From owner-freebsd-questions  Thu May  7 02:05:46 1998
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From: Gerhard Eggart <>
To: <freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG>
Cc: Darryl Bowler <>
Subject: RE : Installation of FreeBSD 2.2.6 problems...
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I wonder if you can help me with an installation problem I am having with
FreeBSD Release 2.2.6.
Let me start at the beginning.

Got the binaries, doc and ports of the freebsd ftp server - original.
My machine is a Pentium with normal PCI and ISA slots with a Maxstore hard disk
< 1024 cylinders
Used the fdimage to create bootable floppy as per instructions - not sure if i
need to also use the fixit.flp and create boot image. But tried this anyway and
it did not work.
Did the installation from an MS-DOS partition as per manual.
Files were copied and i could configure everything, create slices, create file
systems etc and the ports and all docs were copied onto the disk.
After the installation is where the problem is, once finished and reboot i get
the following errors :

 Everything comes up normally floppy device, hard disk etc is ok
 then the problems :
 swapon : /dev/wd1s1b : Device not configured
 Automatic reboot in progress ....
 Can't open /dev/rwd1a : Device not configured
 /dev/rwd1a : Can't check file system
 /dev/rwd1a : Unexpected Inconsistency ; Run fsck manually
 Automatic file system check failed .... help!
 Enter pathname of Shell or Return for sh :

at this point i press enter and go into shell
i cannot do any fsck command as it cannot find the fstab file - presumably
because it seems the root file system is not mounted properly. if i do an ls on
the drive I can only see some files. Cannot use vi unix editor etc, cannot see
anything under /usr.

PLEASE help !!!!
I have also tried using the fixit image, but the instructions were vague and
i'm not sure if I did this correctly.

Please reply to sender e-mail id as well as a cc to

Thanks, Gerhard

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