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Date:      Thu, 04 May 2023 08:02:22 +1000
From:      Ian Smith <>
To:        Gary Aitken <>
Cc:        Kristof Provost <>,
Subject:   Re: PPPoE bridge / vlan? setup help needed
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <>

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On 4 May 2023 3:49:57 am AEST, Gary Aitken <freebsd@dreamchaser=2Eorg> wrot=
 > Thanks all for your replies;
 > Slow following up; trying not to ask questions I can find the answer
 > to somewhere else, trying to do my due diligence=2E=2E=2E

No worries, but don't hesitate to ask (as I too often do :)

 > On 5/2/23 00:37, Kristof Provost wrote:
 > > On 2 May 2023, at 3:32, Gary Aitken wrote:
 > >> Having trouble setting up a dsl modem as a bridge=2E ISP info: Fixed
 > >> IP LLC-Based multiplexing VPI 0 VCI 100
 > =2E=2E=2E
 > > With the disclaimer that it=E2=80=99s been ~15 years since I last loo=
ked at
 > > the relevant tech, but I think you=E2=80=99re confusing PPP over ATM
 > (PPPoA)=20
 > > with PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)=2E
 > >=20
 > > VPI/VCI are ATM concepts, and do not exist in Ethernet land=2E

 > Having never done this before I've had trouble understanding how to
 > go about it, and more trouble finding info=2E  Obviously have/had some
 > things cross-wired in my head, and probably still do=2E

10 years ago, everyone knew about DSL modems; now, rarer in rich countries=

 > It's my understanding that the modem connects to the ADSL line using
 > ATM technology, and as such uses the vpi and vci I've given it in its
 > configuration=2E  As nearly as I can tell it makes that connection ok=
 > In its status report I see the line up and at the proper speed,
 > proper
 > vpi and vci=2E  It also reports the IP addr and mask for my LAN end of
 > the link, but no IP info for the ADSL port=2E


 > So the question becomes how does it connect to the fbsd firewall?
 > Do I actually need to run ppp or mpd if it's bridged?

Yes=2E  Your choice is to run the unit as a router plus modem (router mode=
, where it handles the PPPoE|A connection) or 'just' a modem, handing off r=
aw frames to your PPPoE client, such as userppp or mpd5=2E

You've chosen to run it as a bridge, which has advantages but also some di=
fficulty, as you're experiencing=2E  One advantage that's a difficulty if y=
ou get it wrong is that the (likely limited) firewall in the modem plus rou=
ter mode is now up to you=2E  I call that a plus, but plenty would rather n=

 > In talking to my ISP, who's limiting information because they
 > don't like to deal with customer-owned equipment (i=2Ee=2E not rented
 > from them, but also understandably avoid the time needed to educate
 > the uneducated), I asked if in bridged mode they ran PPPoE or PPPoA,
 > and he said the modem should "just connect to the firewall machine
 > like any other network"=2E

Yeah, sorry =2E=2E=2E mosf ISP helpdesk drones know 10% of SFA=2E  Finding=
 the right ISP is more than half the challenge, so ignore my suggestions to=
 seek help there=2E

 > so I could be wrong, but I tried leaving ppp out of the link:

Couldn't work,  but clues from addresses:

 > Relevant IPs reported by modem in modem-router mode, linked up:
 >    ADSL Port:
 >      66=2E109=2E136=2E47 255=2E255=2E255=2E255   ADSL link IP
 >      69=2E51=2E80=2E35                     gateway address

Ok, 66=2E109=2E136=2E47/32 is the local PPP (point to point protocol) addr=

That's the one your initial setup, below, refused to accept, because your =
end was insisting on "my=2Eisp=2Eassigned=2Eip" which I think is your addre=
ss in your assigned /29, NOT the (also probably fixed) IP address of your s=
ide of the PPP link (=2E=2E=2E47)

As mentioned in offlist mail, a separate IP addr to your routed subnet, wh=
ether fixed or dynamic, is or was common for ppp, and what my /29 had for y=

Also, gateway there refers to the modem/router's gateway, not yours=2E

I'm dropping the rest of this explore =2E=2E=2E

[ =2E=2E=2E ]

 > Upshot of all that is it looks like a direct connection without PPPoE
 > doesn't work=2E


 > Aside: I ISP asked about renting their preferred modem
 >   (Zyxel VMG 4005 B50B)
 > and they said they don/t rent them separately, you have to rent them
 > with their preferred router=2E=2E=2E  Also looked but couldn't find one
 > elsewhere=2E

I'd be looking for another ISP, myself=2E=20

And having published your various IP ranges, a fresh set and a pretty para=
noid firewall wouldn't hurt=2E

Trimming =2E=2E=2E

 > > Not sure you need the '!' ?
 > Without the ! it won't overwrite an old existing one=2E

Ok, ppp(8)=2E

 > >> tun0: CCP: deflink: LayerStart=2E=20
 > >> tun0: CCP: MPPE: Not usable without CHAP81
 > >=20
 > > This looks maybe ominous=2E
 > I wondered about that but thought it would just send uncompressed?
 > I haven't seen ppp options to set no compression=2E

No,  but likely deflate or pred1 is ok=2E

 > So at this point hoping for the best, you get a nak and don't do it=2E

The nak is only for MPPE (multilink?)

 > Docs from Allied Telesis
 > https://www=2Ealliedtelesis=2Ecom/sites/default/files/ppp_feature_confi=
 > says the config request is a "wish list", and if it gets a nak or
 > reject reply it should come up with a new wish list=2E  I think I see


 > that sent out in the lines:
 >     IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state =3D Ack-Sent
 >     IPCP:  IPADDR[6] 66=2E109=2E141=2E58
 > right before the reject of the other address=2E
 > I'm inferring that a reject reply allows for renegotiation but a nak
 > is a flat-out can't do it, given that the nak (unacceptable address)
 > on the other addr later results in closing the connection=2E

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only real problem here is asking for the wrong l=
ocal ppp address=2E  Ask for 0=2E0=2E0=2E0/0 and later ask for what you get=
, if you like=2E

 > >> tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigRej(1) state =3D Ack-Sent
 > >> tun0: LCP: deflink: SendIdent(1) state =3D Opened
 > >> tun0: LCP:  MAGICNUM 3bbf5181=20
 > >> tun0: LCP:  TEXT user-ppp 3=2E4=2E2
 > >> tun0: IPCP:  COMPPROTO[6] 16 VJ slots with slot compression
 > >> tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state =3D Ack-Sent
 > >> tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] my=2Eisp=2Eassigned=2Eip

Yep=2E that's the (2nd) ask for the wrong address  so =2E=2E=2E

 > >> tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state =3D Ack-Sent
 > >> tun0: IPCP: IPADDR[6] 66=2E109=2E136=2E47

No, they need you to accept this one!

 > not worry about it=2E  Uh-huh=2E  Repeated when I said "but that's the
 > addr
 > which is causing trouble=2E)
 > >> ***  tun0: IPCP: 66=2E109=2E136=2E47: Unacceptable address!

 No, it's unacceptable because you've insisted on an addfress in your /29,=
 which is wrong=2E

 > > So you reject it=2E  Maybe if you don't insist on
 > 'my=2Eisp=2Eassigned=2Eip'
 > > it might go - but then they've provided the wrong info=2E

Not wrong, just confused=2E  Most customers a) use their router and b) hav=
e a single IP address=2E=20

 > Thought maybe I reject it because it's not in my /29; or because I
 > already accepted the previous addr they asked for=2E

No, you accepted the address they offered as _their_ end of the ppp link=

 > I suppose if it's
 > not in my /29 and I accepted it, all I would need to do is add a
 > route
 > to the routing table, which might happen automatically with the
 > add! default HISADDR=2E

From=20your box in the /29, you just need to have the default route via the =
ppp IP, which ppp should determine as HISADDR which is reached via our ppp =
link addr=2E

Don't force anything, it should go=2E

 > I tried using 0=2E0=2E0=2E0 as my suggested IP, to see if they would co=
 > up with the 66=2E109=2E136=2E47 the first time:
 >   1 tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(2) state =3D Ack-Sent
 >   2 tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] 0=2E0=2E0=2E0
 >   3 tun0: IPCP: deflink: RecvConfigNak(2) state =3D Ack-Sent
 >   4 tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] 66=2E109=2E136=2E47
 > 5 tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] changing address: 0=2E0=2E0=2E0  --> 66=2E109=


 >   6 tun0: IPCP: deflink: SendConfigReq(3) state =3D Ack-Sent
 >   7 tun0: IPCP:  IPADDR[6] 66=2E109=2E136=2E47
 >   8 tun0: LCP: deflink: RecvTerminateReq(8) state =3D Opened

Opened is ok, we're only terminating LCP section I expect=2E  Anything aft=
er that?

 > So when I send back a config request to use that addr on line 7
 > why do I get a terminate back?
 > It would be really handy to be able to see the negotiation on the
 > back side of the modem, but I have no way to do that=2E

In bridge mode, all negotiation happens in ppp=2E  You are seeing it all, =
but it can be confusing groking what it means =2E=2E=2E

 > > At this stage I'd send them the log and ask what's up?

Yeah, nah =2E=2E=2E

 > I think I'm going to try mpd first, if I can figure that out without
 > documentation other than the example=2Econf=2E

I think ppp is ready to go, once you stop expecting it to use an addr in t=
he /29

 > > We moved from user ppp to mpd C=2E '07, and found it better and
 > easier,
 > > but that won't help if their setup info is wrong=2E
 > Thanks, I'll see if I can figure out mpd and maybe it will work
 > better=2E
 > Have the mpd5 port installed, but I can't seem to find docs anywhere=2E

% find /usr/local -name mpd5\*

 > The Handbook, ch 29=2E5=2E1, refers to a "Complete guide to configure
 > mpd"
 > in /usr/ports/shared/doc/mpd=2E  There is no /usr/ports/shared, and I
 > see nothing other than mpd5 in /usr/ports that looks like it might be
 > relevant=2E  Also nothing in /usr/local/share/doc/=2E

See mpd5(8)

/usr/local/share/doc/mpd5/ has a 70 odd page html manual=2E  Maybe overkil=
l, it's a powerful beastie, including PPPoE servers and other exotica=2E

But seriously, if ppp still isn't working, post another log segment ( with=
 config )

cheers, Ian

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