Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 18:29:36 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: ports/30927: LPRng Port Update (change-request... sigh...) Message-ID: <200109300129.f8U1TaW50005@h110.private>
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>Number: 30927 >Category: ports >Synopsis: LPRng port update >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-ports >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Sat Sep 29 18:30:00 PDT 2001 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Patrick Powell >Release: FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE i386 >Organization: >Environment: System: FreeBSD h110.private 4.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE #0: Sat Apr 21 10:54:49 GMT 2001 i386 >Description: LPRng port update (which is a change-request... sigh...) >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # LPRng # LPRng/Makefile # LPRng/pkg-message # LPRng/pkg-install # LPRng/pkg-descr # LPRng/pkg-deinstall # LPRng/pkg-comment # LPRng/files-pkg-message # LPRng/distinfo # LPRng/README.html # LPRng/pkg-plist # echo c - LPRng mkdir -p LPRng > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - LPRng/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/Makefile << 'END-of-LPRng/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: LPRng X# Version required: 3.6.8 X# Date created: 2 Apr 1997 X# Whom: X# X# $FreeBSD: ports/sysutils/LPRng/Makefile,v 1.10 1999/09/27 01:50:00 steve Exp $ X# X# FreeBSD LPRng Distribution Port Generation X# Patrick Powell X# Tue Jun 6 18:06:07 PDT 2000 X# X# The scripts in this directory largely automate the process X# of building a LPRng port or package for FreeBSD. They X# a) ${MAKE} the PLIST and other files X# b) do a slew of regression tests, etc. X# c) make a port or package X# X# Added targets for package/port/testers: X# All REPEAT ALL of these targets have security loopholes and should NOT X# be used on a system where other users are active. You have been X# warned. X# X# plist: this little monster makes the PLIST. It is assumed X# that you will do this on a standalone system, so X# it is not paranoid about testing for files, etc. X# You are warned. X# checkit: you should use this target to (literally) checkit X# to ${MAKE} sure the package installs X# cleanit: you should use this target to clean things up. X# This is the equivalent of 'distclean' X# packageit: ${MAKE} a package, install it, clean it, abuse it, X# and otherwise torture test it. Used for checking X# to ${MAKE} sure scripts work X# addit: use pkg_add X# removeit: use pkg_delete X# X# Notes and warnings: X# $PREFIX does not have quite the same effect as it normally would, X# as some of the LPRng files MUST be in fixed locations. X# X# $DESTDIR allows the 'install' step to put files in an 'unusual' X# place. Note that the same effect is obtained by using: X# X# make all X# make PREFIX=/... install X# X# WATCH OUT FOR REBUILDS WHEN YOU USE THIS FORMAT! X# X# Setting INIT=no in the MAKEFILE will cause the install process NOT X# to put the standard LPRng startup script in /usr/local/etc/ X# This makes LPRng a total replacement for Berkeley lpd X# X#Step 1: untar the distribution and then go the the FreeBSD support directory: X# tar zxvf LPRng-...tgz X# cd LPRng*/DI*/FR* X# X#Step 2: (For the VERY paranoid) X# read the rest of this Makefile! X# ${MAKE} checkit X# this does all sorts of tests, etc. X# The final result is LPRng installed and a port made in this X# directory. X# X#Step 2: (For the blithely accepting) X# read the rest of this makefile up to the end of these comments X# ${MAKE} plist X# ${MAKE} install X# ${MAKE} package X# X#Step 3: (To make a port distribution): X# ${MAKE} port X# X# Notes and warnings: X# X XPORTNAME=LPRng XPORTVERSION=3.7.8 XCATEGORIES= sysutils print XMASTER_SITES= XEXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz X XMAINTAINER= X X#RUN_DEPENDS= ifhp:${PORTSDIR}/print/ifhp X XPREFIX?=/usr X XHAS_CONFIGURE= yes XGNU_CONFIGURE= yes XINSTALLS_SHLIB= yes X XCONFIGURE_ARGS= \ X --prefix=${PREFIX} \ X --sysconfdir=/etc \ X --with-ldopts="-L/usr/local/lib" \ X --with-ccopts="-I/usr/local/include" \ X --with-filterdir=${PREFIX}/libexec/filters \ X --with-ld_library_path="${PREFIX}/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib" \ X --with-filter_path="${PREFIX}/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:${PREFIX}/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" X X XMAN1=cancel.1 lp.1 lpbanner.1 lpf.1 lpq.1 lpr.1 lprm.1 lpstat.1 monitor.1 pclbanner.1 psbanner.1 XMAN5=lpd.conf.5 lpd.perms.5 printcap.5 XMAN8=checkpc.8 lpc.8 lpd.8 X Xpost-install: X.if !defined(NOPORTSDOCS) X ${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/${DISTNAME} X ${CP} ` ls \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.txt \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.ps \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.pdf \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.html \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.gif \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.png \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.jpg \ X ${WRKSRC}/HOWTO/*.ppt 2>/dev/null `\ X ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/${DISTNAME}; X.endif X @${CAT} pkg-message X X# Automated PLIST and INSTALL generation X# - I wonder why more scripts don't have this, it would make life easier Xplist: X# X# First, create a new set of directories where your port can be X# installed X# X -${RM} -rf pkg-plist /var/tmp/${DISTNAME} X ${TOUCH} pkg-plist X -${RM} -rf /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME) X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)/etc X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/etc X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/bin X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/lib X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/libexec X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/sbin X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/man/man1 X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/man/man5 X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/man/man8 X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d X ${MKDIR} /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX}/share/doc X# X# Store the directory structure in a new file. X# X (cd /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX} && find . -type d) >/tmp/OLD-DIRS X# ${MAKE} the package and copy to the temporary directory to get the list X X X -${MAKE} deinstall X #-${MAKE} clean X# we install in the DESTDIR subtree - X #${MAKE} makesum X #${MAKE} all X FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=YES ${MAKE} install NO_MTREE=yes DESTDIR=/var/tmp/$(DISTNAME) MAKEPACKAGE=YES X ${CP} /dev/null /tmp/PLIST X (cd /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX} && find . -type f) | \ X ${SED} -e 's/..//' -e '/info.dir/d' -e '/man[0-9]/d' \ X -e '/etc.*conf$$/d' -e '/etc.*printcap$$/d' \ X >> /tmp/PLIST X cp /tmp/PLIST /tmp/files X X (cd /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX} && find . -type f) | \ X ${SED} -n -e 's/\.gz$$//' -e '/man\//s,.*/,,p' > /tmp/MANPAGES X X# This is truly evil - we add the man pages by editing the makefile. X MAN1=`grep '1$$' /tmp/MANPAGES`; MAN1=`${ECHO} $$MAN1`; ${ECHO} MAN1 "$$MAN1"; \ X MAN5=`grep '5$$' /tmp/MANPAGES`; MAN5=`${ECHO} $$MAN5`; ${ECHO} MAN5 "$$MAN5"; \ X MAN8=`grep '8$$' /tmp/MANPAGES`; MAN8=`${ECHO} $$MAN8`; ${ECHO} MAN8 "$$MAN8"; \ X $(PERL) -spi.bak -e \ X "s/^MAN1=.*/MAN1=$${MAN1}/; s/^MAN5=.*/MAN5=$${MAN5}/; s/^MAN8=.*/MAN8=$${MAN8}/;" \ X Makefile X# get directories X (cd /var/tmp/$(DISTNAME)${PREFIX} && find . -type d) \ X | comm -13 /tmp/OLD-DIRS - \ X | ${SED} -e /filters/d -e s#^..## -e 's#^#@dirrm #' >> /tmp/PLIST X# now update the PLIST X ${CP} /tmp/PLIST pkg-plist X X# fix up the MESSAGE X ${SED} <files-pkg-message \ X -e "s|@@DISTNAME@@|${DISTNAME}|g" \ X -e "s|@@PREFIX@@|${PREFIX}|g" \ X -e "s|@@sbindir@@|${PREFIX}/sbin|g" \ X -e "s|@@bindir@@|${PREFIX}/bin|g" \ X >pkg-message X X# put the updated postinstall script into the package directory X ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/preremove pkg-deinstall X ${CP} ${WRKSRC}/postinstall pkg-install; X X# and now deinstall it so you don't get strange things happening X -${RM} -rf /var/tmp/${DISTNAME} X ${MAKE} deinstall X ${RM} *.bak X X# do the tests in the book. But we cheat a bit Xpackageit: X -${RM} -f *.tgz X -${MAKE} deinstall X #${MAKE} clean X #${MAKE} makesum X #make X ${MAKE} install X ${MAKE} package X ${MAKE} deinstall X pkg_add *.tgz X ${MAKE} deinstall X pkg_add *.tgz X pkg_delete ${DISTNAME} X ${MAKE} reinstall X ${MAKE} package X -${MAKE} removeit X ${MAKE} addit X Xaddit: X pkg_add ${DISTNAME}.tgz Xremoveit: X pkg_delete ${DISTNAME} X Xport: clean X rm -f *.tgz *.bak X rm -rf /tmp/${PORTNAME} X mkdir /tmp/${PORTNAME} X -cp Makefile README.html distinfo files-* pkg-* /tmp/${PORTNAME} X cd /tmp; shar ` find ${PORTNAME} -print` >${PORTNAME}.port ; rm -rf ${PORTNAME} X cd /tmp; sh ${PORTNAME}.port; cd ${PORTNAME}; ${MAKE} X Xcheckit: X ${MAKE} cleanit X ${MAKE} makesum X ${MAKE} clean all X ${MAKE} plist X -${MAKE} deinstall X ${MAKE} install deinstall X ${MAKE} packageit X Xcleanit: X -${RM} -rf pkg-plist distinfo *.tgz work LPRng.diffs LPRng X -${CP} /dev/null pkg-plist X X.include <> END-of-LPRng/Makefile echo x - LPRng/pkg-message sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-message << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-message' X XTo activate the new printing system do the following: X X- set `lpd_enable=NO' in /etc/rc.conf. X The startup script for lprng is in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ X X- run checkpc -f to make sure that necessary files have been created X X- reboot or kill the old lpd (`killall lpd') and X start the new one (`/usr/sbin/lpd') X X- remember to adjust your aliases or your PATH to use the new programs X They are in /usr/sbin and /usr/bin X XLPRng uses /etc/printcap, /etc/lpd.conf, and /etc/lpd.perms X XFor further information, have a look at: X /usr/share/doc/LPRng-3.7.8 Xalso: X WWW: END-of-LPRng/pkg-message echo x - LPRng/pkg-install sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-install << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-install' X#!/bin/sh XPATH_PREFIX=/usr XLPD_PATH="/usr/sbin/lpd" XINSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel" XLPD_PERMS_PATH="/etc/lpd.perms" XLPD_CONF_PATH="/etc/lpd.conf" XPRINTCAP_PATH="/etc/printcap" XSYSCONFDIR=/etc XSBINDIR=/usr/sbin XFILTER_DIR=/usr/libexec/filters XLOCKFILE="/var/run/lpd" XPSHOWALL="-ax" XVERSION=3.7.8 XINIT= X# X# -- START -- X#,v 1.1 2001/08/21 20:33:16 root Exp X# X# If you are building a PORT, see the X# DISTRIBUTIONS/Freebsd directory for a complete port X# building package. X# X# This is the shell script that does the postinstall X# dynamic fixup X# It needs to be massaged with the information for X# various paths. X# If you are building a package, then you do NOT want X# to have this executed - it will put the sample files X# in place. You need to do this during the postinstall X# step in the package installation. X# Xset -x Xecho RUNNING parms "'$0 $@'" MAKEPACKAGE="$MAKEPACKAGE" MAKEINSTALL="$MAKEINSTALL" PREFIX="$PREFIX" INIT="$INIT" cwd `pwd` Xfix () { X v=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/[:;].*//'`; X p=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/:.*//'`; d=`dirname $p`; X if expr "$p" : "\|" >/dev/null ; then X echo "$v is a filter '$p'" X exit 0 X fi X echo "Putting $p in $d, using $v.sample" X if [ ! -d "$d" ] ; then X echo "Directory $d does not exist!" X mkdir -p $d X fi X if [ -f $v.sample ] ; then X if [ $v.sample != $p.sample ] ; then cp $v.sample $p.sample; fi X elif [ -f $v ] ; then X if [ $v != $p.sample ] ; then cp $v $p.sample; fi X else X echo "Do not have $v.sample or $v" X fi X if [ ! -f $p.sample ] ; then X echo "Do not have $p.sample" X elif [ ! -f $p ] ; then X chmod 644 $p.sample X cp $p.sample $p; X chmod 644 $p; X fi; X} X# we use the /usr/local/etc/rc.d method to start X# lpd X# we have to take them from one place and put in another Xif [ "X$MAKEPACKAGE" = "XYES" ] ; then X hold=${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc X echo "Setting up configuration files path" ${hold} X # we put files into the destination X if [ ! -d ${hold} ] ; then mkdir -p ${hold} ; fi; X cp lpd.perms ${hold}/lpd.perms.sample X cp lpd.conf ${hold}/lpd.conf.sample X cp printcap ${hold}/printcap.sample X if [ "$INIT" != no ] ; then X cp init.freebsd ${hold}/ X fi Xelif [ "X$MAKEINSTALL" = XYES ] ; then X echo "Setting up configuration files path" ${hold} X hold=${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc X if [ ! -d ${hold} ] ; then mkdir -p ${hold} ; fi; X cp lpd.perms ${hold}/lpd.perms.sample X cp lpd.conf ${hold}/lpd.conf.sample X cp printcap ${hold}/printcap.sample X X fix ${hold}/lpd.perms "${DESTDIR}${LPD_PERMS_PATH}" X fix ${hold}/lpd.conf "${DESTDIR}${LPD_CONF_PATH}" X fix ${hold}/printcap "${DESTDIR}${PRINTCAP_PATH}" X X if [ "$INIT" != no ] ; then X if [ -f /etc/rc.conf ] ; then X perl -spi.bak -e 's/^lpd_enable/#lpd_enable/;' ${DESTDIR}/etc/rc.conf X fi X cp init.freebsd ${hold}/ X init=${DESTDIR}/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ X echo "Setting up init script $init using init.freebsd" X if [ ! -d `dirname $init` ] ; then mkdir -p `dirname $init ` ; fi; X rm -f $init X cp init.freebsd $init X chmod 744 $init X X echo "Stopping LPD" X kill -INT `ps ${PSHOWALL} | awk '/lpd/{ print $1;}'` >/dev/null 2>&1 X sleep 2; X # check the printcap information X echo "Checking Printcap Info and fixing permissions" X ${SBINDIR}/checkpc -f X # restart the server X echo "Restarting server" X sh $init start X fi Xelif [ "X$2" = "XPOST-INSTALL" ] ; then X # when doing an install from a package we get the file from the package X hold=${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/etc X if [ -f ${hold}/lpd.perms.sample ] ; then X fix ${hold}/lpd.perms "${LPD_PERMS_PATH}" X fix ${hold}/lpd.conf "${LPD_CONF_PATH}" X fix ${hold}/printcap "${PRINTCAP_PATH}" X if [ "$INIT" != no ] ; then X init=/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ X cp ${hold}/ $init; X chmod 755 $init; X if [ -f /etc/rc.conf ] ; then X perl -spi.bak -e 's/^lpd_enable/#lpd_enable/;' /etc/rc.conf X fi X fi X else X echo "WARNING: configuration files missing from package! CWD " `pwd` X ls X exit 1 X fi Xfi Xexit 0 END-of-LPRng/pkg-install echo x - LPRng/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-descr << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-descr' XThe LPRng software is an enhanced, extended, and portable implementation Xof the Berkeley LPR print spooler functionality. While providing the Xsame interface and meeting RFC1179 requirements, the implementation is Xcompletely new and provides support for the following features: Xlightweight (no databases needed) lpr, lpc, and lprm programs; dynamic Xredirection of print queues; automatic job holding; highly verbose Xdiagnostics; multiple printers serving a single queue; client programs Xdo not need to run SUID root; greatly enhanced security checks; and a Xgreatly improved permission and authorization mechanism. X XSee for more information. END-of-LPRng/pkg-descr echo x - LPRng/pkg-deinstall sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-deinstall << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-deinstall' X#!/bin/sh XPATH_PREFIX=/usr XLPD_PATH="/usr/sbin/lpd" XINSTALL="/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel" XLPD_PERMS_PATH="/etc/lpd.perms" XLPD_CONF_PATH="/etc/lpd.conf" XPRINTCAP_PATH="/etc/printcap" XSYSCONFDIR=/etc XSBINDIR=/usr/sbin XFILTER_DIR=/usr/libexec/filters XLOCKFILE="/var/run/lpd" XPSHOWALL="-ax" XVERSION=3.7.8 XINIT= X# X# -- START -- X#,v 1.1 2001/08/21 20:33:17 root Exp X# X# This is the shell script that does the preremove X# lpd shutdown. It is the script from hell Xecho RUNNING parms "'$0 $@'" Xif [ "X$2" = "XDEINSTALL" ] ; then X echo "Stopping LPD" X kill -INT `ps ${PSHOWALL} | awk '/lpd/{ print $1;}'` >/dev/null 2>&1 Xfi Xexit 0 END-of-LPRng/pkg-deinstall echo x - LPRng/pkg-comment sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-comment << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-comment' XAn Enhanced Printer Spooler END-of-LPRng/pkg-comment echo x - LPRng/files-pkg-message sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/files-pkg-message << 'END-of-LPRng/files-pkg-message' X XTo activate the new printing system do the following: X X- set `lpd_enable=NO' in /etc/rc.conf. X The startup script for lprng is in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ X X- run checkpc -f to make sure that necessary files have been created X X- reboot or kill the old lpd (`killall lpd') and X start the new one (`@@sbindir@@/lpd') X X- remember to adjust your aliases or your PATH to use the new programs X They are in @@sbindir@@ and @@bindir@@ X XLPRng uses /etc/printcap, /etc/lpd.conf, and /etc/lpd.perms X XFor further information, have a look at: X @@PREFIX@@/share/doc/@@DISTNAME@@ Xalso: X WWW: END-of-LPRng/files-pkg-message echo x - LPRng/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/distinfo << 'END-of-LPRng/distinfo' XMD5 (LPRng-3.7.8.tgz) = e3240162886d3430a8e1a76d841369dd END-of-LPRng/distinfo echo x - LPRng/README.html sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/README.html << 'END-of-LPRng/README.html' X<html> X<title> The FreeBSD Ports Collection (sysutils/LPRng)</title> X<head><h1> The FreeBSD Ports Collection ("sysutils/LPRng")</h1> </head> <hr> X<body> X X<p>You are now in the directory for the port "sysutils/LPRng" (package name "LPRng-3.7.8"). X X<p>This is the one-line description for this port: X X<p><hr><p> XAn Enhanced Printer Spooler X<p><hr> X X<p>Please read the file "<a href="pkg-descr">pkg-descr</a>" for a Xlonger description. X X<p>Go to the <a href="../../README.html">top of the ports tree</a> for Xa summary on how to use the ports collection. X X<p> X X<p> X X X<p><hr><p> X<a href="../README.html"> Go up one level</a> X| X<a href="../../README.html"> Go to top of ports tree</a> X</body> X</html> END-of-LPRng/README.html echo x - LPRng/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >LPRng/pkg-plist << 'END-of-LPRng/pkg-plist' Xetc/lpd.perms.sample Xetc/lpd.conf.sample Xetc/ Xbin/lpq Xbin/lprm Xbin/lpr Xbin/lpstat Xlib/ Xlib/liblpr.a Xlibexec/filters/lpf Xlibexec/filters/lpbanner Xlibexec/filters/pclbanner Xlibexec/filters/psbanner Xsbin/lpc Xsbin/lpd Xsbin/checkpc Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LISA98.ppt Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/rfc1179.txt Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/license.txt Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LPRngT-S.jpg Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LPRngT-L.jpg Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LPRng.jpg Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LPRng-HOWTO.pdf Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/LPRng-HOWTO.html Xshare/doc/LPRng-3.7.8/y2k.txt X@dirrm share/doc/LPRng-3.7.8 END-of-LPRng/pkg-plist exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message
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