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Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 09:50:56 -0400
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Jude Adeline wrote:
> i am setting up this new server and i want to run disk mirroring on it
> in case of a disk failure on the first disk. I have read some of the
> vinum configuration on the internet but its all a bit too obscure for
> me. This is the set up i need.

If you've read everything at and it still seems obscure,
I would suggest that you DON'T use vinum on a production system until it
starts to seem clear. If you don't understand what you are doing, you'll
have nothing but trouble, and if a drive crashes you won't understand
how to fix it anyway.
Hopefully you have an old (non production) computer somewhere that you
can experiment with. Create some vinum volumes there first until you're
familiar with the procedure.

> disk 1 (da1)
> /                    100Mb        /dev/da1a
> /home            2000Mb     /dev/da1f
> /usr                1000Mb    /dev/da1h
> /var                1000Mb    /dev/da1e
> /usr/local        2000Mb    /dev/da1g
> /tmp/                512Mb    /dev/da1d
> swap                524Mb    /dev/da1k
> i want to mirror the above on disk 2 (da2)

If da1 and da2 are identical drives, the easiest procedure is probably:
1. backup all data (this is the most important step - you WILL be
destroying all your data)
2. Use disklabel to change partitions to type "vinum"
3. use disklabel to duplicate the partition table on da1 onto da2
4. create a config file, and use it to define the vinum devices-

drive d1f device /dev/da1f
drive d2f device /dev/da2f
... (define other devices)
volume homemirror
 plex org concat
  sd drive d1f size 0
 plex org concat
  sd drive d2f size 0
... (define other volumes)

5. Run vinum(8) and use the create command to create volumes from your
config file
6. Restore your data

If a bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush,
then what can I get for
two hands in the bush?

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