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Date:      Thu, 01 May 2014 21:40:07 -0400
From:      Allan Jude <>
Subject:   Re: docs/189216: [patch] add a handbook section on hosting VMs with bhyve
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On 2014-05-01 21:27, Allan Jude wrote:
>> Number:         189216
>> Category:       docs
>> Synopsis:       [patch] add a handbook section on hosting VMs with bhy=
>> Confidential:   no
>> Severity:       non-critical
>> Priority:       low
>> Responsible:    freebsd-doc
>> State:          open
>> Quarter:       =20
>> Keywords:      =20
>> Date-Required:
>> Class:          change-request
>> Submitter-Id:   current-users
>> Arrival-Date:   Fri May 02 01:30:00 UTC 2014
>> Closed-Date:
>> Last-Modified:
>> Originator:     Allan Jude
>> Release:        10.0-STABLE
>> Organization:
> ScaleEngine Inc.
>> Environment:
> FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0=
 Sat Mar 22 13:15:35 EDT 2014
obj/media/10stable/sys/GENERIC  amd64
>> Description:
> This patch adds a bhyve section to the virtualization chapter, and sepa=
rates the virtualbox chapter.
> Sponsored by: ScaleEngine Inc.
>> How-To-Repeat:
>> Fix:
> Patch attached with submission follows:
> Index: handbook/virtualization/chapter.xml
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
> --- handbook/virtualization/chapter.xml	(revision 44736)
> +++ handbook/virtualization/chapter.xml	(working copy)
> @@ -20,6 +20,16 @@
>  	<contrib>Contributed by </contrib>
>        </author>
>      </authorgroup>
> +
> +    <authorgroup>
> +      <author>
> +	<personname>
> +	  <firstname>Allan</firstname>
> +	  <surname>Jude</surname>
> +	</personname>
> +	<contrib>bhyve section by </contrib>
> +      </author>
> +    </authorgroup>
>    </info>
> =20
>    <sect1 xml:id=3D"virtualization-synopsis">
> @@ -1110,8 +1120,8 @@
>      </sect2>
>    </sect1>
> =20
> -  <sect1 xml:id=3D"virtualization-host">
> -    <title>&os; as a Host</title>
> +  <sect1 xml:id=3D"virtualization-host-virtualbox">
> +    <title>&os; as a Host with <application>VirtualBox</application></=
> =20
>      <para><application>&virtualbox;</application> is an actively
>        developed, complete virtualization package, that is available
> @@ -1273,7 +1283,310 @@
> =20
>        <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>service devfs restart</userinpu=
>      </sect2>
> +  </sect1>
> =20
> +  <sect1 xml:id=3D"virtualization-host-bhyve">
> +    <title>&os; as a Host with
> +      <application>bhyve</application></title>
> +
> +    <para>Starting with &os; 10.0-RELEASE the BSD licensed hypervisor
> +      <application>bhyve</application> is part of the base system.
> +      <application>bhyve</application> supports a number of guests
> +      including &os;, OpenBSD, and many flavors of &linux;.
> +      <application>bhyve</application> currently only supports a
> +      serial console and does not emulate a graphical console.
> +      <application>bhyve</application> is a legacy-free hypervisor,
> +      meaning that instead of translating instructions, and manually
> +      managing memory mappings, it relies on the virtualization
> +      offload features of newer <acronym>CPU</acronym>s.
> +      <application>bhyve</application> also avoids emulating
> +      compatible hardware for the guest, and instead relies on the
> +      paravirtualization drivers, called
> +      <literal>VirtIO</literal>.</para>
> +
> +    <para>Due to the design of <application>bhyve</application>, it is=

> +      only possible to use <application>bhyve</application> on
> +      computers with newer processors that support &intel;
> +      <acronym>EPT</acronym> (Extended Page Tables) or &amd;
> +      <acronym>RVI</acronym> (Rapid Virtualization Indexing, also know=

> +      as <acronym>NPT</acronym> or Nested Page Tables).  Most newer
> +      processors, specifically the &intel;&nbsp;&core; i3/i5/i7 and
> +      &intel;&nbsp;&xeon; E3/E5/E7 support this feature, for a
> +      complete list of &intel; processors that support
> +      <acronym>EPT</acronym> see the <link
> +      xlink:href=3D";Ext=
> +      ARK</link>.  <acronym>RVI</acronym> is found on the 3rd
> +      generation and later of the &amd.opteron; (Barcelona)
> +      processors.  The easiest way to check for support of
> +      <acronym>EPT</acronym> or <acronym>RVI</acronym> on a system is
> +      to look for the <literal>POPCNT</literal> processor feature flag=

> +      on the <literal>Features2</literal> line in
> +      <command>dmesg</command> or
> +      <filename>/var/run/dmesg.boot</filename>.</para>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-prep">
> +      <title>Preparing the Host</title>
> +
> +      <para>The first step to creating a virtual machine in
> +	<application>bhyve</application> is configuring the host
> +	system.  Load the <application>bhyve</application> kernel
> +	module called vmm.  Create a <filename>tap</filename>
> +	interface for the network device in the virtual machine to
> +	attach to.  Optionally create a bridge interface and add the
> +	<filename>tap</filename> interface as well as the physical
> +	interface as members to allow the virtual machine to have
> +	access to the network.</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>kldload vmm</userinput>
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>kldload nmdm</userinput>
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig <replaceable>tap0</replaceable> crea=
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>sysctl</userinput=
> 0 -> 1
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig <replaceable>bridge0</replaceable> c=
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig <replaceable>bridge0</replaceable> a=
ddm <replaceable>igb0</replaceable> addm <replaceable>tap0</replaceable><=
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>ifconfig <replaceable>bridge0</replaceable> u=
> +
> +    </sect2>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-freebsd">
> +      <title>Creating a FreeBSD Guest</title>
> +
> +      <para>Create a file to use as the virtual disk for the guest
> +	machine.</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>truncate -s <replaceable>16G</r=
eplaceable> <filename>guest.img</filename></userinput></screen>
> +
> +      <para>Download an installation image of &os; to install:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>fetch <replaceable>
> +FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso       100% of  209 MB  570 kBp=
s 06m17s</screen>
> +
> +      <para>&os; comes with an example script for running a virtual
> +	machine in <application>bhyve</application>.  The script will
> +	start the virtual machine and run it in a loop, so it will
> +	automatically restart if it crashes.  The script takes a
> +	number of options to control the configuration of the machine.
> +	<option>-c</option> controls the number of virtual CPUs.
> +	<option>-m</option> limits the amount of memory available to
> +	the guest.  <option>-t</option> defines which
> +	<filename>tap</filename> device to use.  <option>-d</option>
> +	indicates which disk image to use.  <option>-i</option> tells
> +	<application>bhyve</application> to boot from the CD image
> +	instead of the disk, and <option>-I</option> defines which CD
> +	image to use.  Finally the last parameter is the name of the
> +	virtual machine, used to track the running machines.  Start
> +	the virtual machine in installation mode:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sh <filename>/usr/share/example=
s/bhyve/</filename> -c <replaceable>4</replaceable> -m <replaceab=
le>1024M</replaceable> -t tap0 -d <filename>guest.img</filename> -i -I <f=
ilename>FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso</filename> <replaceable>g=
> +
> +      <para>The system will boot and start the installer.  After
> +	installing a system in the virtual machine, when the system
> +	asks about dropping in to a shell at the end of the
> +	installation, choose <guibutton>Yes</guibutton>.  A small
> +	change needs to be made to make the system start with a serial
> +	console.  Edit <filename>/etc/ttys</filename> and replace the
> +	existing <literal>console</literal> line with:</para>
> +
> +      <programlisting>console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"    xterm  =
 on  secure</programlisting>
> +
> +      <para>Reboot the virtual machine.  Rebooting the virtual machine=

> +	causes <application>bhyve</application> to exit.  However the
> +	<filename></filename> script runs
> +	<command>bhyve</command> in a loop and will automatically
> +	restart it.  When this happens, choose the reboot option from
> +	the boot loader menu, and this will escape the loop.  Now the
> +	guest can be started from the virtual disk:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sh <filename>/usr/share/example=
s/bhyve/</filename> -c <replaceable>4</replaceable> -m <replaceab=
le>1024M</replaceable> -t tap0 -d <filename>guest.img</filename> <replace=
> +    </sect2>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-linux">
> +      <title>Creating a &linux; Guest</title>
> +
> +      <note><para><application>bhyve</application> requires
> +	<package>sysutils/grub2-bhyve</package> in order to boot
> +	operating systems other than &os;.</para></note>
> +
> +      <para>Create a file to use as the virtual disk for the guest
> +	machine.</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>truncate -s <replaceable>16G</r=
eplaceable> <filename>linux.img</filename></userinput></screen>
> +
> +      <para>Starting a virtual machine with
> +	<application>bhyve</application> is a two step process.  First
> +	a kernel must be loaded, then the guest can be started.
> +	<package>sysutils/grub2-bhyve</package> is used to load the
> +	&linux; kernel.  Create a <filename></filename> that
> +	<application>grub</application> will use to map the virtual
> +	devices to the files on the host system:</para>
> +
> +      <programlisting>(hd0) ./linux.img
> +(cd0) ./somelinux.iso</programlisting>
> +
> +      <para>Use <package>sysutils/grub2-bhyve</package> to load the
> +	&linux; kernel from the <acronym>ISO</acronym> image:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>grub-bhyve -m <filename>device.=
map</filename> -r cd0 -M <replaceable>1024M</replaceable> <replaceable>li=
> +
> +      <para>This will start grub.  If the installation CD contains a
> +	<filename>grub.cfg</filename> then a menu will be displayed.
> +	If not, the <literal>vmlinuz</literal> and
> +	<literal>initrd</literal> files must be located and loaded
> +	manually:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>grub> <userinput>ls</userinput>
> +(hd0) (cd0) (cd0,msdos1) (host)
> +grub> <userinput>ls (cd0)/isolinux</userinput>
> boot.msg grub.conf initrd.img isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg memte=
> +splash.jpg TRANS.TBL vesamenu.c32 vmlinuz
> +grub> <userinput>linux (cd0)/isolinux/vmlinuz</userinput>
> +grub> <userinput>initrd (cd0)/isolinux/initrd.img</userinput>
> +grub> <userinput>boot</userinput></screen>
> +
> +      <para>Now that the &linux; kernel is loaded, the guest can be
> +	started:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>bhyve -AI -H -P \
> +-s 0:0,hostbridge \
> +-s 1:0,lpc \
> +-s 2:0,virtio-net,tap1 \
> +-s 3:0,virtio-blk,./linux.img \
> +-s 4:0,ahci-cd,./somelinux.iso \
> +-l com1,stdio \
> +-c <replaceable>4</replaceable> -m <replaceable>1024M</replaceable> <r=
> +
> +      <para>The system will boot and start the installer.  After
> +	installing a system in the virtual machine, reboot the virtual
> +	machine.  This will cause <application>bhyve</application> to
> +	exit.  The instance of the virtual machine needs to be
> +	destroyed before it can be started again:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>bhyvectl --destroy --vm=3D<repl=
> +
> +      <para>Now the guest can be started directly from the virtual
> +	disk.  Load the kernel:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>grub-bhyve -m <filename>device.=
map</filename> -r hd0,msdos1 -M <replaceable>1024M</replaceable> <replace=
> +grub> <userinput>ls</userinput>
> +(hd0) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (cd0) (cd0,msdos1) (host)
> +(lvm/VolGroup-lv_swap) (lvm/VolGroup-lv_root)
> +grub> <userinput>ls (hd0,msdos1)/</userinput>
> +lost+found/ grub/ efi/ config-2.6.32-=
> +86_64 symvers-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64.gz vmlinuz-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64
> +initramfs-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64.img
> +grub> <userinput>linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 root=
> +grub> <userinput>initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initramfs-2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64.i=
> +grub> <userinput>boot</userinput></screen>
> +
> +      <para>Boot the virtual machine:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>bhyve -AI -H -P \
> +-s 0:0,hostbridge \
> +-s 1:0,lpc \
> +-s 2:0,virtio-net,tap1 \
> +-s 3:0,virtio-blk,./linux.img \
> +-l com1,stdio \
> +-c <replaceable>4</replaceable> -m <replaceable>1024M</replaceable> <r=
> +
> +      <para>&linux; will now boot in the virtual machine and
> +	eventually present you with the login prompt.  Login and use
> +	the virtual machine.  When you are finished, reboot the
> +	virtual machine to exit <application>bhyve</application>.
> +	Destroy the virtual machine instance:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>bhyvectl --destroy --vm=3D<repl=
> +    </sect2>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-nmdm">
> +      <title>Virtual Machines Consoles</title>
> +
> +      <para>It is advantageous to wrap the
> +	<application>bhyve</application> console in a session
> +	management tool such as <package>sysutils/tmux</package> or
> +	<package>sysutils/screen</package> in order to detach and
> +	reattach to the console.  It is also possible to have the
> +	console of <application>bhyve</application> be a null modem
> +	device that can be accessed with <command>cu</command>.  Load
> +	the <filename>nmdm</filename> kernel module, and replace
> +	<option>-l com1,stdio</option> with
> +	<option>-l com1,/dev/nmdm0A</option>.  The
> +	<filename>/dev/nmdm</filename> devices are created
> +	automatically as needed, each is a pair,
> +	<filename>/dev/nmdm1A</filename> and
> +	<filename>/dev/nmdm1B</filename> corresponding to the two ends
> +	of the null modem cable.  See &man.nmdm.4; for more
> +	information.</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>bhyve -AI -H -P \
> +-s 0:0,hostbridge \
> +-s 1:0,lpc \
> +-s 2:0,virtio-net,tap1 \
> +-s 3:0,virtio-blk,./linux.img \
> +-l com1,<replaceable>/dev/nmdm0A</replaceable> \
> +-c <replaceable>4</replaceable> -m <replaceable>1024M</replaceable> <r=
> +&prompt.root; <userinput>cu -l /dev/nmdm0B -s 9600</userinput>
> +Connected
> +
> +Ubuntu 13.10 handbook ttyS0
> +
> +handbook login:</screen>
> +
> +    </sect2>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-managing">
> +      <title>Managing Virtual Machines</title>
> +
> +      <para>A device node is created in <filename
> +	  role=3D"directory">/dev/vmm</filename> for each virtual
> +	machine.  This allows the administrator to easily see a list
> +	of the running virtual machines:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>ls -al /dev/vmm</userinput>
> +total 1
> +dr-xr-xr-x   2 root  wheel    512 Mar 17 12:19 ./
> +dr-xr-xr-x  14 root  wheel    512 Mar 17 06:38 ../
> +crw-------   1 root  wheel  0x1a2 Mar 17 12:20 guestname
> +crw-------   1 root  wheel  0x19f Mar 17 12:19 linuxguest
> +crw-------   1 root  wheel  0x1a1 Mar 17 12:19 otherguest</screen>
> +
> +      <para>Virtual machines can be destroyed using
> +	<command>bhyvectl</command>:</para>
> +
> +      <screen>&prompt.root; bhyvectl --destroy --vm=3Dguestname</scree=
> +    </sect2>
> +
> +    <sect2 xml:id=3D"virtualization-bhyve-onboot">
> +      <title>Persistent Configuration</title>
> +
> +      <para>In order to make the system able to start
> +	<application>bhyve</application> guests at boot time, the
> +	following configurations must be made in the specified
> +	files:</para>
> +
> +      <procedure>
> +	<step>
> +	  <title><filename>/etc/sysctl.conf</filename></title>
> +
> +	  <programlisting></programlisting>
> +	</step>
> +
> +	<step>
> +	  <title><filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename></title>
> +
> +	  <programlisting>vmm_load=3D"YES"
> +nmdm_load=3D"YES"
> +if_bridge_load=3D"YES"
> +if_tap_load=3D"YES"</programlisting>
> +	</step>
> +
> +	<step>
> +	  <title><filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename></title>
> +
> +	  <programlisting>cloned_interfaces=3D"bridge0 tap0"
> +ifconfig_bridge0=3D"addm igb0 addm tap0"</programlisting>
> +	</step>
> +      </procedure>
> +    </sect2>
>  <!--
>    Note:  There is no working/end-user ready Xen support for FreeBSD as=
 of 07-2010.
>           Hide all information regarding Xen under FreeBSD.
>> Release-Note:
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There is also a section for this about booting OpenBSD, however it is
currently only possible using the 'flashrd' versions of OpenBSD, because
bhyve cannot boot the OpenBSD ramdisk image.

I hope to finish that section at some point and add it.

Allan Jude

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