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Date:      Thu, 22 Dec 2005 19:23:24 GMT
From:      "" <>
Subject:   slice-table / partition-table
Message-ID:  <>

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	I have 2 hard drives on my system.  One (my main drive) has an
 MS-DOS  slice (naturally the first slice) and  3  FreeBSD  slices.
The other drive had 1  OS2  slice (just because an  OS2 CDROM  was used
to slice it up) and 1  MS-DOS  slice.  At one time, I was thinking of
putting the boot program on the second hard drive, and may have done
it with the  CDROM  of  FreeBSD 4.7 .  Recently, while I was running
 MS-DOS  and processing e-mail (trying to remove an attachment from
a letter in order to save it in the  MS-DOS  slice on the second hard
drive) through , I discovered that the  MS-DOS  slice on this
second hard drive was hosed (naturally, that discovery could only be
made while running  MS-DOS ), and verified that fact by trying to go to =
a directory on that second drive.   MS-DOS  didn't go there but complain=
ed, and following that I couldn't see anything on that second drive.
	To investigate this, I rebooted into my  FreeBSD 4.3  slice and
found that the  slice-table  (often called "partition-table") on the sec=
ond drive was identical to that of the first drive.  In fact, when I tri=
ed  fdisk  on each drive, I found the results identical except for the s=
ize (# of cylinders) of the drives.  Originally, the second drive's  fdi=
sk  results stated 3 heads and some sectors per cylinder (but I don't re=
call how many).  I conclude that there is a strong possibility that only=
 the  slice-table  sector has been copied (from the first drive), though=
 I have no idea how this could have happened (though I consider the poss=
ible putting of the boot program on the second hard drive as possibly co=
ntributory).  Does anyone have any idea of how this can happen?  Has any=
one seen this or the like before?
	I also conclude that there is a strong possibility that the rest of the=
 second disk (i.e., my data on it) is okay, and if I can rebuild the  sl=
ice-table  then I can recover the rest of the disk and all my data.  I t=
hink I can do this if I can get the following things/information:
		1)	is there a duplicate of the  slice-table =

			somewhere on the disk, and if so, where is it, 				and how can I exam=
ine it rather than the 				primary  slice-table ,
			and is there a way to have its contents replace
			the contents of the primary  slice-table ,
		2)	is there a program that can look at a(n entire) 			disk and break i=
t up into contiguous sectors 				that belong to particular systems (in m=
y case  				OS2  or  MS-DOS ), {I would be willing to write 			such a pr=
ogram if someone would tell me how to 				read sectors without a  slice-=
table  [say with 				just an  LBA  number] and how to recognize 				whet=
her a sector belongs to  OS2  or  MS-DOS , 				and any timing constraint=
s for reading/writing 				cylinders [e.g., usual timing for getting a 		=
		read/write head to cylinder  0 , the time
			to move between cylinders, etc.], if such 				constraints exist [mayb=
e we have fixed heads 				and so no timing constraints]},
		3)	 FreeBSD  programs (or  Linux  programs or  				 MS-DOS  programs i=
f  FreeBSD  programs aren't 				available) that can read any sector give=
n its  				 LBA  number or the like [somewhat like  fdisk  			reads/writ=
es of sector  0 ], what could be 				really useful [if I have to rebuild=
 files] is a 			program that reads a range of sectors and  				greps  it=
s contents, reporting the  LBA =

			number [and some contents] of those sectors 				that pass the  grep  =
		4)	the structure of the  slice-table's  sector and =

			of the  slice-table  and  FreeBSD  programs 				that can write specif=
ic values (given as 				arguments [say in structures]) into the  				 sl=
ice-table  without affecting the contents of 			any other sector on that=
		5)	how to mark a  slice  "<UNUSED>",
		6)	 FreeBSD  programs (or  Linux  programs or				 MS-DOS  programs if =
 FreeBSD  programs aren't 				available) other than  fdisk  that can wri=
te 				the  slice-table's  sector (including its magic 			number and boo=
t code) without affecting the 				contents of any other sectoron that di=
		7)	how can I recognize sectors that were in a 				slice assigned for  =
MS-DOS  usage, and/or is 				there a way of finding the "first" (i.e., o=
ne 				with lowest  LBA ) and "last" sector assigned 				for  MS-DOS  us=
age or used by  MS-DOS ,
		8)	 FreeBSD  programs (or  Linux  programs or				 MS-DOS  programs if =
 FreeBSD  programs aren't 				available) software to rebuild files and 	=
			[Windows-98] directories from fragments (with 				human direction) [t=
his is just in case there is 			more damage than I suspect at present,
			I'm hoping not to need this one],
		9)	any caveats or information that would prove 				useful in this ende=
	If I have to rebuild the  slice-table  from scratch, I presume that I c=
an make any entries I wish in the  slice-table  and then look at the con=
tents of the  slices  to see if they are what I would like to find there=
 and appropriately change the  slice-table  until I find it set up as it=
 was before.  Anything wrong with my presumption?
	If I succeed in this, I'm thinking of publishing an article on how to r=
ecover from this sort of problem.

         uname -a  for my system gives:
FreeBSD  4.3-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE #0: Sat Apr 21 10:54:49 GMT 200=
1  i386

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