From owner-freebsd-questions  Thu Jun 10  7:17: 0 1999
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From: "Bond, Jeffery" <>
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Cc: "'FreeBSD questions'" <>
Subject: RE: Partitioning the disk for FreeBSD
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 15:13:56 +0100
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You are worrying unduly. The FreeBSD install will not 'carve up your drive'
willy-nilly, and it will not repartition anything. It can, however, create a
NEW partition in the empty space you have left, and then 'slice' that new
partition up into swap, fs, etc. 

If you haven't left any space, then the installer can delete unwanted
partition(s), e.g. the BSDi ones you created, and create a new one (under
your control of course). All your existing linux partitions will remain
untouched. This is all under your control from within the install program.
It certainly won't do anything without asking your approval. 

I find the latest RedHat linux much more dangerous in this respect. For
example, if you choose the 'workstation' option in the installer, then it
will delete all existing partitions and start over. Very scary! If you don't
read the README first, it can all end in disaster. 

Please don't rule out FreeBSD so easily!



> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent:	Thursday, June 10, 1999 3:09 PM
> To:
> Cc:; freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject:	Re: Partitioning the disk for FreeBSD
> According to Doug White:
> > 
> > How much RAM do you have?  75MB of swap isn't that much.  Also, you want
> > more space in /usr than in /.  
> 	I have 32 meg of RAM;  my Linux swap is 64meg and works fine.
> 	What I want to do is put _all_ of the system onto my first
> 	partition, and put e.g. /home or /nerdstuff on my second big
> 	partition, where I will put my users(mostly me).  Something
> 	that Jeff Bond wrote implies that I can't do that.
> I _certainly_ can't allow any install procedure to do any repartitioning
> of my new drive, since I already have stuff in the Linux part of the
> drive further on.  If the FreeBSD install procedure insists on carving
> up my drive to suit itself . . . goodby to my plans of trying out FreeBSD
> <sob>
> Many thanks to the two who've replied, and I hope that others can help in
> this dilemma.
> TIA and best wishes,
> Alan
> -- 
> Alan McConnell     An error is the more dangerous the more truth it
> Pixel Analysis     contains. (H. Amiel)     Hypocrite reader -- my
>     fellow man -- my brother!  (C. Baudelaire)

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