From owner-freebsd-questions  Sun Nov 15 15:06:15 1998
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I have a freshly installed 3.0-release system that was re-cvsup'd last
night and a fresh make world and a fresh kernel compile was completed.
I keep getting errors like: "cputime limit exceeded" especially when
running apps like amp and tar. I am also getting the following error a lot
whe running apps like moused and tar: 
Nov 15 11:04:42 calis /kernel: calcru: negative time of -8359149 usec for
pid 1228 (ncftp2)
Nov 15 16:21:57 calis /kernel: calcru: negative time of -10658103 usec for
pid 1560 (ftpd)
Nov 15 18:01:34 calis /kernel: calcru: negative time of -9722687 usec for
pid 1644 (amp)

Is there something wrong with the kernel here or possibly a hardware
problem? (though when this system was running 2.2.-stable all was well)


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