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Date:      Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:59:50 +0200
From:      Gianmarco Giovannelli <>
To:        Robert Nordier <>
Subject:   Re: Mount Msdos FS resolved
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Robert Nordier wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Apr 1996, Gianmarco Giovannelli wrote:
> >
> > Some time ago I wrote a message about problems on mounting dos
> > partitions . A message concerning something about the clustersize
> > and the root partion appeared soon after the mount  and the partition
> > after a few access became non dos .
> >
> > Now I have resolved the problem changing the clustersize of the dos
> > partitions from 32kb to 8kb. Everything works like a charm now...
> >
> > It's possible or I am saying something new ? :-)
> What were the steps you took to do that?  (What did you do it with?
> What did you do before and after?  Do you access the partition from
> DOS as well as BSD?  If so, what version of which DOS?)  Details,
> please.

I had to repartition the HD into smaller partitions.
This because the DOS (and WIN*) use a FAT at 16bit, allowing to use a max of 65.536 (2^16) clusters
for every partitions. 

So a drive larger than 1024 Mb with only one partition will have clusters of 32kb. 

I did three partitions in my 2.0 Gb HD, two of 512mb each (with clusters of 8kb) , one of 1024mb (with
clusters of 16kb) 

Now I can see all partitions without any problems ( and I saved a lot of space , in a 32kb cluster
partition you usually waste about 30% of the space, usually :-) 

The AFTER is simple I changed sd0 in sdsx (with x=1,2,3) in my /etc/fstab 

/dev/sd0s1                      /mnt/win95      msdos   ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/sd0s2                      /mnt/games      msdos   ro,noauto 0 0
/dev/sd0s3                      /mnt/data       msdos   ro,noauto 0 0

I my humble opinion  when the HD had only one partitions with 32kb cluster the entire partition was
not a multiple in length of 32kb , but I really don't know ... :-) But why it crashed is a mistery ...

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