From owner-freebsd-hackers  Mon Oct 15  2:52: 5 2001
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Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 02:51:50 -0700
From: Soren Kristensen <>
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To: Ted Mittelstaedt <>
Cc: Poul-Henning Kamp <>,
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Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> An interesting proposition.  However, you might find it even easier to
> do a Hitachi HD64570-based board.  It should be much easier to modify
> the sr driver to work with it than to write a new one from scratch.

As other people already has said, it don't looks like that Hitachi is in
it for the long run, and it's not for higher speeds, I would like to
also be able to do E3/T3..... And anyway, the HD64570 is not a PCI chip,
requering additional chips to interface to the PCI bus.

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> We already have drivers in the tree for the infinion "MUNICHX" chip,
> when used with a FALC frontend.  We also have drivers for the MUSYCC
> from Conexant.

The PEB20321 (Munich32) supported in that driver is a channelized
version, that not really what people are asking for.... It's also low
speed, and support only one interface if used unchannelized. I don't
remember about the Conexant chip, but I think it's channelized too.
Paul, do you know how close the PEB20321 and PEB20534 are from a
programming point if view ? But the FALC phy might be good for the T1/E1

I have look around for sync serial controllers, but keep comming back to
the PEB20534, I think that the best chip available for the job.



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