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Date:      Fri, 19 Nov 2010 18:56:09 +0000 (GMT)
From:      Olav Gjerde <>
Subject:   How to unlock a md0 device with GELI during boot?
Message-ID:  <>

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I'm trying to unlock a geli encrypted file which contains multiple GELI key=
s to unlock several hard drives. The reason for this is that I want to unlo=
ck all the harddrives without typing the password for each harddrive for ea=
ch reboot.=0A=0AI've created a small file with dd, used mdconfig to create =
a md0 device, used geli init on the md0 device, attached it and finally I c=
reated an ufs filesystem on the /dev/md0.eli device=0ASo far everything wor=
ks fine.=0A=0AFor the boot process I added this line in /etc/rc.conf=0Amdco=
nfig_md0=3D"-t vnode -f /boot/geli.img"=0AThis successfully created the md0=
 device.=0A=0AI've also added this below the mdconfig line in rc.conf=0Agel=
i_devices=3D"md0"=0Ageli_md0_flags=3D"-k /boot/geli.key"=0A=0AIf I reboot I=
 get the following error message during the boot:=0ACreating md0 device (vn=
ode)=0Afsck: Could not determine filesystem type.=0AFsck failed on /dev/md0=
 not mounting the filesystem.=0A=0ABut file works fine when I after the boo=
t do this:=0Ageli attach -k /boot/geli.key md0=0A=0AIs it possible to geli =
to unlock the md0 device during the boot process?=0AAre there any other alt=
ernatives for my problem?=0A=0A-- Olav=0A=0A=0A

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