Date: Sun, 2 Apr 1995 15:58:50 -0400 (EDT) From: "Rashid Karimov." <> To: (Jim Aduddle) Cc: Subject: Re: Setting up a internet provider service Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> from "Jim Aduddle" at Apr 2, 95 01:07:44 am
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Hi there ppl , > > We have installed freebsd and it is running with out any problems. > our next set is to set up security (firewall). FTP, WWW and all the other > services that are needed. Can anyone tell me how I can get instructions to > acomplish this and find the Shareware to do this. Example WWW is not in > 4.4freebsd 2.0. We have purchased the intire set of manuals from O'Reilly > and Associales and found them to be no help in these areas. Well , there is wonderful book on WWW/FTP/WAIS/GOPHER/Mailing lists with rather solid emphasis on security of these services. And againg this is O'Reily Nutshell series. The title is : Managing Internet Information Services. Cricket Liu 1-56592-051-1 ISBN All reqd software is PDomain , incl. NCSA HTTPD , WU FTPD , IRC , GOPHER , INN - so just grab sources , compile and enjoy. You'll need a 2-3 diffrent E_mail front-ends ( the favorites are pine and elm), 2-3 Usenet News front-ends ( tin , trn & nn ). A couple of user-friendly editors ( I use _only vi and emacs , so pls forgive me :(( - like pico , jed , jove and alike ( two modes in vi are so :)) confusing ). Probably you'll need also a kinda menu - which will meet users after login - instead of cryptic tcsh prompt :). Well , that's about it ... May be POP3 server for SLIP/PPP users ... As for general security - stay tuned to these masiling lists , so you'll be the first who hear about new security hole ( if any ) and will be able to take appr. actions. To me FreeBSD looks pretty secure . Most problems were not deep inside of OS - but rather some "slips" :)) If you're really paranoid - study source code carefully before installing a product - so you'll be sure it's clean > > Sincerly bewildered > J. H. Aduddle > > PS I have been in data processing for 32 years and with UNIX since 1967 @ > Case Western University, but I have a sign in my office that reads > " show me an expert and I will show you a liar". This is one of those > times that I need to call on my pears to assist me, and I have no > problems admitting that I need help. Thanks again. > James H. Aduddle It's OK James - we all are , as PF sings , just ordinary men . Except may be Jordan , who is Perl script :))))) SY RK
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