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Date:      Wed, 26 Jan 2005 21:58:50 -0800 (PST)
From:      "Michael C.Shultz" <>
Subject:   ports/76739: [MAINTAINER] sysutils/portmanager update to 0.2.4_1
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         76739
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [MAINTAINER] sysutils/portmanager update to 0.2.4_1
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Jan 27 06:10:23 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Michael C. Shultz
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE i386
System: FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #0: Thu Jan 20 07:27:28 PST 2005 i386


patch to fix:

1) handle looping by limiting to no more than 2 occurances
2) fix compiler error on sparc64-6-latest:
3) other minor fixes

Note to commiter:

	a files directory need to be added and this diff containes patch-0.2.4_1




--- portmanager-0.2.4_1.diff begins here ---
diff -ruN portmanager/Makefile portmanager-0.2.4_1/Makefile
--- portmanager/Makefile	Wed Jan 26 21:46:00 2005
+++ portmanager-0.2.4_1/Makefile	Wed Jan 26 21:37:02 2005
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	portmanager
 #for local use, remove before submitting PR
 CATEGORIES=		sysutils
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|%%PREFIX%%|${PREFIX}|g ;	\
-	s|0.2.4|${PORTVERSION}_${PORTREVISION}|g ;	\
+	s|0.2.5|${PORTVERSION}_${PORTREVISION}|g ;	\
 	s|%%PORTSDIR%%|${PORTSDIR}|g ;	\
 	s|%%PKG_DBDIR%%|${PKG_DBDIR}|g' ${WRKSRC}/libPMGR/src/libPMGR.h
diff -ruN portmanager/files/patch-0.2.4_1 portmanager-0.2.4_1/files/patch-0.2.4_1
--- portmanager/files/patch-0.2.4_1	Wed Jan 26 21:42:25 2005
+++ portmanager-0.2.4_1/files/patch-0.2.4_1	Wed Jan 26 17:17:23 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+diff -ruN ./THANKS ../portmanager-0.2.5/THANKS
+--- ./THANKS	Tue Jan 18 22:24:04 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/THANKS	Wed Jan 26 11:28:42 2005
+@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
+ I know I am missing a few people who helped early on with
+-portmanager in this file, please accept my appologies.
++portmanager in this file, please accept my apologies.
+ Thanks to:
+ Date of entry
++Jan 26, 2005	Bart Silverstrim <> for identifying a looping problem
++		with XFree86-dri and his patience in helping me solve it.
+ Jan 18       	update portmanager to ver 0.2.3
+         NOTE: portmanager's normal hosting site is broken, thanks to Chuck Swiger for
+@@ -29,11 +32,11 @@
+                in PMGRrDbCreate.c
+ 2004.12.27	"Noah" <>  thanks for reporting segfault when portmanager
+-		self updates.(note emailed)
++		self updates.(note mailed)
+ 2004.12.27	Jason/Carolyn <> thanks for suggesting	port ignore option,
+-		I will try to have it implemented by version 0.2.3(note emailed)	
++		I will try to have it implemented by version 0.2.3(note mailed)	
+ 2004.12.27	John E Hein <> for teaching me how to set portmanager up
+-		to run from a PREFIX directory.  Implemented in ver 0.2.2(note emailed)
++		to run from a PREFIX directory.  Implemented in ver 0.2.2(note mailed)
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/MGdbAdd.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbAdd.c
+--- ./libMG/src/MGdbAdd.c	Wed Jan 19 22:12:30 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbAdd.c	Mon Jan 24 15:59:26 2005
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	db->parent.mallocIdx--;
+-	va_end(paramPtr);		/* Clean up. */
++	va_end(paramList);		/* Clean up. */
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	fprintf( dbFileStream, "\n" );
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/MGdbCreate.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbCreate.c
+--- ./libMG/src/MGdbCreate.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbCreate.c	Mon Jan 24 16:05:24 2005
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+ 	if(DEBUG)
+ 	{
+-		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLELINES);
++		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLE_LINES);
+ 		fprintf( stdout, "%s DEBUG: %s = %s\n", id, "db->parent.path", db->parent.path );
+ 	}
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	db->parent.mallocIdx--;
+-	va_end(paramPtr);		/* Clean up. */
++	va_end(paramList);		/* Clean up. */
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	db->parent.recordQty++;
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/MGdbSeek.3 ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbSeek.3
+--- ./libMG/src/MGdbSeek.3	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdbSeek.3	Fri Jan 21 08:34:42 2005
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ .Fa "classDb* db"
+ .Fa "char* fieldName"
+ .Fa "char* search fieldName for this value"
+-.Fa "char* return value in this field"
++.Fa "char* return value of this field"
+ .Fc
+ Searches key field for a given value and returns contents of value field.
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/MGdirSkip.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdirSkip.c
+--- ./libMG/src/MGdirSkip.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdirSkip.c	Fri Jan 21 20:44:59 2005
+@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@
+ 	if(dir->parent.eof)
+ 	{
+-		if( DEBUG_MGdir || DEBUG )
+-		{
+-			fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", LINES);
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s DEBUG level 1: dir->parent.fopenIdx = %d dir->parent.mallocIdx = %d\n",
+-				id, dir->parent.fopenIdx, dir->parent.mallocIdx );
+-		}
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
+ 	dir->parent.recordIdx++;
+@@ -53,11 +47,5 @@
+ 		dir->parent.eof	= 1;
+ 	}
+-	if( DEBUG_MGdir || DEBUG )
+-	{
+-		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", LINES);
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s DEBUG level 1: dir->parent.fopenIdx = %d dir->parent.mallocIdx = %d\n",
+-			id, dir->parent.fopenIdx, dir->parent.mallocIdx );
+-	}
+ 	return(0);
+ }
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/MGdirTest.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdirTest.c
+--- ./libMG/src/MGdirTest.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/MGdirTest.c	Fri Jan 21 20:45:30 2005
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ 	if( DEBUG_MGdir || DEBUG )
+ 	{
+-		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", LINES);
++		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES);
+ 		fprintf( stdout, "%s DEBUG level 1: dir->parent.fopenIdx = %d dir->parent.mallocIdx = %d\n",
+ 			id, dir->parent.fopenIdx, dir->parent.mallocIdx );
+ 	}
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/libMG.3 ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/libMG.3
+--- ./libMG/src/libMG.3	Thu Jan 20 10:22:06 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/libMG.3	Sun Jan 23 15:08:26 2005
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ .\" The following commands are required for all man pages.
+ .Dd JANUARY 8, 2004
+ .Os FreeBSD
++.Dt LIBMG 3  PRM
+ .\=======================================================================
+ .Sh NAME
+ .Nm libMG
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+ .Fa "classDb* db"
+ .Fa "char* fieldName"
+ .Fa "char* search fieldName for this value"
+-.Fa "char* return value in this field"
++.Fa "char* return value of this field"
+ .Fc
+ .\.11....................................................................
+ .Ft classDir*
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
+ such as MGrIntToString. (MGrIntToString is derived from a similar routine
+ found in groff) 
+-Purpose of this man page is to serve as a quick reference to use of each
++Purpose of this man page is to serve as a quick reference to use for each
+ routine and cross reference of each routine's man page.
+ Naming conventions are as follows: Convenience routines begin with
+diff -ruN ./libMG/src/libMG.h ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/libMG.h
+--- ./libMG/src/libMG.h	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libMG/src/libMG.h	Fri Jan 21 23:53:12 2005
+@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
+ #define	SPACE		32
+ #define	TAB		9
+-#define	LINES		"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+-#define	DOUBLELINES	"==============================================================================="
++#define	SINGLE_LINES	"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
++#define	DOUBLE_LINES	"==============================================================================="
+ typedef	struct classDb	classDb; 
+ typedef	struct classDir	classDir; 
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbCreate.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbCreate.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbCreate.c	Thu Jan 20 10:44:19 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbCreate.c	Wed Jan 26 10:57:36 2005
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+ 						property->fieldNewPortName,
+ 						NULL );
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	if( !MGrIfFileExist( property->cacheDbFileName ) )
+ 	{
+ 		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbDestroy.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbDestroy.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbDestroy.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDbDestroy.c	Wed Jan 26 10:58:40 2005
+@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
+ 	property->objIdx--;
+ 	MGdbDestroy( property->cacheDb );
+ 	if(property->objIdx)
+ 	{
+ 		fprintf( stderr, "%s %s error: property->objIdx = %d \n", id, ver, property->objIdx );
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDoUpgrade.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDoUpgrade.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrDoUpgrade.c	Thu Jan 20 16:19:04 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrDoUpgrade.c	Wed Jan 26 10:31:51 2005
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+ 	{
+ 		property->portManagerUpdated	= 1;
+ 	}
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	MGdbGoTop( property->outOfDatePortsDb );
+ 	oldPortDir	= MGdbSeek( property->outOfDatePortsDb, property->fieldOldPortName, oldPortName,
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
+ 				property->fieldNewPortName );		
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "UPGRADING %s reason %s %s\n", oldPortName, reason, reasonPortName  );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+ 	/*			Command "1" " make clean "			*/
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; make clean " );
+ 	}	
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "intitial clean of work directories \n" );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #1 of 8  %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode = system(command);
+@@ -174,10 +174,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; make " );
+ 	}	
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "update %s \n", oldPortName );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #2 of 8  %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode = system(command);
+ 	mallocIdx--;
+@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@
+ 	strcat( command, "; pkg_create -b " );
+ 	strcat( command, oldPortName );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "backing up installed %s before removing it \n", oldPortName );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #3 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	system(command);
+ 	/*
+ 	An error here is no big deal, if for example the port is not installed it will not be able
+@@ -239,20 +239,49 @@
+ 	command[0]	= 0;
+ 	strcpy(command, "pkg_delete -f ");
+ 	strcat(command, oldPortName);
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "removing old %s \n", oldPortName );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #4 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+-	system(command);
+-	/*
+-	If deinstall has started, even with an error it is better to continue and try to install
+-	the new port
+-	*/
++	errorCode	= system(command);
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 	mallocIdx--;
+ 	free( command );
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	if( errorCode )
++	{
++		stringSize	= strlen( "cd " )
++				+ strlen(PORTSDIR)
++				+ strlen(oldPortDir) 
++				+ strlen( "; make deinstall " )
++				+ 1;
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx++;
++		command	= (char*)malloc( stringSize ); 
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		command[0]	= 0;
++		strcpy( command, "cd " );
++		strcat( command, PORTSDIR );
++		strcat( command, oldPortDir );
++		strcat( command, "; make deinstall " );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "trying one more way to remove %s...\n", oldPortName );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #4 of 8  %s\n", id, ver, command );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		system(command);
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx--;
++		free( command );
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	}
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+ 	/*			Command "5" " make reinstall "			*/
+ 	/************************************************************************/
+@@ -297,10 +326,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; make reinstall " );
+ 	}	
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "installing updated %s \n", oldPortDir );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #5 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode = system(command);
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+@@ -323,10 +352,10 @@
+ 		strcat(command, "/");
+ 		strcat(command, oldPortName);
+ 		strcat(command, ".tgz");
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		fprintf( stderr, "restoring original port from backup \n" );
+ 		fprintf( stderr, "%s %s command: #5!! ***Emergancy restore***  %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		errorCode = system(command);
+ 		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+ 		mallocIdx--;
+@@ -346,11 +375,16 @@
+ 			return(0);
+ 		}
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-		fprintf( stderr, "aborting upgrade due to port install failure, \n" );
+-		fprintf( stderr, "try again after port error is corrected \n" );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-		return(4);
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s %s error: RESTORED BACKUP COPY\n",	id, ver );
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s %s info: adding %s to ignore.db\n", id, ver, oldPortDir );
++		MGdbAdd( property->ignoreDb, oldPortDir, "performed (5) emergancy restore", NULL );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++		if( mallocIdx || fopenCount )
++		{
++			assert(0);
++		}
++		return(0);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+@@ -370,10 +404,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; rm -f ");
+ 		strcat( command, oldPortName);
+ 		strcat( command, ".tgz" );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		fprintf( stderr, "deleting backup copy, installation of updated %s successful\n", oldPortDir );
+ 		fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #6 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		system(command);
+ 		/*
+ 		error is no big deal here, if the backup package wasn't made it can't be deleted...
+@@ -428,10 +462,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; make package " );
+ 	}	
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "making package of updated %s \n", oldPortDir );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #7 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	system(command);
+ 	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+@@ -482,10 +516,10 @@
+ 		strcat( command, "; make clean " );
+ 	}	
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stderr, "terminal clean of work directories\n" );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s command: #8 of 8 %s\n", id, ver, command );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode = system(command);
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrInitialize.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrInitialize.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrInitialize.c	Thu Jan 20 20:12:55 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrInitialize.c	Wed Jan 26 10:22:34 2005
+@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
+ 	property->verbose			= 0;
+ 	stringSize				= strlen(DATADIR)
++						+ strlen(STRIKES_DB)
++						+ 1;
++	property->strikesDbFileName		= (char*)malloc(stringSize);
++	property->strikesDbFileName[0]		= 0;
++	strcpy(property->strikesDbFileName, DATADIR);
++	strcat(property->strikesDbFileName, STRIKES_DB);
++	stringSize				= strlen(DATADIR)
+ 						+ strlen(COMMANDLINE_DB)
+ 						+ 1;
+ 	property->commandLineDbFileName		= (char*)malloc(stringSize);
+@@ -96,6 +104,9 @@
+ 	property->configConfFileName[0]		= 0;
+ 	strcpy(property->configConfFileName, ETC);
+ 	strcat(property->configConfFileName, CONFIGURE_CONF);
++	MGmSetString( property->field3strikesPortDir, "field3strikesPortDir" );		/* 3strikesDb field 0 */
++	MGmSetString( property->fieldStrikes, "fieldStrikes" );				/* 3strikesDb field 1 */
+ 	MGmSetString( property->fieldCommandLineKey, "fieldCommandLineKey" );		/* commandLineDb field 0 */
+ 	MGmSetString( property->fieldCommandLineValue, "fieldCommandLineValue" );	/* commandLineDb field 1 */
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrMissingDependencies.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrMissingDependencies.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrMissingDependencies.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrMissingDependencies.c	Mon Jan 24 18:31:42 2005
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
+ 		childPortDir		= MGdbSeek( property->installedPortsDb, property->fieldInstalledPortName,
+ 						childPortName, property->fieldInstalledPortDir );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		fprintf( stdout, "-=>MISSING<=- %s[%s] %s %s\n", dependencyPortName, dependencyPortDir,
+ 			"may be a dependency of", childPortName );
+@@ -280,6 +280,32 @@
+ 			fopenIdx--;
+ 			pclose(makeDependAllStream);
+ 			/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++/* this is to handle things that have been moved to a new directory    */
++if( !strlen(buffer01) )
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s WARNING: %s is missing! moved maybe? see /usr/ports/MOVED\n", id, ver, dependencyPortDir );
++	fprintf( stdout, "removing %s from ports_old.db, whoever is dependent will have to pull it in during make\n",
++			dependencyPortName );
++	property->outOfDatePortsDb	= MGdbDelete( property->outOfDatePortsDb,
++						MGdbGetRecordQty( property->outOfDatePortsDb ) -1 );
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	mallocIdx--;
++	free( buffer01 );
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	if( fopenIdx != 0 || mallocIdx != 0)
++	{
++		fprintf( stderr, "%s error: fopenIdx = %d mallocIdx = %d\n", id, fopenIdx, mallocIdx );
++		assert(0);
++	}
++	return(0);
+ 			buffer01Idx	= 127999;
+ 			/* convert LINEFEEDs to NULLs */
+@@ -411,7 +437,7 @@
+ 				buffer01Idx	+= strlen( unInstalledPortDir ) + strlen( "/usr/ports/" ) + 1;
+ 			}
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES ); 
++			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES ); 
+ 			fflush( stdout);
+ 			/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrReadConfigure.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrReadConfigure.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrReadConfigure.c	Tue Jan 18 19:30:53 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrReadConfigure.c	Tue Jan 25 11:34:18 2005
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+ int	PMGRrReadConfigure( structProperty* property )
+ {
+ 	FILE*	configDbStream;
++	char*	configFileNameOld	= NULL;
+ 	char	id[]			= "PMGRrReadConfigure";
+ 	char*	buffer			= NULL;
+ 	char*	command			= NULL;
+@@ -56,6 +57,91 @@
+ 	int	mallocIdx		= 0;
+ 	int	stringSize		= 0;
++	/*************************************/
++	/* update old conf file if it exists */
++	/*************************************/
++	stringSize		= strlen( ETC )
++				+ strlen( "portmanager.conf" )
++				+1;
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	mallocIdx++;
++	configFileNameOld	= (char*)malloc( stringSize );
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	configFileNameOld[0]	= 0;
++	strcpy( configFileNameOld, ETC );
++	strcat( configFileNameOld, "portmanager.conf" ); 
++	if( MGrIfFileExist( configFileNameOld ) )
++	{
++		stringSize	= strlen( "mv " )
++				+ strlen( configFileNameOld )
++				+ strlen( " " )
++				+ strlen( configFileNameOld )
++				+ strlen( "_OLD" )
++				+ 1;
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx++;
++		command	= (char*)malloc( stringSize );
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		command[0]	= 0;
++		strcpy( command, "mv " );
++		strcat( command, configFileNameOld );
++		strcat( command, " " );
++		strcat( command, configFileNameOld );
++		strcat( command, "_OLD" );
++		fprintf( stdout, "moving %s to %s%s\n", configFileNameOld, configFileNameOld, "_OLD" );
++		fprintf( stdout, "portmanager configuration file is now called %s. Please review %s%s and %s and make any nessesary changes.\n",
++			property->configConfFileName, property->configConfFileName, ".SAMPLE", configFileNameOld);
++		system( command );		
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx--;
++		free( command );
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	}
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	mallocIdx--;
++	free( configFileNameOld );
++	/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	/***************************************************************************/
++	/* if pm-020.conf missing then copy pm-020.conf.SAMPLE to pm-020.conf */
++	/***************************************************************************/
++	if( !MGrIfFileExist( property->configDbFileName ) )
++	{
++		stringSize	= strlen( "cp " )
++				+ strlen( property->configConfFileName )
++				+ strlen( ".SAMPLE " )
++				+ strlen( property->configConfFileName )
++				+ 1;
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx++;
++		command	= (char*)malloc( stringSize ); 
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		command[0]	= 0;
++		strcpy( command, "cp " );
++		strcat( command, property->configConfFileName );
++		strcat( command, ".SAMPLE " );
++		strcat( command, property->configConfFileName );
++		system( command );
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++		mallocIdx--;
++		free( command );
++		/*zzzzzzzzzzzzzz*/
++	}
++	/*********************/
++	/* parse pm-020.conf */
++	/*********************/
+ 	stringSize	= strlen( "echo \"" )
+ 			+ strlen( property->fieldKey )
+ 			+ strlen( "zzNULLzz" )
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrStatus.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrStatus.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrStatus.c	Thu Jan 20 20:52:07 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrStatus.c	Sat Jan 22 07:25:35 2005
+@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@
+ 	int	IDX_installedPortsDb		= 1;
+ 	int	QTY_dependencyPortsDb		= 0;
+ 	int	QTY_installedPortsDb		= 0;
++	int	answer				= 0;		
+ 	int	errorCode			= 0;
+ 	int	fopenIdx			= 0;	
+ 	int	mallocIdx			= 0;
+ 	int	stringSize			= 0;
+ 	/*.............................................................*/
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s info: Creating inital data bases\n", id, ver );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s %s info: Creating inital data bases\n", id, ver );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode		= PMGRrDbCreate(property);	/* create/open initial databases */
+ 	if(errorCode)
+@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
+ 		exit(0);
+ 	}
+ 	/*.............................................................*/
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s info: looking for missing dependent ports\n", id, ver );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s %s info: looking for missing dependent ports\n", id, ver );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	errorCode		= PMGRrMissingDependencies( property );
+ 	if(errorCode)
+@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
+ 		exit(0);
+ 	}
+ 	/*.............................................................*/
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s info: looking for old installed ports\n", id, ver );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s %s info: looking for old installed ports\n", id, ver );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	/* compare installedPortsDb records to "make describe" of each installed port  */
+ 	/* remove ports that no longer have a Makefile (deleted by CVSand in /usr/ports/MOVED hopefully ) */
+@@ -93,17 +93,28 @@
+ 		{
+ 			installedPortName	= 
+ 				MGdbGet( property->installedPortsDb, IDX_installedPortsDb, property->fieldInstalledPortName);
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++			fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 			fprintf( stdout, 
+-				"removing: %s, \n\t it is no longer in the ports collection, \n\t see /usr/ports/MOVED for possible explanation\n",
+-				installedPortName );
++				"%s is no longer in the ports collection, see /usr/ports/MOVED\nis it OK to remove %s from your system? [y/n]\n",
++				installedPortDir, installedPortName );
++			answer	= getc(stdin);
++			if( answer != 89 && answer != 121 )
++			{
++				fprintf( stdout, "answer	= %d\n", answer );
++				fprintf( stdout, "portmanager shutting down\n" );
++				exit(0);
++			}
++			ungetc(answer, stdin);
++			fprintf( stdout, "removing: %s\n", installedPortName );
+ 			stringSize	= strlen("pkg_delete -f ") + strlen(installedPortName) + 1;
+ 			command 	= ( char* )malloc( stringSize );
+ 			command[0]	= 0;
+ 			strcpy( command, "pkg_delete -f " );
+ 			strcat( command, installedPortName );
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", command );
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++			fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", command );
++			fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 			system( command );
+ 			free( command );
+ 			/* since installedPortName is no longer in ports collection need to delete record and restart */
+@@ -121,26 +132,26 @@
+ 			MGdbGet( property->installedPortsDb, IDX_installedPortsDb, property->fieldInstalledPortDir);
+ 		if( strcmp( installedPortName,	available ) )
+ 		{
+-			fprintf( stdout, "have:%-25s status: OLD available:%-25s %-25s\n",
++			fprintf( stdout,"have:%-25s status: OLD available:%-25s %-25s\n",
+ 				installedPortName, available, installedPortDir );
+ 			MGdbAdd( property->outOfDatePortsDb, installedPortDir, installedPortName, "OLD", available, NULL );
+ 			IDX_installedPortsDb++;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}		
+-		fprintf( stdout, "have:%-25s status: CURRENT: %-25s\n", installedPortName, installedPortDir );
++		fprintf( stdout,"have:%-25s status: CURRENT: %-25s\n", installedPortName, installedPortDir );
+ 		IDX_installedPortsDb++;
+ 	}
+ 	/*.............................................................*/
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s info: looking for installed ports built with old dependencies\n", id, ver );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s %s info: looking for installed ports built with old dependencies\n", id, ver );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	/****************************************************************************/
+ 	/* add any DependencyDir == installedDir && dependencyName != installedName */
+ 	/* to outOfDatePortsDb                                                      */
+ 	/****************************************************************************/
+ 	IDX_dependencyPortsDb	= 1;
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	QTY_dependencyPortsDb	= MGdbGetRecordQty( property->dependencyPortsDb);
+ 	while( IDX_dependencyPortsDb < QTY_dependencyPortsDb )
+ 	{
+@@ -165,34 +176,31 @@
+ 								dependencyPortName, property->fieldChildPortName )
+ 					 ) )
+ 				{
+-MGdbGoTop( property->outOfDatePortsDb );
+-if( !MGdbSeek( property->outOfDatePortsDb, property->fieldOldPortName, oldPortName, property->fieldOldPortName ) )
+-					fprintf( stdout, "OLD %s built with old dependency %s, current dependency is %s\n",
+-						oldPortName, dependencyPortName, installedPortName );
+-					MGdbGoTop( property->installedPortsDb );
+-					oldPortDir	= MGdbSeek( property->installedPortsDb, 
+-								property->fieldInstalledPortName,
+-								oldPortName,
+-								property->fieldInstalledPortDir );
+-					MGdbAdd( property->outOfDatePortsDb, oldPortDir, oldPortName, "OLD dependency",
+-						 installedPortName, NULL );
++					MGdbGoTop( property->outOfDatePortsDb );
++					if( !MGdbSeek( property->outOfDatePortsDb, property->fieldOldPortName, oldPortName, property->fieldOldPortName ) )
++					{
++						fprintf( stdout,"OLD %s built with old dependency %s, current dependency is %s\n",
++							oldPortName, dependencyPortName, installedPortName );
++						MGdbGoTop( property->installedPortsDb );
++						oldPortDir	= MGdbSeek( property->installedPortsDb, 
++									property->fieldInstalledPortName,
++									oldPortName,
++									property->fieldInstalledPortDir );
++						MGdbAdd( property->outOfDatePortsDb, oldPortDir, oldPortName, "OLD dependency",
++							 installedPortName, NULL );
++					}
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		++IDX_dependencyPortsDb;
+ 	}
+-	fflush(stderr);
+-	fflush(stdout);
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "status report finished\n" ); 
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLELINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout,"status report finished\n" ); 
++	fprintf( stdout,"%s\n", DOUBLE_LINES );
+ 	if( fopenIdx || mallocIdx != 0)
+ 	{
+-		fprintf( stderr, "%s error: fopenIdx = %d mallocIdx = %d\n",
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s error: fopenIdx = %d mallocIdx = %d\n",
+ 			id, fopenIdx, mallocIdx );
+ 		assert(0);
+ 	}
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrUpgrade.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrUpgrade.c
+--- ./libPMGR/src/PMGRrUpgrade.c	Wed Jan 19 23:08:12 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/PMGRrUpgrade.c	Wed Jan 26 11:04:00 2005
+@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
+ 		if(property->portManagerUpdated)
+ 		{
+ 			PMGRrDbDestroy( property );
+-			fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", LINES);
++			fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES);
+ 			fprintf(stdout,	"portmanager just updated itself, executing: portmanager -u \n");
+-			fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", LINES);
++			fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES);
+ 			fflush(stdout);
+ 			/********************************/
+@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@
+ 			/********************************/
+ 			QTY_commandLineDb	= MGdbGetRecordQty( property->commandLineDb );
+ 			IDX_commandLineDb	= 1;
+-			stringSize		= strlen( "portmanager " );
++			stringSize		= strlen( BINDIR )
++						+ strlen( "portmanager " );
+ 			while( IDX_commandLineDb < QTY_commandLineDb )
+ 			{
+ 				/* continue if -ip has no options ) */
+@@ -121,7 +122,8 @@
+ 			stringSize		+= 1;
+ 			command			= (char*)malloc( stringSize );
+ 			command[0]		= 0;
+-			strcpy( command, "./portmanager " );
++			strcpy( command, BINDIR );
++			strcat( command, "portmanager " );
+ 			IDX_commandLineDb	= 1;
+ 			while( IDX_commandLineDb < QTY_commandLineDb )
+ 			{
+@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@
+ 	char*	ignoreReason		= NULL;
+ 	char*	oldPortDir		= NULL;
+ 	char*	oldPortName		= NULL;
++	char*	strike			= NULL;
+ 	int	IDX_outOfDatePortsDb	= 1;
+ 	int	QTY_outOfDatePortsDb	= 0;
+ 	int	errorCode		= 0;
+@@ -210,6 +213,38 @@
+ 			{
+ 				property->portManagerUpdated	= 1;	
+ 			}
++			/*******************/
++			/* 3 strikes check */
++			/*******************/
++			MGdbGoTop( property->strikesDb );
++			strike		= MGdbSeek( property->strikesDb, property->field3strikesPortDir, oldPortDir,
++						property->fieldStrikes );  
++			if( !strike )
++			{
++				MGdbAdd( property->strikesDb, oldPortDir, "1", NULL );
++			}
++			else
++			{
++				if( strike[0]	== '2' )
++				{
++					MGdbAdd( property->ignoreDb, oldPortDir, "looping, 3rd attempt at make", NULL );
++					IDX_outOfDatePortsDb++;
++					continue;
++				}
++				if( strike[0]	== '1' )
++				{
++					fprintf( stdout,
++					 "%s %s WARNING: This is the second time %s is being built, one	more attempt and it will be marked as ignore.\n",
++					id, ver, oldPortName );
++					property->strikesDb = MGdbDelete( property->strikesDb, 
++									MGdbGetRecno( property->strikesDb ) - 1 );
++					MGdbAdd( property->strikesDb, oldPortDir, "2", NULL );				
++				}
++			}
+ 			processed	= 1; 
+ 			errorCode	= PMGRrDoUpgrade( property, oldPortName );
+ 			switch(errorCode)
+@@ -242,9 +277,9 @@
+ 	}
+ 	if( !processed )
+ 	{
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 		fprintf(stdout, "update of ports collection complete with either some errors, ignored ports or both\n" );
+-		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLELINES );
++		fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLE_LINES );
+ 		exit(0); 
+ 	}
+ 	return(0);
+diff -ruN ./libPMGR/src/libPMGR.h ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/libPMGR.h
+--- ./libPMGR/src/libPMGR.h	Thu Jan 20 23:02:04 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/libPMGR/src/libPMGR.h	Wed Jan 26 10:23:20 2005
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ #include	<libMG.h>
+ #ifndef VER	
+-static	char	ver[]	= "0.2.4";
++static	char	ver[]	= "0.2.5";
+ #define VER	1
+ #endif
+@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@
+ #define	DATADIR 	"%%PREFIX%%/share/portmanager/"
+ #define	ETC		"%%PREFIX%%/etc/portmanager/"
+ #define	LOCALBASE	"%%PREFIX%%/"
++#define	BINDIR		"%%PREFIX%%/bin"
+ #define	PKG_DBDIR	"%%PKG_DBDIR%%"
+ #define	PORTSDIR	"%%PORTSDIR%%/"
+ #define	TEMP_DIR	"/tmp"
++#define	STRIKES_DB		"3strikes.db"
+ #define	PORTS_INSTALLED_DB	"ports_installed.db"
+ #define	COMMANDLINE_DB		"commandLine.db"
+ #define	PORT_DEPENDENCIES_DB	"port_dependencies.db"
+@@ -56,27 +58,9 @@
+ #define	IGNORE_DB		"ignore.db"
+-the following identify the fields of databases. For example
+-CONFIG_DB_PORT_DIR is for config_db and the field containing
+-port directory information is #0
+-#define	CONFIGDB_PORTDIR			0
+ typedef struct
+ {
++	char*		strikesDbFileName;
+ 	char*		cacheDbFileName;
+ 	char*		commandLineDbFileName;
+ 	char*		configConfFileName;
+@@ -86,6 +70,9 @@
+ 	char*		installedPortsDbFileName;
+ 	char*		oldPortsFileName;
++	char*		field3strikesPortDir;		/* 3strikesDb field 0 */
++	char*		fieldStrikes;			/* 3strikesDb field 1 */
+ 	char*		fieldCommandLineKey;		/* commandLineDb field 0 */
+ 	char*		fieldCommandLineValue;		/* commandLineDb field 1 */
+@@ -115,6 +102,7 @@
+ 	char*		fieldUpgradePortDir;
+ 	char*		fieldUpgradePortName;
++	classDb*	strikesDb;
+ 	classDb*	cacheDb;
+ 	classDb*	commandLineDb;
+ 	classDb*	configDb;
+diff -ruN ./portmanager/portmanager.1 ../portmanager-0.2.5/portmanager/portmanager.1
+--- ./portmanager/portmanager.1	Thu Jan 20 08:43:27 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/portmanager/portmanager.1	Mon Jan 24 14:31:26 2005
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
+ .sp
+  example:  portmanager \&-u \&-ip editors/nedit editors/openoffice
+ .sp
+- Do not update editors/nedit or editors/openoffice or anything
++ Do not update editors/nedit nor editors/openoffice nor anything
+  dependent on them.  Update everything else.
+ .It
+ \fB\&-h\fR Quick help reference
+diff -ruN ./portmanager/portmanager.c ../portmanager-0.2.5/portmanager/portmanager.c
+--- ./portmanager/portmanager.c	Thu Jan 20 14:42:32 2005
++++ ../portmanager-0.2.5/portmanager/portmanager.c	Wed Jan 26 10:58:18 2005
+@@ -57,20 +57,26 @@
+ 	property.ignoreDb	= MGdbCreate( property.ignoreDbFileName, property.fieldIgnorePortDir, 
+ 					property.fieldIgnoreReason, NULL ); 
++	property.strikesDb		= MGdbCreate(
++						property.strikesDbFileName,
++						property.field3strikesPortDir,
++						property.fieldStrikes,
++						NULL );
+-	/***************************************************************/
+ 	idx	= 0;
+ 	while( idx < argc )
+ 	{
+ 		if( !strcmp(argv[idx], "-ip") )
+ 		{
+ 			idx++;
+-			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++			fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 			while( idx < argc && argv[idx][0] != '-' )
+ 			{
+ 				fprintf( stdout, "%s %s info: adding %s to ignore.db  reason: command line option -ip\n",
+ 					id, ver, argv[idx] );
+ 				MGdbAdd( property.ignoreDb, argv[idx], "command line option -ip", NULL );
+ 				idx++;
+ 			}
+@@ -159,15 +165,15 @@
+ void	rHelp( char* id )
+ {
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLELINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", DOUBLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "%s %s help:\n", id, ver );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "\n\t-ip ( ignore port ) example:\n\t\tportmanager -u -ip editors/nedit editors/openoffice\n\t\tupgrade evrything except nedit, open office and their dependencies\n" ); 
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "\t-s or --status\n\t\tstatus of installed ports\n" ); 
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "\t-u or --upgrade\n\t\tupgrade installed ports\n" ); 
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "\t-v or --version\n\t\tportmanager version information\n\n" ); 
+ 	fprintf( stdout, "\n\tsee portmanager(1),  or for more information.\n\n" );
+-	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", LINES );
++	fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", SINGLE_LINES );
+ 	return;
+ }
diff -ruN portmanager/pkg-plist portmanager-0.2.4_1/pkg-plist
--- portmanager/pkg-plist	Wed Jan 26 21:09:31 2005
+++ portmanager-0.2.4_1/pkg-plist	Wed Jan 26 17:16:08 2005
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+@unexec rm -f %D/share/portmanager/3strikes.db 2>/dev/null || true
 @unexec rm -f %D/share/portmanager/commandLine.db 2>/dev/null || true
 @unexec rm -f %D/share/portmanager/configure.db 2>/dev/null || true
 @unexec rm -f %D/share/portmanager/configure.db.temp 2>/dev/null || true
--- portmanager-0.2.4_1.diff ends here ---


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