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Date:      Thu, 8 Dec 2022 17:18:57 -0800
From:      John Baldwin <>
To:        Eric Joyner <>
Subject:   Re: git: cdcd52d41e24 - main - irdma: Add RDMA driver for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <>

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On 12/8/22 5:00 PM, Eric Joyner wrote:
> Yeah, I was able to repro it and get what I think is the error in a
> nicer-to-read set of lines:
> Building
> /root/build/head/obj/root/build/head/src/amd64.amd64/lib/ofed/libirdma/libirdma.a
> building static irdma library
> Building
> /root/build/head/obj/root/build/head/src/amd64.amd64/lib/ofed/libirdma/
> building shared library
> /usr/local/bin/x86_64-unknown-freebsd14.0-ld: duplicate expression `*' in
> version information
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> *** [] Error code 1
> What does that even mean? I don't know anything about building libraries.

For libraries with versioned symbols, we use a separate file that lists the
versions assigned to exported symbols.  You can find several examples in our
tree named  There are also several examples you can look at in
the ofed tree:

> find contrib/ofed/ -name '*.map'

The difference here is that the maps for other libraries explicitly list
the symbols being exported and what versions to export them under, but
the map for libirdma just uses the global '*' wildcard in multiple places,
which seems wrong.

> cat contrib/ofed/libirdma/ 
/* Export symbols should be added below according to
    Documentation/ document. */
IRDMA_1.0 {
         global: *;
         local: *;

IRDMA_1.1 {
         global: *;
} IRDMA_1.0;

Contrast this with the map for libmlx5:

> cat contrib/ofed/libmlx5/ 
/* Export symbols should be added below according to
    Documentation/ document. */
MLX5_1.0 {
         local: *;

MLX5_1.1 {
} MLX5_1.0;

Here the wildcard is only used for the local rule (which I assume
is for private symbols not really exported?)  Looking at the library
linked with lld, lld seems to be assigning all of the symbols to
the first namespace (IRDMA_1.0) and ignoring the duplicates.  I suspect
that's probably an lld bug.  A proper map should be explicitly listing
which symbols to export (and only exporting those).

I can't find a corresponding .map file for Linux anywhere (has this
library been upstreamed anywhere else?)  The simplest fix might be
to just explicitly list the intended public symbols under version
1.0 and delete the clause for version 1.1 for now.  I suspect you
weren't meaning to export '_init' and '_fini' as public symbols at
least.  Here is the current list of exported symbols:

> readelf -s /usr/lib/  | grep -v UND
Symbol table (.dynsym) contains 117 entries:
    Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
     56: 0000000000008440   968 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uresize_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     57: 0000000000007c40    59 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uquery_qp@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     58: 0000000000008430    10 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udetach_mcast@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     59: 000000000000a6c0    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_cq_set_resized_cnt@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     60: 000000000000b110    84 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_get_sqdepth@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     61: 000000000000b4b0   107 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_clean_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     62: 00000000000058f0   264 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ubind_mw@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     63: 0000000000008a20   102 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_qp_post_wr@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     64: 000000000000a690    33 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_cq_resize@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     65: 0000000000008d90   123 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_qp_get_next_recv_wqe@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     66: 0000000000005680   154 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ualloc_pd@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     67: 0000000000006030    80 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ucreate_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     68: 0000000000008310   213 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ucreate_ah@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     69: 000000000000b0b0    89 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_get_wqe_shift@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     70: 000000000000b6b0    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_fragcnt_to_wqesize_rq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     71: 0000000000005fd0    85 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udealloc_mw@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     72: 0000000000007390    38 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_munmap@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     73: 000000000000b1c0   658 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_qp_init@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     74: 0000000000008b80   513 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_qp_get_next_send_wqe@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     75: 0000000000005810    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udereg_mr@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     76: 0000000000009e10   657 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_inline_send@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     77: 000000000000b460    79 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_cq_init@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     78: 0000000000007330    94 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_mmap@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     79: 000000000000a4c0   453 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_post_receive@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     80: 00000000000089d0    73 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_clr_wqes@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     81: 0000000000008420    10 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uattach_mcast@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     82: 0000000000009270    35 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_fragcnt_to_quanta_sq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     83: 0000000000007230   153 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uarm_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     84: 00000000000065f0   770 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_flush_thread@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     85: 000000000000b170    78 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_get_rqdepth@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     86: 0000000000007f60   334 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udestroy_qp@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     87: 00000000000054d0   227 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uquery_device_ex@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     88: 000000000000a6f0    81 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_cq_request_notification@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     89: 000000000000b95c     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   16 _fini@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     90: 0000000000006a70    78 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_upoll_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     91: 0000000000007c80   723 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_umodify_qp@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     92: 0000000000009750  1099 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_send@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     93: 000000000000e1e0     9 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   25 libirdma_version@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     94: 0000000000008e10  1112 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_rdma_write@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     95: 0000000000009ba0   620 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_inline_rdma_write@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     96: 000000000000a2b0   524 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_mw_bind@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     97: 000000000000a750  1808 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_cq_poll_cmpl@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     98: 0000000000008a90   229 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_qp_push_wqe@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
     99: 000000000000b94c     0 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   15 _init@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    100: 0000000000005720    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ufree_pd@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    101: 00000000000055c0   119 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uquery_device@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    102: 00000000000072d0    91 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_cq_event@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    103: 000000000000a0b0   512 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_stag_local_invalidate@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    104: 0000000000006f10   209 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ibvcq_ex_fill_priv_funcs@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    105: 000000000000e4a0     4 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT   27 irdma_dbg@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    106: 0000000000005640    59 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uquery_port@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    107: 0000000000006900   367 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udestroy_cq@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    108: 0000000000005a00  1477 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_upost_send@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    109: 00000000000083f0    36 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_udestroy_ah@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    110: 0000000000005840   161 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ualloc_mw@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    111: 00000000000065c0    40 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ucreate_cq_ex@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    112: 0000000000005750   179 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ureg_mr@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    113: 00000000000073c0  1179 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_ucreate_qp@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    114: 00000000000092a0  1189 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_uk_rdma_read@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    115: 00000000000080b0   604 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_upost_recv@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)
    116: 000000000000b520   385 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   14 irdma_nop@@IRDMA_1.0 (2)

> - Eric
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 1:05 PM John Baldwin <> wrote:
>> On 6/13/22 2:18 PM, Eric Joyner wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 3:29 PM John Baldwin <> wrote:
>>>> On 5/23/22 4:54 PM, Eric Joyner wrote:
>>>>> The branch main has been updated by erj:
>>>>> URL:
>>>>> commit cdcd52d41e246ba1c0fcfad0769bd691487355ef
>>>>> Author:     Bartosz Sobczak <>
>>>>> AuthorDate: 2022-05-23 23:39:27 +0000
>>>>> Commit:     Eric Joyner <>
>>>>> CommitDate: 2022-05-23 23:52:49 +0000
>>>>>        irdma: Add RDMA driver for Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810
>>>>>        This is an initial commit for RDMA FreeBSD driver for Intel(R)
>>>> Ethernet
>>>>>        Controller E810, called irdma.  Supporting both RoCEv2 and iWARP
>>>>>        protocols in per-PF manner, RoCEv2 being the default.
>>>>>        Testing has been done using krping tool, perftest, ucmatose,
>> rping,
>>>>>        ud_pingpong, rc_pingpong and others.
>>>>>        Signed-off-by: Eric Joyner <>
>>>>>        Reviewed by:    #manpages ( [documentation]
>>>>>        MFC after:      1 week
>>>>>        Relnotes:       yes
>>>>>        Sponsored by:   Intel Corporation
>>>>>        Differential Revision:
>>>> I'm trying to get the tree building again with GCC and ld.bfd does not
>> like
>>>> at all complaining with an error:
>>>> duplicate expression '*' in version information
>>>> I looked at the version map, and it seems rather bogus to me and not
>> like
>>>> version maps used anywhere else.  It seems to be exporting all symbols
>> in
>>>> two different versions?  That would seem to defeat the point of having
>>>> symbol versions?
>>>> /* Export symbols should be added below according to
>>>>       Documentation/ document. */
>>>> IRDMA_1.0 {
>>>>           global: *;
>>>>           local: *;
>>>> };
>>>> IRDMA_1.1 {
>>>>           global: *;
>>>> } IRDMA_1.0;
>>>> (I'm also not sure why lld accepts such a version map.)
>>>> --
>>>> John Baldwin
>>> Hi,
>>> I don't know how to answer this; I'm going to forward this to the FreeBSD
>>> RDMA guy and another one (the first guy might still be out on vacation)
>> and
>>> see if they can answer this.
>> FYI, this is now the current breakage for the new GCC 12 job in FreeBSD's
>> CI:
>> The error is buried in the log there, but should be obtainable by doing
>> 'pkg install amd64-gcc12' and 'make CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=amd64-gcc12 buildworld'
>> on main.
>> --
>> John Baldwin

John Baldwin

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