From owner-freebsd-stable  Fri Jul 21 13: 2:14 2000
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To: freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: problems upgrading to 4.1-RC2
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Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 13:02:09 -0700
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From: Bill Trost <>
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A few problems I noticed booting off the floppy and then trying to
upgrade via the net:

1. I tried to use "blah.blah.blah:8080" as my HTTP proxy, and it didn't
work.  Tcpdump revealed that my machine was trying to do a name lookup
for "blah.blah.blah:8080"!  In other words, you can't specify a port on
the ftp proxy like the dialog claims -- it's 3128 or nothing.

2. The built-in URL's are all wrong -- they try to look in
/pub/FreeBSD/releases/, not the /pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/ where the
release candidate actually lives.

3. Go to the "options" menu from the root menu, try to set the "media
type", and sysinstall will ultimately panic.  Might just remove the
option to set media type from the options menu.

4. Going through the normal upgrade path, if you select option 9
("Options") on the media select menu, you get the standard option menu.
"Q"uitting the option menu takes you back to the root menu!  From there,
the upgrade is hosed, as it tries to remount the filesystems, even
though they are already mounted.

5. No XFree86.  I've already mentioned this to John Baldwin.

I've also noticed a few strange kernel panics, all in single user mode
on the way towards rebooting, but I'm not convinced they weren't just
part of some mid-upgrade instability.

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