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Date:      Tue, 27 Jun 2023 09:29:03 -0700
From:      bob prohaska <>
To:        Mark Millard <>
Subject:   Re: -current on armv7 stuck with flashing disk light
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <ZJpFqAnnKPq/> <>

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On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 07:57:05PM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
> On Jun 26, 2023, at 19:12, bob prohaska <> wrote:
> > A Pi2 freshly updated to 
> > FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #41 main-c3e58ace31: Mon Jun 26 17:06:01 PDT 2023
> > arm
> > got stuck with a flashing USB disk LED after starting a -j3 buildworld.
> > No response to debugger escape, had to pull the plug.
> If I understand right, the LED flashing means the disk
> had not stopped doing I/O: the system was still running,
> doing disk activity. (But I do not have a description
> of what your drive documentation says about how the
> drive handles the LED and what various patterns/colors
> may mean.)
> If the processes associated with processing input that
> would identify the debugger escape had the kernel stacks
> involved swapped out to swap space, I doubt that the
> debugger escape would work until/unless the kernel
> stacks are brought back into kernel RAM.
> Avoiding the specific way of losing control is why I
> have in /etc/sysctl.conf :
> #
> # Together this pair avoids swapping out the process kernel stacks.
> # This avoids processes for interacting with the system from being
> # hung-up by such.
> vm.swap_enabled=0
> vm.swap_idle_enabled=0
This combination was tried and didn't seem to have any consistent
effect. It's commented out at the moment.

> (No claim such is the only way to lose control.)
> You might be able to get a clue if their was disk I/O going
> on based on modification times on files you know would have
> been modified periodically for some time (minutes) before
> you pulled the plug --but not modified on reboot and later
> activity. May be a log file that would only be modified by
> the build that you had been trying to do?

There are log files for build and disk activity (for a cold
hang, no disk activity at all) at

In this case the top window was via ssh. Lately I've
taken to running top on the serial console in hopes
that will help distinguish system hangs from USB hangs.


> (You did not indicate how long you let it run with the
> status "possibly hung up".)
IIRC it was about half an hour. It was already stuck, so I
don't know the actual time
> > Reboot with kernel.old,
> > FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #40 main-c1cbabe8ae: Tue Jun 20 03:58:47 PDT 2023
> > arm
> > seems ok, I'll try to run buildworld with that.

The kernel.old  -j3 buildworld is still running, no complaints so far.
If it succeeds I'll experiment with usbtop.

Thanks for writing!

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