From owner-freebsd-questions  Mon Nov 27 17:20:26 1995
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From: Michael Smith <>
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Subject: Re: how to "fix" more(1) vs termcap/terminfo?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 01:12:15 +0000 ()
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Scott Blachowicz stands accused of saying:

>>> This has been annoying me for a while, so...if I page something with
>>> 'more' (as found in my 2.1.0-950928-SNAP system and 2.0.5-RELEASE
>>> too, I think) with my $TERM set to "xterm", it just runs past the
>>> end of the file without waiting for a prompt or anything.  Is there
>>> any way to get it to ALWAYS prompt at EOF (even for files smaller
>>> than one screen in length)?

>> Your screen size is set incorrectly.  Run the 'resize' command to fix it,
>> and use less if you want to pause at EOF.
> I already do all that.  Let's try doing it "manually" to make sure it is
> getting done...
>     scott@block:~> eval `/usr/X11R6/bin/resize`
>     scott@block:~> wc -l foo.c
>            3 foo.c
>     scott@block:~> more foo.c
> [NOTE: I see the screen flash with no pausing and without being able to
>        see the contents of foo.c]

I can't reproduce that behaviour here.

>     scott@block:~> echo $MORE
>     MORE: Undefined variable.

alias more ?

>>> Or, if that's not possible, how do I tweak my termcap/terminfo entries
>>> to disable the screen contents save/restore?> 
>> Remove the ti/te entries from the xterm termcap.
> Seems to me that it's a bug in 'more' for it to continue past EOF without
> a pause in the presence of ti/te entries that cause the screen to be
> cleared.  I don't know how it would be able to tell that the ti/te entries
> clear the screen.  Maybe 'more' should just have an option that causes it
> to always pause at EOF (like 'less').  This is cute...I'd gotten into the
> habit [on other platforms] of using 'more' when I DIDN'T want the ti/te
> stuff and 'less' when I DID want the ti/te - on FreeBSD they both use
> ti/te.

More, under 2.0.5-RELEASE, 2.1-STABLE or 2.2-CURRENT does not appear
to use the ti/te capability in an xterm.  I have no idea what your 
problem is, but it's not more, xterm or FreeBSD.
Sorry I can't be more (sic) help...

> Scott Blachowicz    Ph: 206/283-8802x240    StatSci, a div of MathSoft, Inc.

]] Mike Smith, Software Engineer    [[
]] Genesis Software              [[
]] High-speed data acquisition and      (GSM mobile) 041-122-496        [[
]] realtime instrument control          (ph/fax)  +61-8-267-3039        [[
]] "Who does BSD?" "We do Chucky, we do."                               [[