From owner-freebsd-questions Tue Oct 10 08:35:36 1995 Return-Path: owner-questions Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id IAA23229 for questions-outgoing; Tue, 10 Oct 1995 08:35:36 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) with SMTP id IAA23219 for ; Tue, 10 Oct 1995 08:35:29 -0700 Received: by; (5.65/ id AA10002; Tue, 10 Oct 1995 11:35:19 -0400 Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 11:35:19 -0400 From: "Garrett A. Wollman" Message-Id: <> To: Andrew Herdman Cc: Subject: A few questions In-Reply-To: References: Sender: Precedence: bulk < said: > 1) Why does the kernal stay at secure level -1. I replaced BSDi 2.0.1 > with FreeBSD 2.0.5 and BSDi always defaulted to security of 1 while > FreeBSD does not. Because FreeBSD is a system undergoing continuous development, and it is unacceptable for the developers to have to shut down to single-user just to install new binaries. If you wish to have the 4.4-style automatic securelevel, you should delete the `= -1' initialization in kern_sysctl.c. > 2) If i manually set kern.securelevel to 1, XFree86 no longer works > complaining about lack of access to /dev/mem. I used XFree86 > with BSDi and it worked fine. Anyone have a suggestion? >From init(8): 1 Secure mode - immutable and append-only flags may not be changed; disks for mounted filesystems, /dev/mem, and /dev/kmem are read- only. X can't write to your video card's memory. > 3) All of the maintenance scripts run fine sending e-mail to root. Problem > is, I'm not running them from cron. Yes you are. root's crontab is in /etc/crontab. Don't attempt to use the crontab(1) command to modify this, it simply won't work. -GAWollman -- Garrett A. Wollman | Shashish is simple, it's discreet, it's brief. ... | Shashish is the bonding of hearts in spite of distance. Opinions not those of| It is a bond more powerful than absence. We like people MIT, LCS, ANA, or NSA| who like Shashish. - Claude McKenzie + Florent Vollant