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Date:      Wed, 4 Jan 2006 20:39:20 -0800
From:      perikillo <>
Subject:   Re: ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipnat.rules
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <>

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On 1/3/06, fbsd_user <> wrote:
> On 1/2/06, fbsd_user <> wrote:
> > I see "tun" in your ipnat rule.
> > That means you are using ppp for phone dialup connection.
> > Every time you lose your phone connection you get different IP
> from
> > your ISP.
> > Use NAT function of PPP and not ipnat and your problem will go
> away.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > []On Behalf Of caleb
> > Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 9:16 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipnat.rules
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >             I have just put together a router/firewall using 5.4
> > and IPFILTER. Everything is working fine except I have to manually
> > flush
> > the NAT table every time the router boots. below is my rc.conf and
> > ipnat.rules, I have used rc.conf to start everything at boot;
> >
> > /* rc.conf */
> >
> > gateway_enable=3D"YES"
> > sshd_enable=3D"YES"
> > ifconfig_rl1=3D"inet netmask"
> > ifconfig_rl0=3D"inet netmask"
> > hostname=3D"tweak"
> > ipfilter_enable=3D"YES"
> > ipfilter_rules=3D"/etc/ipf.rules"
> > ipmon_enable=3D"YES"
> > ipmon_flags=3D"-Ds"
> > ipnat_enable=3D"YES"
> > ipnat_rules=3D"/etc/ipnat.rules"
> > ppp_enable=3D"YES"
> > ppp_mode=3D"ddial"
> > ppp_nat=3D"NO"
> > ppp_profile=3D"netspace"
> > ppp_user=3D"root"
> >
> > /* ipnat.rules */
> >
> > map tun0 -> 0/32
> >
> >
> > Is there something I am missing? I do not think it is ipf, as I
> have
> > configured it to allow everything in and out. Could you please CC
> me
> > if
> > you decide to help.
> >
> > Thankyou,
> >
> > caleb
> > --
> >
> >
>    Well i use PPPoE protocol, i have never try the same ppp program
> to
> handle the NAT thing, them i disable ipnat or what...? I need to
> understand this very clear.
>    Thanks for your tip.
> _______________________________________________
> mailing list
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> You are not configured correctly. This statement
>  ifconfig_rl0=3D"inet netmask"
> is forceing that ip addr to be used and its wrong.
> you have to get ip assigned by your isp.
> Follow this example.  Which means you can use ipnat or ppp nat.
> ####################  start of ppp.conf  ###################
> default:
>  set log Phase tun             #use to avoid excessive log sizes
>  set timeout 0                 # no idle time out, will not
> disconnect
> dialisp:
>  set device PPPoE:XXX          # replace xxx with your NIC device
> name
>  set authname YOURLOGINNAME    # Replace with your ISP account
> username
>  set authkey YOURPASSWORD      # Replace with your ISP account
> password
>  add default HISADDR           # Add a (sticky) default route
> (Mandatory)
>  enable dns             # Gets the ISP's DNS IP address & places
> them
>                         # in resolv.conf for reference by FBSD box.
> ###############   End of ppp.conf
> #################################
> Replace the XXX in the [set device PPPoE:XXX] statement with the
> NIC's FBSD interface name. Sometimes it will be necessary to use a
> service tag to establish your connection depending on how your ISP
> and/or the phone company has its DSL network configured. Service
> tags are used to distinguish between different PPPoE servers
> attached to a given network. You should have been given any required
> service tag information in the documentation provided by your ISP.
> If you cannot locate it there, ask your ISP's tech support
> personnel. This is the format of the command with the service tag
> added:
> set device PPPoE:xxxx:service_tag    (in your case xxxx =3D rl0)
> The xxxx is the FBSD interface name used by PPPoE. The interface
> must be UP (IE: enabled). It is only used as a transport, and does
> not need to be assigned an IP address. This can be done
> automatically at boot time by updating the /etc/rc.conf file. The
> format of the statement to add is ifconfig_xxxx=3Dup where xxxx is the
> NIC's FBSD interface name used by PPPoE that you specified in the
> /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file.
> ee /etc/rc.conf         # add following statements
> ifconfig_xxxx=3Dup        # (in your case xxxx =3D rl0)
> ifconfig_tun0=3D"DHCP"    # get your ISP assigned IP address
> To setup user ppp to dial your ISP automatically at FBSD boot time,
> you have to add the following statements to the rc.conf file. The
> ddial option means to redial every time the connection to the ISP
> gets dropped.
> ee /etc/rc.conf
> # Activate user ppp auto start at boot time
> ppp_enable=3D"YES"             # Start User PPP task
> ppp_mode=3D"ddial"             # ddial, auto, background
> ppp_profile=3D"dialisp"        # section in ppp.conf to exec
> #ppp_nat=3D"YES"               # only if you have LAN behind this PC.
> # deactivate ipfilter Nat function (comment statements out)
> #ipnat_enable=3D"YES"
> #ipnat_rules=3D"/etc/ipnat.rules"

 Ok fbsd_user.

 set log Phase tun command
 set timeout 0

 set device PPPoE:fxp1
 set MRU 1472     #tested
 set MTU 1472      #tested
 set authname *****
 set authkey *****
 set dial
 set login
 add default HISADDR
 #i know the dns of my isp this why i dont use the  dns tag here,
hardcopy on /etc/resolv.conf

        !bg /sbin/ipf -y

ipfilter_enable=3D"YES"           # Set to YES to enable ipfilter functiona=
ipfilter_program=3D"/sbin/ipf"    # where the ipfilter program lives
ipfilter_rules=3D"/etc/ipf.rules" # rules definition file for ipfilter, see
ipfilter_flags=3D""               # additional flags for ipfilter
ipnat_enable=3D"YES"              # Set to YES to enable ipnat functionalit=
ipnat_program=3D"/sbin/ipnat"     # where the ipnat program lives
ipnat_rules=3D"/etc/ipnat.rules"  # rules definition file for ipnat
ipnat_flags=3D""                  # additional flags for ipnat
ipmon_enable=3D"YES"              # Set to YES for ipmon; needs ipfilter or=
ipmon_program=3D"/sbin/ipmon"     # where the ipfilter monitor program live=
ipmon_flags=3D"-Dvn /var/log/firewall.log"
network_interfaces=3D"lo0 fxp0 fxp1"      # List of network interfaces
(or "auto").
ifconfig_lo0=3D"inet"   # default loopback device configuration.
ifconfig_fxp0=3D"inet netmask" #Internal LAN for =

# User ppp configuration.
ppp_enable=3D"YES"                # Start user-ppp (or NO).
ppp_mode=3D"ddial"                # Choice of "auto", "ddial", "direct" or =
ppp_nat=3D"NO"            # Use PPP's internal network address translation =
or NO.
ppp_profile=3D"prodigy"   # Which profile to use from /etc/ppp/ppp.conf.
ppp_user=3D"root"         # Which user to run ppp as

    They are correct...?

    I already made the changes, but my situation is that i have one
small network on my home, this is the reason i have enable the NAT
module of IPFILTER to server the clients.

    I see that i have the module of ppp that can do the NAT thing, but
IPFILTER  can comunicate with ppp_nat?

    I have all the possible rules of IPNAT on ppp_nat..?

     One of the big problems i have is that sometimes the connection
goes down and if i look on my link appear up but no answer, someone
from this list give one tip, he say that i can try setting up the MTU
and MRU on the /etc/ppp.conf and give the example how to get that
value, this way i put that info on the file.

     It supposes that this setup will bring the connection up again,
but i still have this problem, i hope with this changes will help me.

     fbsd_user thanks for your great help and if you see something
wrong settings please tell me.

     Thanks for time and help!!!

     Greetings all.

     (Sorry for my english :-) )

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