Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2017 02:44:32 -0800 From: Mark Millard <> To: Tom Vijlbrief <>, freebsd-arm <> Subject: Re: Arm64 stack issues (was Re: FreeBSD status for/on ODroid-C2?) Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <20170124191357.0ec0abfd@zapp> <20170128010138.iublazyrhhqycn37@mutt-hardenedbsd> <20170128010223.tjivldnh7pyenbg6@mutt-hardenedbsd> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
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Another core. The register read reported: fp =3D 0x0000000000000000 lr =3D 0x0000000000000000 sp =3D 0x0000fffffffee630 pc =3D 0x0000000000000000 And looking around (most nested to outer most): 0xfffffffee530: 0x0000fffffffee570 0x000000004054cd94`__free: 0x4054cd90 <+144>: bl 0xad6fc ; ifree at = jemalloc_jemalloc.c:1876 0x4054cd94 <+148>: adrp x9, 185 0xfffffffee570: 0x0000fffffffee590 0x0000000000411300 sh`ckfree: 0x4112fc <+28>: bl 0x4027e0 ; symbol stub for: = free 0x411300 <+32>: ldr x8, [x19, #0x970] 0xfffffffee590: 0x0000fffffffee5d0 0x000000000040e6e8 sh`freejob: 0x40e6e4 <+136>: bl 0x4112e0 ; ckfree at = memalloc.c:86 0x40e6e8 <+140>: adrp x8, 38 0xfffffffee5d0: 0x0000ffffffffcaa0 0x000000000040f490 sh`forkshell: 0x40f48c <+856>: bl 0x40e65c ; freejob at = jobs.c:463 0x40f490 <+860>: add x20, x20, #0x30 ; =3D0x30 (Note that sp=3D=3D0x0000fffffffee630 is fairly close to = 0xfffffffee5d0.) (sizable frame jump from 0xfffffffee5d0 to 0x0000ffffffffcaa0, size = 0xE4D0=3D=3D58576 bytes) (0xfffffffee5e0 up to 0xffffffffa890 (not inclusive) are all = 0x0000000000000000) (The prior trace example did not have such a large area.) 0xffffffffca50: 0x0000ffffffffcaa0 0x000000000040f1c8 sh`forkshell: 0x40f1c4 <+144>: bl 0x413fc8 ; flushall at = output.c:236 0x40f1c8 <+148>: bl 0x402920 ; symbol stub for: = fork 0x40f1cc <+152>: mov w19, w0 (flushall a voids returning to 0x40f1c8 directly, instead making the last routine it calls return there instead of to flushall.) 0xffffffffcaa0: 0x0000ffffffffcb50 0x0000000000405954 sh`evaltree: 0x405950 <+1204>: bl 0x40f134 ; forkshell at = jobs.c:838 0x405954 <+1208>: cbnz w0, 0x4059dc ; <+1344> = [inlined] evalpipe + 300 at eval.c:286 0xffffffffcb50: 0x0000ffffffffcde0 0x0000000000406e28 sh`evalbackcmd: 0x406e24 <+336>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 0x406e28 <+340>: ldur w0, [x29, #-0x5c] 0xffffffffcde0: 0x0000ffffffffcf90 0x0000000000409324 sh`argstr: 0x409320 <+428>: bl 0x406cd4 ; evalbackcmd at = eval.c:646 0x409324 <+432>: mov x0, x26 0xffffffffcf90: 0x0000ffffffffcff0 0x0000000000408fa8 sh`expandarg: 0x408fa4 <+108>: bl 0x409174 ; argstr at = expand.c:267 0x408fa8 <+112>: cbz x19, 0x409020 ; <+232> at = expand.c:236 0xffffffffcff0: 0x0000ffffffffd320 0x0000000000405f48 sh`evalcommand: 0x405f44 <+220>: bl 0x408f38 ; expandarg at = expand.c:225 0x405f48 <+224>: ldr x24, [x24, #0x8] 0xffffffffd0f0: 0x0000ffffffffd320 0x00000000004068e4 sh`evalcommand: 0x4068e0 <+2680>: bl 0x402be0 ; symbol stub = for: _setjmp 0x4068e4 <+2684>: cbz w0, 0x406a04 ; <+2972> at = eval.c:1101 0xffffffffd320: 0x0000ffffffffd3d0 0x0000000000405570 sh`evaltree: 0x40556c <+208>: bl 0x405e68 ; evalcommand at = eval.c:825 0x405570 <+212>: b 0x405a9c ; <+1536> at = eval.c:623 0x405574 <+216>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x8] 0xffffffffd3d0: 0x0000ffffffffd480 0x0000000000405550 sh`cmdloop: 0x411030 <+248>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 0x411034 <+252>: mov w27, wzr 0xffffffffd480: 0x0000ffffffffd7b0 0x00000000004067d0 sh`evalcommand: 0x4067cc <+2404>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 0x4067d0 <+2408>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x970] 0xffffffffd7b0: 0x0000ffffffffd860 0x0000000000405570 sh`evaltree: 0x40556c <+208>: bl 0x405e68 ; evalcommand at = eval.c:825 0x405570 <+212>: b 0x405a9c ; <+1536> at = eval.c:623 0x405574 <+216>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x8] 0xffffffffd860: 0x0000ffffffffd910 0x0000000000405550 sh`evaltree: 0x40554c <+176>: bl 0x40549c ; <+0> at = eval.c:193 0x405550 <+180>: ldr w8, [x22, #0x994] 0xffffffffd910: 0x0000ffffffffdc40 0x00000000004067d0 sh`evalcommand: 0x4067cc <+2404>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 0x4067d0 <+2408>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x970] 0xffffffffda10: 0x0000ffffffffdc40 0x000000000040673c sh`evalcommand: 0x406738 <+2256>: bl 0x402be0 ; symbol stub = for: _setjmp 0x40673c <+2260>: cbnz w0, 0x406c60 ; <+3576> at = eval.c:1042 0xffffffffdc40: 0x0000ffffffffdcf0 0x0000000000405570 sh`evaltree: 0x40556c <+208>: bl 0x405e68 ; evalcommand at = eval.c:825 0x405570 <+212>: b 0x405a9c ; <+1536> at = eval.c:623 0x405574 <+216>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x8] 0xffffffffdcf0: 0x0000ffffffffdd70 0x0000000000411034 sh`cmdloop: 0x411030 <+248>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 0x411034 <+252>: mov w27, wzr 0xffffffffdd70: 0x0000ffffffffddd0 0x0000000000410ea8 sh`main: 0x410ea4 <+656>: bl 0x410f38 ; cmdloop at = main.c:199 0x410ea8 <+660>: adrp x8, 36 0xffffffffddd0: 0x0000ffffffffde10 0x0000000000402f30 sh`__start: 0x402f2c <+356>: bl 0x410c14 ; main at = main.c:97 0x402f30 <+360>: bl 0x402ae0 ; symbol stub for: = exit (_rtld is not in the core file) 0xffffffffde10: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000040434658`.rtld_start: 0x40434654 <+20>: bl 0x2e4c ; _rtld at = rtld.c:339 0x40434658 <+24>: mov x8, x0 So again the problem is associated with the forkshell/fork/freejob related materials. (I mistakenly left out the evalcommand/_setjmp material when I made the trace in the below. The same for flushall. I've inserted some of that below, at least for the flushall context.) On 2017-Feb-6, at 8:05 PM, Mark Millard <> wrote: > [I got a lucky sh core dump with more stack context/content > available to look at for an example sh crash. This helps > narrow things down.] >=20 > On 2017-Feb-5, at 1:12 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at> = wrote: >=20 >> [Top post of a new result.] >>=20 >> Using lldb to look at the memory for the stack around >> sh failure points has some apparently fixed structure. >> Example: >>=20 >> . . . junk values . . . >> 0xffffffffe4d0: 0x0000000000000078 0x637261612f737470 >> 0xffffffffe4e0: 0x00000000004345c8 0x0000000000434000 >> 0xffffffffe4f0: 0x0000000000434000 0x0000000040a903e0 >> 0xffffffffe500: 0x0000ffffffffe540 0x000000004054cd94 >> 0xffffffffe510: 0x696d6b72616d2f6c 0x0000000000000000 >> 0xffffffffe520: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 >> 0xffffffffe530: 0x0000000000000000 0xe8021690dc1f70b8 >> 0xffffffffe540: 0x00000000004345c8 0x0000000000434000 >> 0xffffffffe550: 0x0000000000434000 0x000000000000000f >> 0xffffffffe560: 0x0000ffffffffe5a0 0x000000000041aef0 >> 0xffffffffe570: 0x0000000000434c38 0x732f7273752f3a6e >> 0xffffffffe580: 0x0000000000000001 0x0000000000000005 >> 0xffffffffe590: 0x0000000040a33180 0x0000000000000000 >> 0xffffffffe5a0: 0x0000ffffffffc5c0 0x000000000040f490 >> . . . junk values . . . >=20 > I got lucky and got a core dump that did not have the junk > areas and could trace the stack's frame pointer chain > between main and`__free (through freejob along > the way). See later. >=20 >> where "register read" showed: >>=20 >> sp =3D 0x0000ffffffffe600 >>=20 >> (The distance and direction to the last non-junk line >> from the reported sp in each example is the same.) >> Looking around that 0x000000000040f490: >>=20 >> 0x40f48c: 0x97fffc74 bl 0x40e65c ; freejob = at jobs.c:463 >> 0x40f490: 0x9100c294 add x20, x20, #0x30 ; =3D0x30=20= >>=20 >> It is the same address and code in each case. >=20 > I should have originally noted that 0x40f48c is in > forkshell, along the child process code-path: >=20 > pid_t > forkshell(struct job *jp, union node *n, int mode) > { > . . . (see /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c for this) . . . > INTOFF; > if (mode =3D=3D FORK_BG && (jp =3D=3D NULL || jp->nprocs =3D=3D = 0)) > checkzombies(); > flushall(); > pid =3D fork(); > if (pid =3D=3D -1) { > TRACE(("Fork failed, errno=3D%d\n", errno)); > INTON; > error("Cannot fork: %s", strerror(errno)); > } > if (pid =3D=3D 0) { > struct job *p; > int wasroot; > int i; >=20 > TRACE(("Child shell %d\n", (int)getpid())); > wasroot =3D rootshell; > rootshell =3D 0; > handler =3D &main_handler; > closescript(); > INTON; > forcelocal =3D 0; > clear_traps(); > #if JOBS > . . . (see /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c for this) . . . > #else > . . . (see /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c for this) . . . > #endif > INTOFF; > for (i =3D njobs, p =3D jobtab ; --i >=3D 0 ; p++) > if (p->used) > freejob(p); > INTON; > if (wasroot && iflag) { > setsignal(SIGINT); > setsignal(SIGQUIT); > setsignal(SIGTERM); > } > return pid; > } > . . . (see /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c for this) . . . >=20 >> Sometimes the junk values are all zeros over sizable >> distances. Sometimes the sizable areas seem to have >> random data. >>=20 >> /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c 's freejobs is: >>=20 >> static void >> freejob(struct job *jp) >> { >> struct procstat *ps; >> int i; >>=20 >> INTOFF; >> if (bgjob =3D=3D jp) >> bgjob =3D NULL; >> for (i =3D jp->nprocs, ps =3D jp->ps ; --i >=3D 0 ; ps++) { >> if (ps->cmd !=3D nullstr) >> ckfree(ps->cmd); >> } >> if (jp->ps !=3D &jp->ps0) >> ckfree(jp->ps); >> jp->used =3D 0; >> #if JOBS >> deljob(jp); >> #endif >> INTON; >> } >>=20 >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.h defines INTOFF and INTON: >>=20 >> #define EXINT 0 /* SIGINT received */ >> #define EXERROR 1 /* a generic error */ >> #define EXEXEC 2 /* command execution failed */ >> #define EXEXIT 3 /* call exitshell(exitstatus) */ >>=20 >> . . . >>=20 >> extern struct jmploc *handler; >> extern volatile sig_atomic_t exception; >>=20 >> . . . >>=20 >> extern volatile sig_atomic_t suppressint; >> extern volatile sig_atomic_t intpending; >>=20 >> #define INTOFF suppressint++ >> #define INTON { if (--suppressint =3D=3D 0 && intpending) onint(); } >> #define is_int_on() suppressint >> #define SETINTON(s) suppressint =3D (s) >> #define FORCEINTON {suppressint =3D 0; if (intpending) onint();} >> #define SET_PENDING_INT intpending =3D 1 >> #define CLEAR_PENDING_INT intpending =3D 0 >> #define int_pending() intpending >>=20 >> void exraise(int) __dead2; >> void onint(void) __dead2; >>=20 >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.c hAS: >>=20 >> void >> exraise(int e) >> { >> INTOFF; >> if (handler =3D=3D NULL) >> abort(); >> exception =3D e; >> longjmp(handler->loc, 1); >> } >> . . . >> void >> onint(void) >> { >> sigset_t sigs; >>=20 >> intpending =3D 0; >> sigemptyset(&sigs); >> sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigs, NULL); >>=20 >> /* >> * This doesn't seem to be needed, since main() emits a = newline. >> */ >> #if 0 >> if (tcgetpgrp(0) =3D=3D getpid()) >> write(STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1); >> #endif >> if (rootshell && iflag) >> exraise(EXINT); >> else { >> signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); >> kill(getpid(), SIGINT); >> _exit(128 + SIGINT); >> } >> } >>=20 >> # grep setjmp /usr/src/bin/sh/* >> /usr/src/bin/sh/TOUR:so I implement it using setjmp and longjmp. The = global variable >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.h:#include <setjmp.h> >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.h: * BSD setjmp saves the signal mask, which = violates ANSI C and takes time, >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.h: * so we use _setjmp instead. >> /usr/src/bin/sh/error.h:#define setjmp(jmploc) _setjmp(jmploc) >> /usr/src/bin/sh/eval.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/eval.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) >> /usr/src/bin/sh/eval.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/eval.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/eval.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/histedit.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/jobs.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) >> /usr/src/bin/sh/main.c: * commands. The setjmp call sets up the = location to jump to when an >> /usr/src/bin/sh/main.c: if (setjmp(main_handler.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/parser.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/parser.c: if (!setjmp(jmploc.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/trap.c: if (!setjmp(loc1.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/trap.c: if (!setjmp(loc2.loc)) { >> /usr/src/bin/sh/var.c: if (setjmp(jmploc.loc)) >=20 > Here is the call chain that I was able to trace > in the newer core dump: > (most nested first to least nested last; > showing frame pointer and lr value pairs > and calls/return-places) >=20 > (ifree is not in the core file) > 0xffffffffcc60: 0x0000ffffffffcca0 0x000000004054cd94 >`__free: > 0x4054cd90 <+144>: bl 0xad6fc ; ifree at = jemalloc_jemalloc.c:1876 > 0x4054cd94 <+148>: adrp x9, 185 > 0xffffffffcca0: 0x0000ffffffffccc0 0x0000000000411300 > sh`ckfree: > 0x4112fc <+28>: bl 0x4027e0 ; symbol stub for: = free > 0x411300 <+32>: ldr x8, [x19, #0x970] > 0xffffffffccc0: 0x0000ffffffffcd00 0x000000000040e6e8 > sh`freejob: > 0x40e6e4 <+136>: bl 0x4112e0 ; ckfree at = memalloc.c:86 > 0x40e6e8 <+140>: adrp x8, 38 > 0xffffffffcd00: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f490 > sh`forkshell: > 0x40f48c <+856>: bl 0x40e65c ; freejob at = jobs.c:463 > 0x40f490 <+860>: add x20, x20, #0x30 ; =3D0x30=20 0xffffffffcdd0: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f1c8 sh`forkshell: 0x40f1c4 <+144>: bl 0x413fc8 ; flushall at = output.c:236 0x40f1c8 <+148>: bl 0x402920 ; symbol stub for: = fork 0x40f1cc <+152>: mov w19, w0 (flushall a voids returning to 0x40f1c8 directly, instead making the last routine it calls return there instead of to flushall.) > 0xffffffffce20: 0x0000ffffffffced0 0x0000000000405954 > sh`evaltree: > 0x405950 <+1204>: bl 0x40f134 ; forkshell at = jobs.c:838 > 0x405954 <+1208>: cbnz w0, 0x4059dc ; <+1344> = [inlined] evalpipe + 300 at eval.c:286 > 0xffffffffced0: 0x0000ffffffffd160 0x0000000000406e28 > sh`evalbackcmd: > 0x406e24 <+336>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 > 0x406e28 <+340>: ldur w0, [x29, #-0x5c]0xffffffffcd60: = 0x0000ffffffffcf90 0x00000000004068e4 > 0xffffffffd160: 0x0000ffffffffd310 0x0000000000409324 > sh`argstr: > 0x409320 <+428>: bl 0x406cd4 ; evalbackcmd at = eval.c:646 > 0x409324 <+432>: mov x0, x26 > 0xffffffffd310: 0x0000ffffffffd370 0x0000000000408fa8 > sh`expandarg: > 0x408fa4 <+108>: bl 0x409174 ; argstr at = expand.c:267 > 0x408fa8 <+112>: cbz x19, 0x409020 ; <+232> at = expand.c:236 > 0xffffffffd370: 0x0000ffffffffd5f0 0x0000000000407530 > sh`exphere: > 0x40752c <+212>: bl 0x408f38 ; expandarg at = expand.c:225 > 0x407530 <+216>: ldr x8, [x20] > 0xffffffffd5f0: 0x0000ffffffffd630 0x00000000004073f0 > sh`expredir: > 0x4073ec <+112>: bl 0x407458 ; exphere at = eval.c:494 > 0x4073f0 <+116>: b 0x407428 ; <+172> at = eval.c:535 > 0xffffffffd630: 0x0000ffffffffd960 0x0000000000406154 > sh`evalcommand: > 0x406150 <+744>: bl 0x40737c ; expredir at = eval.c:532 > 0x406154 <+748>: ldur w27, [x29, #-0x68] > 0xffffffffd960: 0x0000ffffffffda10 0x0000000000405570 > sh`evaltree: > 0x40556c <+208>: bl 0x405e68 ; evalcommand at = eval.c:825 > 0x405570 <+212>: b 0x405a9c ; <+1536> at = eval.c:623 > 0x405574 <+216>: ldr x8, [x24, #0x8] > 0xffffffffda10: 0x0000ffffffffdac0 0x00000000004056b4 > sh`evaltree: > 0x4056b0 <+532>: bl 0x40549c ; <+0> at = eval.c:193 > 0x4056b4 <+536>: ldr w8, [x19, #0x990] > 0xffffffffdac0: 0x0000ffffffffdb70 0x0000000000405550 > sh`evaltree: > 0x40554c <+176>: bl 0x40549c ; <+0> at = eval.c:193 > 0x405550 <+180>: ldr w8, [x22, #0x994] > 0xffffffffdb70: 0x0000ffffffffdbf0 0x0000000000411034 > sh`cmdloop: > 0x411030 <+248>: bl 0x40549c ; evaltree at = eval.c:193 > 0x411034 <+252>: mov w27, wzr > 0xffffffffdbf0: 0x0000ffffffffdc50 0x0000000000410ea8 > sh`main: > 0x410ea4 <+656>: bl 0x410f38 ; cmdloop at = main.c:199 > 0x410ea8 <+660>: adrp x8, 36 > 0xffffffffdc50: 0x0000ffffffffdc90 0x0000000000402f30 > sh`__start: > 0x402f2c <+356>: bl 0x410c14 ; main at = main.c:97 > 0x402f30 <+360>: bl 0x402ae0 ; symbol stub = for: exit >=20 > (_rtld is not in the core file) > 0xffffffffdc90: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000040434658 >`.rtld_start: > 0x40434654 <+20>: bl 0x2e4c ; _rtld at = rtld.c:339 > 0x40434658 <+24>: mov x8, x0 >=20 > Some of the most nested possibly had returned. But the > forkshell / freejob general time frame seem to match > everything that I've seen. >=20 > [The details of the middle "eval*" related layers vary > from what I can tell.] >=20 > "register read" shows fp, lr, and pc majorly > messed up. >=20 > General Purpose Registers: > x0 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x1 =3D 0x00000000404346e8`_rtld_tlsdesc > x2 =3D 0x0000000040a00000 > x3 =3D 0x0000000000000002 > x4 =3D 0x0000000000000096 > x5 =3D 0x0000000040a5fd10 > x6 =3D 0x0000000000434c28 sh..bss + 9448 > x7 =3D 0x0000000000434c28 sh..bss + 9448 > x8 =3D 0x0000000000000001 > x9 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x10 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x11 =3D 0x0000000040a350c0 > x12 =3D 0x0000000040a0e770 > x13 =3D 0x0000000000000072 > x14 =3D 0x000000000000006f > x15 =3D 0x0000000000000010 > x16 =3D 0x0000000000432340 =20 > x17 =3D 0x000000004054cd00`__free at = jemalloc_jemalloc.c:2007 > x18 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x19 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x20 =3D 0x0000000000000000 > x21 =3D 0x0000000000000001 > x22 =3D 0x0000000040a5ff10 > x23 =3D 0x0000ffffffffd190 > x24 =3D 0x0000000000434000 sh..bss + 6336 > x25 =3D 0x0000000000434000 sh..bss + 6336 > x26 =3D 0x0000ffffffffcd00 > x27 =3D 0x0000000000434000 sh..bss + 6336 > x28 =3D 0x0000000040a6f5e0 > fp =3D 0x0000000040a5fed8 > lr =3D 0x0000000000000000 > sp =3D 0x0000ffffffffcd60 > pc =3D 0x0000000000000000 > cpsr =3D 0x60000000 >=20 > sp is also odd by being in the middle of the stack range > for: >=20 > 0xffffffffcd00: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f490 > sh`forkshell: > 0x40f48c <+856>: bl 0x40e65c ; freejob at = jobs.c:463 > 0x40f490 <+860>: add x20, x20, #0x30 ; =3D0x30=20 > 0xffffffffce20: 0x0000ffffffffced0 0x0000000000405954 > sh`evaltree: > 0x405950 <+1204>: bl 0x40f134 ; forkshell at = jobs.c:838 > 0x405954 <+1208>: cbnz w0, 0x4059dc ; <+1344> = [inlined] evalpipe + 300 at eval.c:286 >=20 > NOTE: The fork happened earlier in sh`forkshell and this > is the child process that has the odd value. >=20 > [It leaves me wondering if 0x0000ffffffffcd60 is a stack > pointer value associated with a call to something > earlier than the sh`forkshell call that is called by > sh`forkshell .] >=20 > Also: in the ones with only a small section of the junk > areas the equivalent of: >=20 > 0xffffffffcd00: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f490 >=20 > is the largest addressed non-junk content in the area > and the equivalent of: >=20 > 0xffffffffce20: 0x0000ffffffffced0 0x0000000000405954 >=20 > would instead show zeros or "random" garbage values. >=20 > In this case, however that range of the stack looks like: >=20 > . . . > 0xffffffffcd00: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f490 > 0xffffffffcd10: 0x0000ffffffffcd00 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffcd20: 0x0000000000434000 0x0000ffffffffd190 > 0xffffffffcd30: 0x0000000040a5ff10 0x0000000000000001 > 0xffffffffcd40: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 > 0xffffffffcd50: 0x0000000040a5fed8 0x0000000000000000 > 0xffffffffcd60: 0x0000ffffffffcf90 0x00000000004068e4 > 0xffffffffcd70: 0x0000000000000000 0x827a80ccb3228215 > 0xffffffffcd80: 0x0000000040a6f5c0 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffcd90: 0x0000000000434000 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffcda0: 0x0000000000434000 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffcdb0: 0x0000000040a6f638 0x0000000000000000 > 0xffffffffcdc0: 0x0000000040a350c0 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffcdd0: 0x0000ffffffffce20 0x000000000040f1c8 > 0xffffffffcde0: 0x0000000000000003 0x0000000040a350c0 > 0xffffffffcdf0: 0x0000000040a6f5c0 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffce00: 0x0000000000434000 0x0000000040a6f638 > 0xffffffffce10: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000434000 > 0xffffffffce20: 0x0000ffffffffced0 0x0000000000405954 > . . . >=20 > Interestingly 0xffffffffcd60 reported for the sp looks > like it has a frame-pointer/lr-value pair that does not > fit with the overall call chain that ties together but > is some fragment of a prior(?) call chain: >=20 > 0xffffffffcd60: 0x0000ffffffffcf90 0x00000000004068e4 > sh`evalcommand: > 0x4068e0 <+2680>: bl 0x402be0 ; symbol stub = for: _setjmp > 0x4068e4 <+2684>: cbz w0, 0x406a04 ; <+2972> at = eval.c:1101 >=20 > It looks like it is a record from calling _setjmp in > sh`evalcommand . >=20 > (sh uses _setjmp/_longjmp via macros that turn > into them for setjmp/longjmp references in > sh's source code.) >=20 > Interestingly (likely junk relative to the above): >=20 > 0xffffffffcf90: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000432000 >=20 > where: >=20 > (lldb) dis -s 0x0000000000432000 > sh`__frame_dummy_init_array_entry: > 0x432000 <+0>: .long 0x00402fac ; unknown opcode > 0x432004 <+4>: .long 0x00000000 ; unknown opcode > (lldb) dis -s __frame_dummy_init_array_entry -c32 > sh`frame_dummy: > 0x402fac <+0>: adrp x8, 48 > 0x402fb0 <+4>: adrp x1, 48 > 0x402fb4 <+8>: ldr x8, [x8, #0x30] > 0x402fb8 <+12>: ldr x1, [x1, #0x228] > 0x402fbc <+16>: cmp x8, #0x0 ; =3D0x0=20 > 0x402fc0 <+20>: ccmp x1, #0x0, #0x4, ne > 0x402fc4 <+24>: 0x402fcc ; <+32> > 0x402fc8 <+28>: ret =20 > 0x402fcc <+32>: adrp x0, 48 > 0x402fd0 <+36>: add x0, x0, #0x30 ; =3D0x30=20 > 0x402fd4 <+40>: br x1 >=20 > sh`lookupalias: > . . . >=20 >=20 > Ohter notes: >=20 > Some examples of funcnest=3D=3D0 others have (e.g.) funcnest=3D=3D2. > This one had funcnest=3D=3D0. >=20 > commandname varies. In this case it was: >=20 > (lldb) print commandname > (char *) $74 =3D 0x0000ffffffffe210 = "/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc/work/gcc-6.3.0/li= biberty/configure" >=20 > Other examples include: >=20 > (lldb) print commandname > (char *) $0 =3D 0x0000ffffffffdc40 = "/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc/work/gcc-6.3.0/fi= xincludes/configure" >=20 > (lldb) print commandname > (char *) $0 =3D 0x0000ffffffffe498 = "/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc/work/gcc-6.3.0/li= biberty/../config.sub" >=20 > (lldb) print commandname > (char *) $0 =3D 0x0000ffffffffe398 "../libtool" >=20 >=20 > So far the forkshell/fork/freejob and associated materials always = seeming > to be involved is all that I've found that is common (at least that is > suggested by what I see so far) within the sh context. >=20 >> Other notes: >>=20 >> As a personal investigation I've temporarily changed to using >> something not fully generic but based on gic-400 specifics: >>=20 >> # svnlite diff /usr/src/sys/arm/arm/gic.c >> Index: /usr/src/sys/arm/arm/gic.c >> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D >> --- /usr/src/sys/arm/arm/gic.c (revision 312982) >> +++ /usr/src/sys/arm/arm/gic.c (working copy) >> @@ -672,9 +672,13 @@ >>=20 >> if (irq >=3D sc->nirqs) { >> #ifdef GIC_DEBUG_SPURIOUS >> +#define EXPECTED_SPURIOUS_IRQ 1023 >> + if (irq !=3D EXPECTED_SPURIOUS_IRQ) { >> device_printf(sc->gic_dev, >> - "Spurious interrupt detected: last irq: %d on = CPU%d\n", >> + "Spurious interrupt %d detected of %d: last irq: = %d on CPU%d\n", >> + irq, sc->nirqs, >> sc->last_irq[PCPU_GET(cpuid)], PCPU_GET(cpuid)); >> + } >> #endif >> return (FILTER_HANDLED); >> } >> @@ -720,6 +724,16 @@ >> if (irq < sc->nirqs) >> goto dispatch_irq; >>=20 >> + if (irq !=3D EXPECTED_SPURIOUS_IRQ) { >> +#undef EXPECTED_SPURIOUS_IRQ >> +#ifdef GIC_DEBUG_SPURIOUS >> + device_printf(sc->gic_dev, >> + "Spurious end interrupt %d detected of %d: last = irq: %d on CPU%d\n", >> + irq, sc->nirqs, >> + sc->last_irq[PCPU_GET(cpuid)], PCPU_GET(cpuid)); >> +#endif >> + } >> + >> return (FILTER_HANDLED); >> } >>=20 >>=20 >> The result was no notices of Spurious interrupts have been generated: >> All of the odd interrupts were the special 1023 value. >>=20 >> [As far as I could tell from the code the configuration is such that >> 1022 should not be generated --and were not. 1020 and 1021 are >> reserved and should not be generated.] =3D=3D=3D Mark Millard markmi at
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