From owner-freebsd-current  Fri Oct  9 13:54:50 1998
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From: John Birrell  <>
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Subject: Re: put elf obj tree directly underneath /usr/obj
In-Reply-To: <> from John Hay at "Oct 9, 98 10:46:27 pm"
To: (John Hay)
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 06:57:24 +1000 (EST)
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John Hay wrote:
> > > Ok, what about making MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj/elf the default on elf
> > > systems then? Then it can stay like that for ever.
> > 
> > After 3.0, I'd like to change `make' to use objformat(3) (now in libc).
> > When we upgrade the compiler to something newer, I'l like to see that
> > installed in /usr/libexec/elf and accessed via the objformat(1) link
> > like the other tools. This makes way for a clean cross compilation
> > environment and only leaves the problem of the internal build tools.
> So are we going to leave the setup like it is for 3.0? Ie. where if you
> do a "make world" and cd /usr/src/bin/sh (or wherever) and do a make, it
> use different obj directories?

Yes. When you cd /usr/src/bin/sh (or wherever) and do a make, you are not
using WORLDTMP like `make world' does, so the behaviour is different anyway.
The bug is that `make all' from /usr/src uses the obj tree that `make world'

This doesn't affect the release. "Developer convenience" commits have to
wait until after 3.0.

John Birrell -;
CIMlogic Pty Ltd, GPO Box 117A, Melbourne Vic 3001, Australia +61 418 353 137

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