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Date:      Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:57:56 +0100
From:      Gary Jennejohn <>
Subject:   Re: danger will robinson (probably not the first one) 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 12 Mar 2002 00:41:28 %2B0100." <> 

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Domingo Fiesta Segura writes:
> Hello,
> I'm running FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE and I've got a Winbond
> card.
> I have some problems with the conection. The warning
> message is this:
> isp0: lcp: ignoring RXJ (proto-rej) for proto 0xcf,
> danger will robinson.
> Searching through internet I found some other people
> with the same problem (but better explained than I
> do), like here:
> Cassualy addressed to this list. As I can't find any
> sort of replies to those mails (I found another three
> similar posts) I wonder if there's any solution to it,
> and if there is I'd like to know where to read to
> solve it.

Here's a fragment of the code which results in this output (from

        case CODE_REJ:
                /* XXX catastrophic rejects (RXJ-) aren't handled yet. */
                    SPP_FMT "%s: ignoring RXJ (%s) for proto 0x%x, "
                    "danger will robinson\n",
                    SPP_ARGS(ifp), cp->name,
                    sppp_cp_type_name(h->type), ntohs(*((u_short *)p)));

Note the comment - basically it's saying that this type of error may
very well not be handled correctly so watch out !

The only way to fix this is to implement the missing code. Good luck.

Gary Jennejohn /

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