Also, the section
> should discuss the dangers of having a server die without any automatic
> means to resuscitate it. For example, the docs for identd warn against
> running it without inetd, since if it quits it will not be restarted.
> Perhaps a utility that checks for the presence of servers and restarts them
> if they've died could be developed as part of this effort and perhaps added
> to the FreeBSD distribution.

I agree with limiting/replacing this inetd, but I am actually not sure I
agree with just removing inetd.  inetd provides a number of useful
services under BSD:

1. Single location to configure the majority of IP services (i.e., a
single point of configuration that is easy to maintain and monitor)

2. Single location to install IP wrappers and IP-based access control

3. Single location to monitor for potential denial of service attacks

These are all important, I feel.

Inetd provides a simple way to monitor which daemons you are running, and
disable them easily.  Rather than having to modify umpteen rc.* scripts in
many directories, I can modify a single file.  Simplifying the policy
control mechanism is not bad, and it makes it easy for new users of BSD to
disable services.  Now, instead of finding references in many scripts and
config files, I can in 20 seconds comment out all the lines but telnet,
ftp, etc.  This is not bad.  And the format of the inetd configuration
file is certainly not bad -- attempting to stuff the same degree of
control into rc.conf is only asking for trouble :).  With a single HUP, I
can enact the new policy, rather than tracking down dozens of processes
hanging around.

Also, let's not forget the reason for inetd in the first place -- if you
have a number of infrequently used TCP services, you experience far lower
load and resource consumption via inetd.  You are less susceptible to
memory leaks (or even just fragmentation), swap space consumption, etc. 
Most long-lasting heavily hit services regularly kill their component
processes to try and address this (for example, many web servers only use
particular server processes 64 times before killing them in an effort ot
reduce fragmentation and memory leak issues).

I would rather reduce the number of long-running daemons and have a
centralized point of control.  But there are more sides to this (points 2
+ 3 of above).

inetd allows the use of TCP wrappers via a central administration point.
Rather than building by-IP access control into each and every daemon
running on the system, using a central TCP wrappers config file makes far
more sense.  It also means that I can apply varying access control
mechanisms to binary-only daemons I may have (commercially available
daemons).  It also means I don't have to sit there and patch a ported
daemon like crazy to use my access control.

An example: suppose I have an IPsec FreeBSD router.  The FreeBSD router
needs to be configured remotely by a mobile host so that we can have
mobile IP.  I want the machine to allow connections to the telnet, etc,
daemons only if it is a secured connection with the correct keying
material/etc.  Rather than build this into each daemon, I'd really prfer
to have it live in TCP wrappers.  When the connection comes in, the TCP
wrapper makes an authorization decision based on knowing about IPsec, and
then if desired, forwards the connection to the telnet daemon.  Similarly,
wrappers provide a central logging facility.  Rather than rely on the far
larger and more complex telnetd that is probably more susceptible to
programming errors, I want wrappers to securely log the event, and then
allow the connection to telnetd.

Perhaps also, one might want to run inetd itself chroot, and have all
daemons inherit that aspect?

The third point is denial of service.  With a dozen daemons running
independantly, written by a variety of vendors, it might be quite hard to
monitor denial of service attacks.  With a single daemon multiplexing
connections in userland, I can far more easily install a filter watching
for application-based denial of service, or resource consumption.

I feel that inetd provides a degree of centralization for configuration
and security that is more of a benefit than a liability.  Certainly, in an
environment where *no* daemons are running, inetd is probably a bad idea.
The same for high volume daemons like httpd.  On the other hand, wouldn't
you rather have a small daemon (finger) run as nobody via the benefits of
inetd changing the uid, than running fingerd as root so that it can bind
the port?

> Also, the section on ssh suggests running it without telling the user where
> to find client software. Any recommendation for a secure service should
> include information on how to obtain clients for all of the usual client
> platforms (including -- yes -- Microsoft OSes).

I heard there was a free Windows ssh client these days -- I haven't used
it as (oops) I don't run any Microsoft operating systems :).

SSH is a great tool and we should encourage its use.  There are some
caveats involving automatic X forwarding (etc) that should be raised.
There are already papers on this around so perhaps point to existing
documents for details?

  Robert N Watson 

Carnegie Mellon University  
TIS Labs at Network Associates, Inc.
SafePort Network Services       

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