From owner-freebsd-mobile  Tue Sep 10 13:18: 9 2002
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Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 22:10:58 +0200
From: Gerhard Sittig <>
To: mobile@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Transmitting in different channels
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On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 10:48 -0600, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <009701c258c1$9373fde0$1f00a8c0@mobile>
>             "Joao Carlos" <> writes:
> :     Is it possible to use FreeBSD using two wireless cards, one as the TX
> : and the other as RX?
> No.  Speaking of the 802.11b cards, The firmware of the cards does TX
> and RX to establish a connection.  You'd need a special version of the
> firmware that didn't do this (or one of the stupid cards that forces
> the driver to do all the work), or some sort of special hardware.
> I've seen non-802.11 wireless devices that can do this (well, they
> were one card, and you tuned the radios independently and had two
> antennas), but nothing that's been commecially available.

<silly thinking mode>
Well, one might not be able to _completely_ work unidirectional
on either card.  But can IP routing help shift the balance to
make each card work _mostly_ unidirectional?  I.e. you tune each
card to a different channel and route outgoing IP packets on both
sides to "the channel the other machine does not send to"?
Incoming packets will be received on the interface which is
tuned to the channel the other machine is sending to.
</silly thinking mode>

I understand that this setup "works" only with two machines.  Or
with n cards in each node for n machines (as long as there are
free channels left and some room to separate them).  Or could be
scaled to, say, use one channel to talk to three partners while
using another channel to talk to three other partners.

If this is not too much of a limit or even meets the originator's
environment (when the goal is/was to speed up the throughput
between two dedicated partners) it could be worth a try.  Unless
I missed something ...

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